First time out of the vault

I've had a few ideas for future fallout games, but I really enjoyed this idea the most, being a person who didn't enjoy the Enclave being completely removed from the game.
THE GAME STARTS When you regain consciousness in a trench on an Enclave battlefield against the BoS. You are able to crawl your way out of the battlefield and find an Enclave medic treating injured Enclave soldiers. He quickly sets you down and asks you a few questions to see if you have any mental injuries. (Asks you your name) He strips you of your Power Armor and starts treating your wounds and lacerations. At this point you black out.....
YOU AWAKEN Two days later and find yourself back in the bunker, in a hospital bed. You look around and see a few injured soldiers in the beds next to you. You look around and find two items on the tray next to your bed, a book (Set your S.P.E.C.I.A.L points) and a mirror. (set your appearance/sex) At this point an Enclave Doctor walks past your bed and double takes realizing you are awake, he quickly initiates dialogue with you where you ask what happened while you were out. He informs you that the Enclave were victorious against the BoS troops and airships that launched an assault on them, and tells you that they have launched a full retreat to the St. Louis on the border of Illinois.
THE PLOT Is that the last remnants of the Enclave have found all available troups and are stationed at one of the last operational Enclave camps in the Unitied States in Chicago, Illinois. The camp is a base of operations and protective bunker for the last remnants of the Enclave. This base has extremely advanced technology the likes no one else in the wasteland has ever seen, and it is also where the Enclave is testing their new and improved modified FEV virus, I say modified because they have greatly increased the amount of radiation it takes to be killed by it, making it slightly more humane.
The Enclave is constantly sending scouting parties across the Wasteland to find potential troopers with low radiation levels, and their numbers have been growing. There are two main story arcs in this game, one being, you can assist the Enclave in growing and defeat the local and hostile tribals and BoS in the area. OR you can double cross the Enclave by signing an alliance treaty between the tribals and the BoS, making them able to overpower the Enclave and loot & destroy their base.
In this game, the Enclave aims to increase their numbers and finish their work on a machine that will insert the FEV virus into Lake Michigan, effectively infecting all of the great lakes. You will be tasked with installing a device on a nearby radio station which sends a signal to all pip boy users with recruit messages. This idea of course aims to recruit vault dwellers, people who have been exposed to little radiation.
THE GAME Takes place in the almost completely destroyed city of Chicago, Illinois. While more places such as St. Louis on the border are able to be visited during the game, but beware, approaching the BoS camp at St. Louis with Enclave faction clothing on will make them hostile.
The general area of this region is a wasteland, with groups of tribals stationed across the large area. You can convince these tribals to work together and side with the Enclave, or the BoS. Of course, if you want nothing to do with these tribals you can kill their collective leaders thus making them much weaker.
THE END Of the game takes place at a final battle against the BoS or Enclave. If the Enclave wins this battle, their grib on Illinois increases tremendously, and they are able to infect the great lakes with the modified FEV virus. If the BoS wins, the Enclave is destroyed and all their remaining FEV vats destroyed, effectively ending their plans.
IMPORTANT FACTS Of this game are:
- President Eden was presumably destroyed at Raven Rock, as there has been no signal from him for almost 40 years.
- Col. Autumn was never seen or heard from after the Enclave's last stand at Project Purity, he is presumed to have been killed or hid the rest of his life.
- The new president of the Enclave, President Madison Wagner, has taken a more humane approach to the Enclave's plan of controlling the United States. This can be seen by the modification to the FEV virus, this also intends to make the actual player WANT to side with the Enclave, unlike other games when they were the overall main antagonist no matter what.
- You start the game as a plain Enclave soldier, but it is possible through siding with the Enclave the entire game to be promoted to either a Sigma leader or a second in command, being noticed for your remarkable deeds.
- If you side with the BoS the Enclave is literally removed from the Wasteland, all that is left is less than <100 Enclave remnants scattered around the wasteland.
Thank you for reading my very long script! I hope you enjoyed and please give me feedback/suggestions!
THE GAME STARTS When you regain consciousness in a trench on an Enclave battlefield against the BoS. You are able to crawl your way out of the battlefield and find an Enclave medic treating injured Enclave soldiers. He quickly sets you down and asks you a few questions to see if you have any mental injuries. (Asks you your name) He strips you of your Power Armor and starts treating your wounds and lacerations. At this point you black out.....
YOU AWAKEN Two days later and find yourself back in the bunker, in a hospital bed. You look around and see a few injured soldiers in the beds next to you. You look around and find two items on the tray next to your bed, a book (Set your S.P.E.C.I.A.L points) and a mirror. (set your appearance/sex) At this point an Enclave Doctor walks past your bed and double takes realizing you are awake, he quickly initiates dialogue with you where you ask what happened while you were out. He informs you that the Enclave were victorious against the BoS troops and airships that launched an assault on them, and tells you that they have launched a full retreat to the St. Louis on the border of Illinois.
THE PLOT Is that the last remnants of the Enclave have found all available troups and are stationed at one of the last operational Enclave camps in the Unitied States in Chicago, Illinois. The camp is a base of operations and protective bunker for the last remnants of the Enclave. This base has extremely advanced technology the likes no one else in the wasteland has ever seen, and it is also where the Enclave is testing their new and improved modified FEV virus, I say modified because they have greatly increased the amount of radiation it takes to be killed by it, making it slightly more humane.
The Enclave is constantly sending scouting parties across the Wasteland to find potential troopers with low radiation levels, and their numbers have been growing. There are two main story arcs in this game, one being, you can assist the Enclave in growing and defeat the local and hostile tribals and BoS in the area. OR you can double cross the Enclave by signing an alliance treaty between the tribals and the BoS, making them able to overpower the Enclave and loot & destroy their base.
In this game, the Enclave aims to increase their numbers and finish their work on a machine that will insert the FEV virus into Lake Michigan, effectively infecting all of the great lakes. You will be tasked with installing a device on a nearby radio station which sends a signal to all pip boy users with recruit messages. This idea of course aims to recruit vault dwellers, people who have been exposed to little radiation.
THE GAME Takes place in the almost completely destroyed city of Chicago, Illinois. While more places such as St. Louis on the border are able to be visited during the game, but beware, approaching the BoS camp at St. Louis with Enclave faction clothing on will make them hostile.
The general area of this region is a wasteland, with groups of tribals stationed across the large area. You can convince these tribals to work together and side with the Enclave, or the BoS. Of course, if you want nothing to do with these tribals you can kill their collective leaders thus making them much weaker.
THE END Of the game takes place at a final battle against the BoS or Enclave. If the Enclave wins this battle, their grib on Illinois increases tremendously, and they are able to infect the great lakes with the modified FEV virus. If the BoS wins, the Enclave is destroyed and all their remaining FEV vats destroyed, effectively ending their plans.
IMPORTANT FACTS Of this game are:
- President Eden was presumably destroyed at Raven Rock, as there has been no signal from him for almost 40 years.
- Col. Autumn was never seen or heard from after the Enclave's last stand at Project Purity, he is presumed to have been killed or hid the rest of his life.
- The new president of the Enclave, President Madison Wagner, has taken a more humane approach to the Enclave's plan of controlling the United States. This can be seen by the modification to the FEV virus, this also intends to make the actual player WANT to side with the Enclave, unlike other games when they were the overall main antagonist no matter what.
- You start the game as a plain Enclave soldier, but it is possible through siding with the Enclave the entire game to be promoted to either a Sigma leader or a second in command, being noticed for your remarkable deeds.
- If you side with the BoS the Enclave is literally removed from the Wasteland, all that is left is less than <100 Enclave remnants scattered around the wasteland.
Thank you for reading my very long script! I hope you enjoyed and please give me feedback/suggestions!