Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

Languorous_Maiar said:
Now, Fallout hasn't fallen there
What the...
Fallout fallen with the lack of Van Buren release and with release of Fallout 3.
Bad luck, every time I tried the game just kept crashing in the first 3-4 seconds. Never got to move past the first building. I tried so much but couldn't get it to work. I don't know much (I'm just 22) because I was a kid when the original came out but I was hoping to see the chinese infiltraitors in Hoover Dam in FVB. When I say that Joshuwa Greham was going to be a companion, I was so excited. Anyway, I'm still looking forward for F04 if there's any. Wastland 2 doesn't feel friendly because I get to control FOUR desert rangers rather than a UNIQUE desert ranger. I just don't need a 'fallout jagged alliance'.
Walpknut said:
Akratus said:
Why you play it so much?

The Bethesda formula. In short, you can sum it up with the following sentence: "Carrot on a stick." You keep finding new places, get experience points, find loot, find quests, complete them. It's a similar process to drugs, you keep wanting more rewards.

That's every game ever. You are given a goal and you keep going until you complete it.

Ah, but Bethesda perfected it. Ego stroking and virtual rewards in equal respects, and large amounts.
Akratus said:
Walpknut said:
Akratus said:
Why you play it so much?

The Bethesda formula. In short, you can sum it up with the following sentence: "Carrot on a stick." You keep finding new places, get experience points, find loot, find quests, complete them. It's a similar process to drugs, you keep wanting more rewards.

That's every game ever. You are given a goal and you keep going until you complete it.

Ah, but Bethesda perfected it. Ego stroking and virtual rewards in equal respects, and large amounts.

Yep. Skyrim is the ultimate in ego stroking. It gives the best of fondling.
Surf Solar said:
The fallout series is dead anyway. So who cares what silly number stands behind an empty AAA+ word?

You're implying that Fallout:New Vegas isn't the best in the series next to the first.
I'd really like to know what's keeping Bethesda from announcing Fallout 4. The only thing I know is that I keep googling 'fallout 4 news' every 3-4 days. :(

I really hope a new game is in development. What bothers me is that the longer we wait for an official announcement the longer is the wait for the release. :/
George32027 said:
The only thing I know is that I keep googling 'fallout 4 news' every 3-4 days.
Trust me bro, that's the first thing I do every morning after checking my Gmail inbox morning @ 0600.. Yesterday serach gave me something like "10 characters that should return to Fallout 4". The 3rd person was Raul. I had to stop reading 'cause I was getting late for work. Anyway, to my luck, I find something that was posted after my last search about Fallout 4 every morning. That's the only thing keeps me running besides Witcher 3 and DA:I..
Dienan said:
George32027 said:
The only thing I know is that I keep googling 'fallout 4 news' every 3-4 days.
Trust me bro, that's the first thing I do every morning after checking my Gmail inbox morning @ 0600.. Yesterday serach gave me something like "10 characters that should return to Fallout 4". The 3rd person was Raul. I had to stop reading 'cause I was getting late for work. Anyway, to my luck, I find something that was posted after my last search about Fallout 4 every morning. That's the only thing keeps me running besides Witcher 3 and DA:I..

To be perfectly honest I probably google almost everyday. I said ''every 3-4 days'' just to not appear too nerdy. :P

What's the deal with those fake gaming news sites like Auto-o-Mobile and SidhTech anyway? The articles seems written by a bot or something.

EnclaveKnight said:
I am pretty certain they can't announce something that does not exist.

The thing is, if you ask Pete Hines (Bethesda) about a IHRA Drag Racing sequel they'll clearly tell you that it's not gonna happen. Buuut, if you ask about Fallout you don't get a straight answer...so you can't really be sure that it doesn't exist (as you say).

Plus Erik Todd Dellums just told me that ''soon'' we'll know what super secret game he's working on so...fingers crossed.
This guy, they almost fired him. God or whatever he believes in was happy that day or we'd be seeing 'sob' tweets from him for the rest of his days. Todd, it's not too late to shut up and work.. :D
George32027 said:
Dienan said:
George32027 said:
The only thing I know is that I keep googling 'fallout 4 news' every 3-4 days.
Trust me bro, that's the first thing I do every morning after checking my Gmail inbox morning @ 0600.. Yesterday serach gave me something like "10 characters that should return to Fallout 4". The 3rd person was Raul. I had to stop reading 'cause I was getting late for work. Anyway, to my luck, I find something that was posted after my last search about Fallout 4 every morning. That's the only thing keeps me running besides Witcher 3 and DA:I..

To be perfectly honest I probably google almost everyday. I said ''every 3-4 days'' just to not appear too nerdy. :P

What's the deal with those fake gaming news sites like Auto-o-Mobile and SidhTech anyway? The articles seems written by a bot or something.

EnclaveKnight said:
I am pretty certain they can't announce something that does not exist.

The thing is, if you ask Pete Hines (Bethesda) about a IHRA Drag Racing sequel they'll clearly tell you that it's not gonna happen. Buuut, if you ask about Fallout you don't get a straight answer...so you can't really be sure that it doesn't exist (as you say).

Plus Erik Todd Dellums just told me that ''soon'' we'll know what super secret game he's working on so...fingers crossed.

Nothing exists until it is "out of the closet" so to speak.Plus, "soon" could mean any time from now up to a year from now in game developer time.
I know, I know. He's not a game developer so I'm not sure he was speaking in game developer times. We'll see...
AlphaPromethean said:
Surf Solar said:
The fallout series is dead anyway. So who cares what silly number stands behind an empty AAA+ word?

You're implying that Fallout:New Vegas isn't the best in the series next to the first.

Pff. I would put it behind F2 and even tactics! :twisted:
AlphaPromethean said:
Surf Solar said:
The fallout series is dead anyway. So who cares what silly number stands behind an empty AAA+ word?

You're implying that Fallout:New Vegas isn't the best in the series next to the first.

Fallout was dead with Fallout 2 to me, so yes ofcourse I would imply that.
A vid on youtube said that there was an exclusive FO4 conference at this year's E3. They claimed there was a teaser trailer. If I remember correctly they said that it briefly shows an irradiated, dilapidated Boston, then concludes with Ron's line ("War never changes"). Is this true?
And Wasteland was dead with Fo1.
It removes climbing and swimming.
Dungeons are poor then Wasteland
and dialog downgrade to distractor.
and game itself became more linear.
and actually Fo1 did nothing new but just add time limit iwth waterchip.
yep it's better job than Wasteland but that's all.
so for me "Fo1 is the best Fallout ever" is similar to fo3 fanboy's "fo3 is best game ever" what's different? both Fo1 and Fo3 upgrade graphic and linear story telling but lots of things down graeded. yep there's different between Fo1 and fo3. Fo1 is still a good game. but sticking with Fo1? it's just idiotic as sticking with fo3.
I don't mean to be an ass, because english is not my first language either, but woo, you need to improve your Syntax, I have trouble understanding what you write sometimes.

If I understand you, you are trying to say that Wasteland is the best Fallout despite being set in very different worlds and having completely different tone and limitations in their lore... I just don't get how can you keep using Wasteland as a measuring stick for Fallout, they are completely different.

I just don't take Surf Solar that seriously, he has said good things about new vegas when you aren't paying attention and sometimes he overplays his hatred for anything past Fo1. I think he just likes to troll. Or maybe not. Whatever.
Idiotic is comparing Fallout with Wasteland, while having a lot in common, they are 2 different universes.
And yes, while adding great gameplay values, Fallout 2 fails on everything other.
No I didn't mean Wasteland is best.
just saying it's hard to say Fallout 1 is best game ever.
plus Fallout 1 itself isn't good sequel too for many aspect.
whatever spiritual successor or just sequel, it's sequel.
and I have to study English more :(

don't think it's idiotic comparasion since both are same genre. and Fallout1 is kind of sequel of Wasteland.