One possible location is the Bay Area, Bethesda seems to have plans for it:
- There are references to San Francisco and the Shi in FO4, especially Kellog.
- In Obsidian's original New Vegas concept, San Francisco gets nuked by the Enclave after FO2, because the Enclave thought the Shi were the ones who destroyed the Oil Rig. This got nixed at Bethesda's behest.
The later one is interesting, in that it was it actually explains a lot, regarding the Enclave post-FO2, why Navarro was attacked, why every single last remaining Enclave personnel is hunted akin to the surviving nazis Post-WWII and why both NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel go nuts if they so much as get a whif of the Enclave.
"They fucking nuked a city" is a pretty good reason to make the NCR AND BOS go absolutely nuts.