Fallout 5 Predictions

At the very least they should take a long, hard look and take time until 5 comes out.

I feel like San Fran would require acknowledging that Fallout New Vegas exists in some capacity so Bethesda won't touch NCR areas outside of very brief mentions. Manhattan seems much more in their wheelhouse, it's the laziest pick and easiest to slot into their boring wasteland with landmarks design philosophy and I'd say Bethesda is more prone to taking the easy way out than any other.

The story will center around finding a lost family member, or at least someone related to you. Even 76 had you hunting down someone. You'll be a vault dweller because this is Bethesda's Fallout version of you being a prisoner at the start of every Elder Scrolls.

The plot will center around some kind of magical macguffin. Whatever the cool new selling point of Elder Scrolls 6 was will be lazily reskinned into this new Fallout. Mods will also only be on the creation club and the game will have coop.

The Brotherhood will show up again as the major default faction. Nick Valentine will appear. And the pc will still be voiced but have a few opportunities for perks to flavor dialogue since stats will still be absent entirely.

San Fran had the Shi and Hubbologists and the punks in 2, and might just be a NCR state now. Some fans headcanon that the Shi are still free or some sort of state, but I doubt it with the NCR and how sort of weak the Shi were. It's the same reason any fallout:Los Angeles was laughed off the net, because there's canon for it, we have been there. (And someone DID try Fallout: Los Angeles, not knowing it was the boneyard because '3? nah this is the first fallout!!')

Bethesda really has some great ideas in store for us Fallout fans!
They're gonna pull the super mutants are actually sapient and innocent beings and us humans are the real monsters. They will also point out how they have surpassed stupid human conundrums like discrimination, sexism, and racism as they are asexual long-living beings who were misunderstood and people like the Vault Dweller and Lone Wanderer are genocidal bigots. I will pre-order the collector's edition and buy a hundred dollars worth of bottlecap currency to unlock the full game.

10/10 IGN
They're gonna pull the super mutants are actually sapient and innocent beings and us humans are the real monsters. They will also point out how they have surpassed stupid human conundrums like discrimination, sexism, and racism as they are asexual long-living beings who were misunderstood and people like the Vault Dweller and Lone Wanderer are genocidal bigots. I will pre-order the collector's edition and buy a hundred dollars worth of bottlecap currency to unlock the full game.

10/10 IGN

That would be too much effort. Super mutants will just continue to be WAAAAAGH! tier orcs because FEV can be found in literally every state in the US I guess.

In fact I'll bet they get even less explanation this time. You'll find one terminal somewhere that mentions the government lacing drinking water with FEV to turn the fricken frogs gay but it will create Supermutants instead.
You'll find one terminal somewhere that mentions the government lacing drinking water with FEV to turn the fricken frogs gay but it will create Supermutants instead.
Nah, they already did that for Fallout 76. I predict they’re gonna totally forget about FEV and just say super mutants are created by radiation.
Even Caesar gave you a better explanation on why he's crucifying and enslaving people.

They even managed to create such an explanation that made them a viable choice for RPG purposes, not just "Legion bad, kek". The first time I actually sat down and listened to his whole dogma and shtick I was genuinely impressed by the thought put into it; too bad it's all gutter trash once Caesar himself dies.

idk but i genuinely wish for them to pull a Rockstar Games and milk the shit out of 76 for years on end instead of making a new entry in the series.

Now that is wishful thinking, but we can only hope. Eventually the Fo4 New Vegas mod will actually finish and we can enjoy that until Armageddon, but that might also be wishful thinking.

At the very least they should take a long, hard look and take time until 5 comes out.

They had seven years I think with Fo4 to sit back and think to be honest, and that dumpster fire came out of it; it ain't the time and effort part of the equation that's out of wack, it's the understanding of the IP, or more probably the attempts to evolve it past the old entries or one-up the old formulae. When Obsidian makes a game in eighteen months that blows all the other modern releases out of the water and Bethesda had seven years. I mean, I could go on the tangent about how Bethesda's Fallout is lip-service disguised as paid-mods attempts, but I won't beat that dead horse anymore than it already has.

But for my own predictions for the fifth installment... I honestly have no clue. Earlier posters who mentioned San Fran had a point, but they won't touch west coast in my opinion; west coast seems to be delegated to the old boys from Black Isle, which in my opinion is totally fine. If they want to keep all their games of in the east coast, it won't hurt my feelings none. If they wanted to do something interesting, they could plant a plotline in a location on the US/Canada border and shed some light on that (questions I've had since I watched Fo1's intro) but what are the odds that Fallout will ever do that, let alone Bethesda?

All the company is interested in now is truly money rackets that will net the big M with the least effort into actual plotlines and believable stories; 76 was supposed to be that cash cow, and I was hopeful when I first saw the trailers. Assuming Bethesda hasn't yet just dry docked the IP to make room for their new love children, I wouldn't be surprised at all manner of flair and fluff to lead to a half-baked entry that is Fallout in name only regardless of location, storyline (or lack thereof), and characters. Never mind technology and retcons to make their art department's redesigns fit into the world -- no matter how shoe-horned in.

Either way though, I imagine it will be yet another coastal city, so that they don't need to flesh out over a third of the game world; what with all that ocean.
Didn't the FO4NV team recently do some really retarded blog post that basically revealed it's comprised of people who worked on The Frontier? My hopes for fallout fan projects are pretty low honestly. These massive mods never pan out the way people envision them.
Didn't the FO4NV team recently do some really retarded blog post that basically revealed it's comprised of people who worked on The Frontier? My hopes for fallout fan projects are pretty low honestly. These massive mods never pan out the way people envision them.
They either take too long and end up just not being finished, or they are actually released and they are mess most of the time. Only the first two Fallout games seem to get at least decent TC mods.

I already didn't care for NV in Fallout 4 because i find the aethestics of Fallout 4 to be disgusting (don't worry, i'm not like some people that call a game bad because it looks bad. If anything, how bad it looks is one of the lesser problems with that game), but if there's actual The Frontier devs involved, you can throw that mod in the trash bin as far as i'm concerned.

Also, i laugh really hard at that Oblivion in Skyrim mod. It's been 10 years since Skyrim was released and that is still not finished. And it won't be finished by the time the next Elder Scrolls comes out. These conversion mods sound good on paper until you realize that you don't have the time and team size Bethesda has.
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Didn't the FO4NV team recently do some really retarded blog post that basically revealed it's comprised of people who worked on The Frontier? My hopes for fallout fan projects are pretty low honestly. These massive mods never pan out the way people envision them.
Even assuming this is true, who gives a shit? They're not writing a new game, they're just remaking one. What's the worst case scenario, there's furry jokes in the dev room? The Frontier is an objectively impressive technological achievement, from what I understand it's just really poorly written. But 90% of the writing, and even the game design, is already done, it just has to be adapted to Fallout 4 and vice versa.

This isn't to say that F4NV is some kind of godsend, I'm fundamentally not that interested in it at this point. But writing it off because of "muh frontier" is just silly.
This isn't to say that F4NV is some kind of godsend, I'm fundamentally not that interested in it at this point. But writing it off because of "muh frontier" is just silly.

More that the dev team is prone to drama and bickering and infighting and falling apart, is more what I'm worried about. And from what I recall many devs for that project dropped out already for reasons like that. It is also very strange to have a group of molders who don't really like New Vegas all that much making the total conversion for it.

I don't really give two shits about their proclivities, outside of being aware that it's a team prone to extreme drama and veritable shitshows.

These conversion mods sound good on paper until you realize that you don't have the time and team size Bethesda has.

This is also always the case. Mod authors always punch way too high. Small DLC sized quest mods like Bruma or whatever should be the goal and I wish more authors would scale shit down to that level, because then we might actually see some.

I'm sure that mod will release but after 10 plus years of waiting who really cares? All that time and work, could have made a dozen Solstheims or something. Better than polishing the turd that is Oblivion by using another turd.
More that the dev team is prone to drama and bickering and infighting and falling apart, is more what I'm worried about. And from what I recall many devs for that project dropped out already for reasons like that. It is also very strange to have a group of molders who don't really like New Vegas all that much making the total conversion for it.
Fair enough, but I think most big mod projects are vulnerable to this sort of things (which granted is your point), but in the end the Frontier did turn out a final product.

And I don't know that we can't make the claim that the group of modders doesn't really like New Vegas. That was something said by the lead in a conversation by the lead dev. If, as a group, they didn't like FNV all that much, why on earth would they have chose to do this. In the case of the Frontier where one guy (so far as I know, but I'm sure there were some other people) wasn't especially fond of NV, obviously the reason that you work in New Vegas to tell an original story is because New Vegas is more technically sophisticated and has a bigger base of mods to work with than Fallout 3.

If a team of people are choosing to make a total conversion of FNV, it stands to reason that most of them probably like that game.
At the very least they should take a long, hard look and take time until 5 comes out.

San Fran had the Shi and Hubbologists and the punks in 2, and might just be a NCR state now. Some fans headcanon that the Shi are still free or some sort of state, but I doubt it with the NCR and how sort of weak the Shi were. It's the same reason any fallout:Los Angeles was laughed off the net, because there's canon for it, we have been there. (And someone DID try Fallout: Los Angeles, not knowing it was the boneyard because '3? nah this is the first fallout!!')
I have seen some rumours in videos that New Vegas was originally going to make a reference that San Francisco is bombed by Enclave. But Bethesda didn't like the idea because Emil Pagliarulo wanted to make a Fallout in San Francisco.
But Bethesda didn't like the idea because Emil Pagliarulo wanted to make a Fallout in San Francisco.

It may be wishful thinking, but I sincerely hope that one day we'll get a Fallout game that once again covers a massive stretch of land like the classics; Fo1 and 2 covering literally half of Cali for their whole stories manage to get away from such super focus and reliance on cities still existing. Like Fo3/NV/4 with D.C./Vegas/Boston.

Of course, fat chance of that. The FPS style that tries to teem with immersion at every corner and hyper-dense content/story focusing on a single location is the norm now. Even NV saw that, but did well enough to make it work.
Even NV saw that, but did well enough to make it work.
NV had to fall in line of what 3 laid no matter how good or bad it was. Not only due to time and budget constraints pushing them to just reuse much of the groundwork that 3 had for them but also because New Vegas wasn't going to be made solely for the fans of the originals, it had to appeal to the new fandom that had came in. They acknowledge this. We're lucky we like it so much to be honest. They could have just made another game like 3 in tone, quest design, and writing.