Fallout 76 – Invaders from Beyond: Aliens are back on March 1


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

The next big update for Fallout 76 is called Invaders from Beyond and arrives on March 1. I couldn't be bothered with watching the whole video but according to the written update on Bethesdas site all the info is in there.

Aliens are coming to collect data by scanning peoples brainwaves and the wasteland dwellers gather to fend them off. The Aliens defend themselves. Rinse and repeat.

Some of our more degenerate users who actually play this garbage might tell us if this will be a good addition or not. Others are free to speculate!
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The key thing I took away from it was "Uhhhh" and "Told you so" which is fine I guess.
I mean Fallout 4 was ok when compared to 76 but that is like comparing idk Skyrim to Oblivion or something.
Nah it really is a decent game just not a decent Fallout game.
Disclaimer: Have not played it.
Nah it really is a decent game just not a decent Fallout game.
Disclaimer: Have not played it.

Better understood now :ok::clap:

The next big update for Fallout 76 is called Invaders from Beyond and arrives on March 1. I couldn't be bothered with watching the whole video but according to the written the update on Bethesdas site all the info is in there.

Aliens are coming to collect data by scanning peoples brainwaves and the wasteland dwellers gather to fend them off. The Aliens defend themselves. Rinse and repeat.

Some of our more degenerate users who actually play this garbage might tell us if this will be a good addition or not. Others are free to speculate!

Not a speculation but I hated how Bethesda treated the alien race in Fallout. I've always felt they were more like an "easter egg" thing.

They've always existed in the back of my mind, but I didn't think about them until I came upon a special encounter or was made in a single reference. (corpse in Emperor's palace, San Fran)

They weren't supposed to have a major presence. (like Fallout 3's DLC or 76's game mode) More like an anonymous status that very rarely forgets to be turned on, exposing the status upon slip up.

Also, I felt as if they weren't meant to have a single signified body form or species, but a multitude of them.

Bethesda does what Bethesda wants :scratch:
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Bethesda treats Fallout like it's some generic 1950s sci-fi. And of course there are flying saucers with little Mars men in that kind of universe.
They know their audience though. The kids and other retards who are paying for this are gonna have fun.
Bethesda treats Fallout like it's some generic 1950s sci-fi. And of course there are flying saucers with little Mars men in that kind of universe.

Oh goodness, that grinds my gears remembering that. Makes me want to rage about how Bethesda misunderstood the technology of the Fallout game universe (specifically) the United States.

I specify the United States of America in this context.

2 Reasons

Because ALL the Fallouts have been based in this nation.

Because for all we know German technology could be inspired by a Noir Punk theme. We don't know their style of tech because Fallout never went into details about their scientific advances of technology that sets them apart from our real world.

Note: Even though we've only seen for the most part the technology of the USA. Bethesda did show some of China's tech in their DLC for Fallout 3. But whether I like that DLC or want to confirm in the belief that China's tech in F3 DLC 1 is canon to me. (Inventors of Gauss Rifles, Stealth Suits, Massive Mountainside Artillery Cannons, "Energy Tanks", etc.)

Is irrelevant for this matter because I'm using these details of Fallout's China as an example of another country that had their technological lore expanded in a Fallout game. I go to big means to explain this because I really don't feel like debating right now about Fallout 3's worth to me and what impact it put upon the beloved series. Because I can go for 1-2 hours in a rant or lecture about what I dislike and hate about it.
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Not at all. I don't think it's a good game really but the SPECIAL and levelling system are way better than 4's, the handling and selection of weapons, armor and power armor is also leagues better than 4. Similarly the CAMP system is a good reigning in of the settlement system idea which I strongly disliked.

The map is probably the most visually interesting of all the Bethesda Fallout games and likely the series as a whole. It embraces retro-FUTURISM in a way that none of the 3D Fallout's really have. Similarly, critter and mutant design is by and large the most original of the 3D titles and the level of originality the East Coast should have gone for in the first place.

The Pip-Boy is the best design of the item in the series and I genuinely love it's look and the way you interact with it.

Though not great the background, worldbuilding and factions are easily the best of Bethesda games even if that's immediately crippled by the fact it's all past-tense up till Wastelanders.

There's probably other things I'm forgetting but yeah basically despite being not a great or even really that good of a game, 76 is by a pretty strong degree the best Bethesda Fallout.
Nobody's asking the important question

Can you finally get probed by the aliens?
Better understood now :ok::clap:

Not a speculation but I hated how Bethesda treated the alien race in Fallout. I've always felt they were more like an "easter egg" thing.

They've always existed in the back of my mind, but I didn't think about them until I came upon a special encounter or was made in a single reference. (corpse in Emperor's palace, San Fran)

They weren't supposed to have a major presence. (like Fallout 3's DLC or 76's game mode) More like an anonymous status that very rarely forgets to be turned on, exposing the status upon slip up.

Also, I felt as if they weren't meant to have a single signified body form or species, but a multitude of them.

Bethesda does what Bethesda wants :scratch:

Yeah, definitely easter egg territory. This is about the same as making a Star Trek DLC. Hardly matters for something like 76, though. I wouldn't expect a consistent setting from a company that probably wishes it could make Fortnite.
Yeah, definitely easter egg territory. This is about the same as making a Star Trek DLC. Hardly matters for something like 76, though. I wouldn't expect a consistent setting from a company that probably wishes it could make Fortnite.

I always thought Bethesturd was going for a Loot n' Shoot, like the Borderlands series. Fallout 3 was a hint to that and the dream was fully realized in Fallout 4.
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She thinks aliens are cute ... well, well ... She's a bad designer and on top of that she's dumb ... wow Beth you really going in a bright direction ... Yep, that franchise is doomed (no pun intended) ... And no surprise when you see what she looks like that Bethesda have an identity crisis (hot damn I'm on fire, like the Toaster in OWB). Speaking of the toaster, is it normal that we have more dialogue options with him than most NPC in Bethesda games ...
Yep, that franchise is doomed
Can't really be doomed when the franchise has been dead since 2008, at least for the main titles. New Vegas was just temporary ressurection.

And are people surprised that they are doing aliens again? Bethesda fans actively defend Mothership Zeta and think it's good DLC, so of course Bethesda is gonna reuse that again.
Can't really be doomed when the franchise has been dead since 2008, at least for the main titles. New Vegas was just temporary ressurection.

I would say for my part that Fallout started to Fall ... out (again no pun intended) before 2008 ... again it's my opinion. Maybe one day we'll get to have another decent Fallout. I'm just not sure if I'll live long enough to see and experience it.
This conversation does really get old though but hey you just started posting here. I am sure in 15 years you will get tired of hearing it too.

This conversation does really get old though but hey you just started posting here. I am sure in 15 years you will get tired of hearing it too.

Yeah, I feel you on this one ... you're posting here since 2005, I would be done with it too. I will not post anymore on the matter for the sake of everyone's sanity.
Yeah, I feel you on this one ... you're posting here since 2005, I would be done with it too. I will not post anymore on the matter for the sake of everyone's sanity.
Nah don't do that. Just understand why others might not engage in the debate.