Fallout 76 announced!

My favorite part of this whole travesty is the Fallout 3 converts turning on Fallout 76 and claiming it is some kind of bastardization of the true series that was always a FPS loot simulator. Then the fanboys of Fallout 4 and 76 use the previous games like Tactics and PoS to illustrate how Fallout has been fucked right from the start. Then NMA goes into fits of rage because nobody listens to a bunch of spergy cunts on fan forums.
Especially since every game has like 4 or 5 Vaults in it

They're not really concerned about that because it's like 20 or so games down the line. Todd and Co. couldn't a fuck because they'll be retired well before that.

Three things can happen:

1) The IP is dead-in-the-water because they milked it to death and gave it the EA finishing touch.

2) Another development team soft-reboots the franchise using a previous location set 100-200 years later. You revisit the locale and see how much has changed (basically nothing because the devs took the "war never changes" line too literally).

3) They add some """lore""" which explains that Vault-tech actually fudged the numbers and actually built more vaults.
I mean you have 101 Vaults at least. You start to run out? FALLOUT IN CHINA. FALLOUT ON THE MOON. FALLOUT IN A PARALLEL ALIEN DIMENSION!

Fallout on the Moon wouldn't be too bad, if it's an crpg. Nothing would be too bad if it was that. But they'll probably take any nuance out of it for POP FIFTIES COMICS AMIRITE GUISE?!
Fallout on the Moon wouldn't be too bad, if it's an crpg. Nothing would be too bad if it was that. But they'll probably take any nuance out of it for POP FIFTIES COMICS AMIRITE GUISE?!

It would be bad if the whole game was there. More of a DLC location I think.
Saw this posted yesterday. I don't know what "reputation" the 'tuber responsible has amongst the NMA community, but there are a couple of little details brought up.

Is this an Aussie MrMattyPlays? It's like I'm watching an RLM Nerd Crew episode but it's for Fallout.
Saw this posted yesterday. I don't know what "reputation" the 'tuber responsible has amongst the NMA community, but there are a couple of little details brought up.

I think the Fallout community has officially reached critical curiosity mass. Fans are now inspecting a game's teaser trailer closer than even the people who made it. Helium in the balloons confirms when a party took place? In what universe? This is a computer-generated 3D model we're talking about here, not an actual helium balloon subject to the real laws of physics. This theory 100% assumes Bethesda had thought about the helium problem themselves before the trailer was made. Judging by the fact that it's only now dawning on even the most hawk-eyed of fans, I wouldn't be shocked if this was simply a case of developer oversight.

The radiation thing might actually be a clue, but personally I'm still skeptical. What appears to be the gauge's indicator is parked at exactly halfway. It could very well just be part of the new Pip-Boy's item model.
It's official... "Fandom" these days should be called "obsession" or "fanaticism" or "obsessive fanaticism". :lmao:

I can think of many things that could totally "explain" these details that I am sure the video creators didn't even noticed themselves.

Also, why would a Pipboy show a person's rads count while it is not attached to anyone yet?
I think the Fallout community has officially reached critical curiosity mass. Fans are now inspecting a game's teaser trailer closer than even the people who made it. Helium in the balloons confirms when a party took place? In what universe? This is a computer-generated 3D model we're talking about here, not an actual helium balloon subject to the real laws of physics. This theory 100% assumes Bethesda had thought about the helium problem themselves before the trailer was made. Judging by the fact that it's only now dawning on even the most hawk-eyed of fans, I wouldn't be shocked if this was simply a case of developer oversight.

The radiation thing might actually be a clue, but personally I'm still skeptical. What appears to be the gauge's indicator is parked at exactly halfway. It could very well just be part of the new Pip-Boy's item model.

In short, clickbait-wanting youtubers produce clickbait, and they and that site can't die fast enough.
Also, why would a Pipboy show a person's rads count while it is not attached to anyone yet?
Isn't that just the integrated Geiger counter? The personal status display is a separate screen, right?
Isn't that just the integrated Geiger counter? The personal status display is a separate screen, right?
A Geiger counter detects and measures how many rads there are in the environment. If that is a Geiger counter in the Pipboy, then it means that in that room where the pipboy is just sitting on, there is a 500 rads count... That would kill a normal human in Fallout universe in two seconds :lmao: (humans die when their rads get 1000, since it is a room with 500, it takes two seconds to administer 1000 rads).

*Acts like those people who over analyze trailers* So, by this logic... The main character in Fallout 76 is a ghoul!!!! Or maybe it is a Synth!!!! Or at least immune to radiation!!!

Did I do it right?
Possible gauge position explanations:

1. The needle stays in place even after the Pip-Boy is removed (it's been outside)
2. There is ambient radiation in the Vault
3. Bethesda was lazy and forgot to change the item model

Guess which one I'm banking on.

Or perhaps it is just something the artists made up and there is no significance or deeper meaning.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.