So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I'm willing to bet that Bethesda didn't give two shits about the details on that trailer and just put stuff that is recognizable to people who played the games without giving it a thought.
I'm willing to bet that Bethesda didn't give two shits about the details on that trailer and just put stuff that is recognizable to people who played the games without giving it a thought.
No, Hot Coldman double posted and I already merged them.It's two different guys, bro. They just too lazy to apply some avatar image.
Forum should give every new or non-avatar user a random image by default. That would be nice.
The only 'clues' I believe to be intentional were the date on the Pip-Boy, the song associated with West Virginia, and the fact that there was a recent party for "Reclamation Day". That's pretty much as deep as it goes in my mind.
It doesn't matter to the YT hype beasts that over-analyze a 30 second teaser in a 10-15 min vid.
YTer: "WHAT is the significance of the flying creature? IS IT MOTHMAN? <Launch into 10 min lore video about the history of Mothman even though the creature clearly has the physiology of a bat>."