Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

The Prydwen is what they "nuke". They use Liberty Prime's eye laser to do it.
You sure? Don't you go atop the roof of the Plot tower and pull a lever and nuke some part of the map?
Well, the institute ask you to destroy brotherhood's airship by Liberty Prime's laser, and for some reason after the ship hit the ground, it go boom like an atomic bomb, so I guess their airship is nuclear powdered which mean its essentially the nuke for Institute ending.
Yeah, the Institute destroys the Prydwen using Liberty Prime. If you choose to destroy the Institute, you plant a bomb on their reactor and detonate it from on top of Mass Fusion. The CIT ruins are the part of the map that gets destroyed.
I think the best comment I saw on social media when they released the initial John Denver teaser for 76 was "This'd better not be a Rust clone or I'm gonna beat Todd Howard to death with a sack of bottlecaps while singing 'Big Iron'." So far, that's been the only attractive prospect about it.

No mention of the Mojave. Haters gonna hate.
View attachment 10960
No mention of the Mojave. Haters gonna hate.

Remember, bugthesda is salty that Obsidian created better game in 18 than bugthesda in 4 years, twice.

Now with 76, that's the third time. Honestly, I find it pathetic more than anything else. Well, hopefully Encased is is good, while Atom gets fixed.

Just two months away till it launches, no doubt people will buy due to brand recognition. Still hoping it crashes and Burns, just like telltale.
I haven't seen mention of the West Coast so far even though 76 is the earliest game in the timeline (though I haven't kept up with 76 lately so I am probably mistaken due to not keeping up at all).

Then again due to the distance between the two regions, that's probably why they'll ignore the West Coast.
Why would there specifically be mentions of the west coast just because F76 is the game set closest to the nuclear war?
The real question is do you want them to mention the West Coast? Alien city under the Mojave, hmm?
Forgot about that...
So yeah, I actually do.
Cause the more Bethesda fucks up the lore the more fans of even their games will start to question their decisions.
Forgot about that...
So yeah, I actually do.
Cause the more Bethesda fucks up the lore the more fans of even their games will start to question their decisions.

I don't think the current focus group cares much about consistency of the Fallout lore other than the rule of cool.

It is mostly the outliers such as the old fandom or the occasionally new fan who is really engaged into Fallout to the point that he or she wants to find out as much about it, digging deeper into the franchise, reading old design documents etc.
Fallout is dead anyway so why would I really care about what they do to the lore at this point? It's not canon in my book anyway.

Conspiracy theory time:
What if, and bear with me here... What if... Bethesda never intended to do crossplay but knew it was a decent way of getting good boy points amidst backlash so they exploited the opportunity to blame Sony as a scapegoat for a lack of crossplay for a game they knew could not and probably will not support it

Conspiracy theory time:
What if, and bear with me here... What if... Bethesda never intended to do crossplay but knew it was a decent way of getting good boy points amidst backlash so they exploited the opportunity to blame Sony as a scapegoat for a lack of crossplay for a game they knew could not and probably will not support it

Didnt another studio do something similar?

Also, pretty much my theory as well.

Remember 200 endings for shitout 3? Or announcing shitout 76 after #saveplayerone?

Fuck them, not first or last time lying.

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