Fallout 76: General thread

This bomb threat shit is absurd though really. Maybe @Kilus

I don't think the devs were making stuff like that up, and the mention of 'certain websites' doesn't leave a lot of potentials but I also have zero idea on the fallout fanbase landscape of that time. Didnt Sawyer even used to post here or something?
I don't think they made it up but to try to pin it on anyone here existing today is faggotry of the highest order reserved for trolls backpedaling to oblivion.

Oh it was NMA that was bad first. *sticks tongue out*
Didnt Sawyer even used to post here or something?
Van Buren tech demo was even hosted here and still is.

As previously stated, NMA was referenced in Tactics and BoS, with Roshambo even being included in the game as an NPC.

Developers had profiles here and communicated with their community. Press packs and official guides were posted here.

This was the de facto website for Fallout back during the Interplay days. Many users were hyped for Van Buren and disappointed to hear that Fallout had been acquired by another company.

When they discovered it was Bethesda, shit broke down and that's when they organized all this shit.
I was there when shit was organized. I recall it was a Tuesday. The gang all thought it would be nice to get out of school so we called Todd's office and told him there was a bomb in his toilet. It really went off well.
Van Buren tech demo was even hosted here and still is.

As previously stated, NMA was referenced in Tactics and BoS, with Roshambo even being included in the game as an NPC.

Developers had profiles here and communicated with their community. Press packs and official guides were posted here.

This was the de facto website for Fallout back during the Interplay days. Many users were hyped for Van Buren and disappointed to hear that Fallout had been acquired by another company.

When they discovered it was Bethesda, shit broke down and that's when they organized all this shit.

Saying that salty, insane people that used this forum did nasty stuff is very different from it being the organized effort of the forum. I'm completely willing to accept the former, because obviously, but the latter seems like you need to build a bit more of a case.

That being said, what does that have to do with the forum here and now? What is it that you see yourself doing here going forward?
I never said it was plotted and planned all out on this forum, but continue with your attempts to hijack and strawman my original argument.

If actual plans to raid and send death threats to Bethesda employees were hosted on here the FBI would all over it. That was never my argument.

My argument was that there were members here, and likely still are, who are that dedicated to shitting on Bethesda that they would do such a thing.
I never said it was plotted and planned all out on this forum, but continue with your attempts to hijack and strawman my original argument.

If actual plans to raid and send death threats to Bethesda employees were hosted on here the FBI would all over it. That was never my argument.

My argument was that there were members here, and likely still are, who are that dedicated to shitting on Bethesda that they would do such a thing.

No there are not. They all left you fucking moron. Literally everyone is gone you stupid piece of shit.
I never said it was plotted and planned all out on this forum, but continue with your attempts to hijack and strawman my original argument.

If actual plans to raid and send death threats to Bethesda employees were hosted on here the FBI would all over it. That was never my argument.

My argument was that there were members here, and likely still are, who are that dedicated to shitting on Bethesda that they would do such a thing.

Sure, but "that's when they organized all this shit" seems to imply that. Obviously I'm not expecting there to be a post on general discussion from 2006 organizing death threats. But whatever, you've backed off yet another thing and whittled down again.

As for the members being here still....yeah no they aren't.
Yeah, there's totally no one planning to do harmful things to Bethesda and its employees. There's totally not a bombing being planned by a group of individuals.

I didn't say anything. >_>
Many of the moderators and jannies from here have been here for literally over a decade, and you're telling me everyone from that period has left?

Especially when I see people who are so dedicated they will go to any length, even on this forum, just to shit on Fallout 3 or people who like it. And this mentality has been kept for years.

You're telling me all of those people left? Despite only becoming more outnumbered as time progresses.

I am telling you that the boogeyman does not exist and you should grow up. Look at the staff list. Guess who is active? Look at the mods? Guess who is active? Go look I will wait. Nobody fucking posts here anymore. You are kicking a dead horse. Fuck off.
you're telling me everyone from that period has left?

Didn't say that they all had, but the vast majority yes.

Especially when I see people who are so dedicated they will go to any length, even on this forum, just to shit on Fallout 3 or people who like it. And this mentality has been kept for years.

Posting in The Order and barely even talking about Fallout anymore is not really "any length" but perhaps posting on forums is a major task for you. Though I'm not about to continue defending the oldfags on here.

You're telling me all of those people left? Despite only becoming more outnumbered as time progresses.

I'd say the amount of people sympathetic and fair to the post-Bethesda games have only gone up, myself being one of those people, but whatever helps you dig deeper.
Whining about people shitting on Fallout 3? A fucking TTW dev is a regular here. Please cry more.
Man this Jabrone must have serious case of Troll Blue Balls. he put on his finest suit of Labo armor and worked himself up into the the frothiest of an aspergers fury only the find his missed the boat by like a decade. now he just sits there while everybody laughs at his pathetic existence. if there was ever a case for somebody to exit the simulation, this is it.
Really if ever there was the wrong time to attack now would be it. Most of these guys got into the series with Fallout 3 now and this moron thinks so many people hate it. Jesus wept.
And we are allowed to shit on Fallout 3 and anything else we wish to shit on, capiche?
The kid just started a new account on Codex under the same name. He must have just learned how to forum.