Fallout 76: General thread

Read back maybe a page or two in the thread. I'm not going to link it again because your dumb ass can't read the numbers on the screen.

There's a techradar article from one of the Bethesda designers too which comments on this and states how they actually had multiple death threats and people visiting Bethesda HQ just to be a nuisance.

You're just going to cope with it anyway. I guess it must be multiple people from different states, with different phone numbers, different voices, different typing styles, different email addresses and completely different timezones who all miraculously got together to send bomb and death threats to Bethesda. All linked by one thing, Fallout. (and it's totally not that forum with many loyal Fallout fans who HATE Bethesda ever since they got their hands on the IP, ruining their pet project, Van Buren).

Are you also forgetting that this is the forum that literally has a hate boner for Jim Sterling because he DARED to call them out for being anally devastated after Fallout 3 dropped, and was actually GOOD?
I like when these types of people come here to stir shit up from time to time, but this is getting boring now. Just the same crap being parroted over and over, and it's getting dull as shit.

I miss mfkdggrfll, at least it took like a month for him to get boring, and then he proceeded to go to the RPG Codex to get fucked even harder for our entertainment.
Read back maybe a page or two in the thread. I'm not going to link it again because your dumb ass can't read the numbers on the screen.

There's a techradar article from one of the Bethesda designers too which comments on this and states how they actually had multiple death threats and people visiting Bethesda HQ just to be a nuisance.

You're just going to cope with it anyway. I guess it must be multiple people from different states, with different phone numbers, different voices, different typing styles, different email addresses and completely different timezones who all miraculously got together to send bomb and death threats to Bethesda. All linked by one thing, Fallout. (and it's totally not that forum with many loyal Fallout fans who HATE Bethesda ever since they got their hands on the IP, ruining their pet project, Van Buren).

Are you also forgetting that this is the forum that literally has a hate boner for Jim Sterling because he DARED to call them out for being anally devastated after Fallout 3 dropped, and was actually GOOD?

You'll excuse me if I didn't bother reading your shitposting with literal randoms that was unrelated to me, but I was unaware of that. fucked up that people did that. Not enough to say it wasn't freaks from here 13-15 years ago either. Though, doesn't seem to be any of that kind of stuff going on in the years that I've been here nor people with anything close to that inclination. I'm not really inclined to defend the collective body of a forum.Though where was the misinformation campaign part?

Still, you seem to have a really strong hatred for this place and literally everyone in it. So, why are you here?
Fallout 76 truly is a return to form for NMA. We get another butthurt asshole that wants to attack the "hivemind" because he read something on Reddit.

You'll excuse me if I didn't bother reading your shitposting with literal randoms that was unrelated to me, but I was unaware of that. fucked up that people did that. Not enough to say it wasn't freaks from here 13-15 years ago either. Though, doesn't seem to be any of that kind of stuff going on in the years that I've been here nor people with anything close to that inclination. I'm not really inclined to defend the collective body of a forum.Though where was the misinformation campaign part?

Still, you seem to have a really strong hatred for this place and literally everyone in it. So, why are you here?

Here to validate his fanboyism.
One thing I also want to note is that NO other community has done this before.

Halo? I don't remember 343 being threatened with bomb and death threats because Bungie stopped making Halo.
Gears of War? I don't remember the Coalition being threatened with bomb and death threats because Epic Games stopped making Gears.

But Fallout? That game with an entire forum who attack anyone who disagrees with them, including popular games journalists and developers?
No, I guess they weren't a part of this hurr durr.

butthurt asshole
butthurt! haha! nice one mod!

See the only one here who is butthurt is you. Having to defend your herd because they have gone astray and someone dares to bring it up.

Funny though. I wasn't even intending to bring anything up until your hivemind initiated it's Fallout 3 hate protocols. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Still, you seem to have a really strong hatred for this place and literally everyone in it. So, why are you here?
I don't hate it entirely. I knew about this place decades ago. I made an account to discuss Fallout and I hoped your users had settled down by now considering it's literally been nearly 23 years since your baby Fallout 2 came out.

And to be fair, it has in some regards, but most of that is due to all the rabid users leaving/dying and your numbers being in the single-digits. Only the pseuds who joined years after Fallout was acquired by Bethesda are still here now, and they defend a game they weren't even around to experience in it's heyday.
But I mean who sent a bomb threat? Nobody I know of did that and I have been here forever so you are just talking out your ass like a little bitch. Plus this little cunt is talking about Halo now. You really are a big boy.

Oh I get it you are schizo. Yep a schizo that is it. NMA is the bomb threat sending bad guy that you have been sent to attack.
It was me, i admit it. I was drunk as fuck, i called Todd Howard to say i didn't cared for his interpretation of Fallout, and that i was going to bomb the Bethesda headquarters.

Todd managed to talk me down after convincing me to buy another copy of Skyrim. Now i have 107 copies of Skyrim.
I don't hate it entirely. I knew about this place decades ago. I made an account to discuss Fallout and I hoped your users had settled down by now considering it's literally been nearly 23 years since your baby Fallout 2 came out.

But you haven't really been trying to do that in good faith since the start. Either you're doing it intentionally just to stir shit and troll, or this is just what you're like generally. Not really sure what's worse in that case. What do you even want to happen now? Join the community? Continue shitposting? Just seems like you're banging your head against a wall, and you're aware of it. Just not entirely sure what your goal here is.
This dude is so full of shit don't buy that. Fuck you you fucking troll.

He went through and shitpost in the music thread so that shows his intentions and that was before all this. I had to merge his posts. This guy is just like the last spergy fuck that came in like this butthurt about NMA. He won't last long because this is all he came for.

For the record all of those people are gone. This NMA is filled with Bethesdafags like yourself. Enjoy NMA.
not really sure what's worse in that case. What do you even want to happen now? Join the community? Continue shitposting? Just seems like you're banging your head against a wall, and you're aware of it.
I like posting. I will continue to post, and hopefully show new users that there is more here besides the vitriolic reaction to their favorite games.

Either that or you just ban me now and make my account a martyr. Your choice.
Bitch, please, you think you're the first to come here, shitpost, and then get banned? We have a graveyard out in the back, with countless tombstones of banned accounts that did the same thing. If anything you will be just another notch in the blade, another trophy.
I like posting. I will continue to post, and hopefully show new users that there is more here besides the vitriolic reaction to their favorite games.

Either that or you just ban me now and make my account a martyr. Your choice.

You could do that in a lot better ways, as people have done before. You even said yourself people have clearly mellowed out, but acting like you have been is hardly the way to continue turning the tide.

It's honestly boggling that I buy this more than you being a troll, but I literally don't know what would have compelled someone to troll a place with like 12 active users.
It's so fun to come tell guys that weren't active posters here when Fallout 3 came out that they are responsible for bomb threats. Yeaaah man. Snow day.
It's so fun to come tell guys that weren't active posters here when Fallout 3 came out that they are responsible for bomb threats. Yeaaah man. Snow day.

Well the whole collective responsibility argument when it comes to internet forums is dumb enough just to completely ignore, otherwise every single person who posts on 4chan or on Reddit would be guilty of so much shit you wouldn't even be able to list it.
I remember being brainwashed into hating Bethesda and Fallout 3. I think it was Toront that did it, but i can't remember. Everything is foggy.

I do know that i have to hate Bethesda and Fallout 3 because the NMA forum told me so.
I remember my brainwashing too, it was like the scene in Zoolander but instead of Mugatu and the Malaysian Prime Minister it was Toront and Todd Howard
In between anal sex I would force them to play Fallout Tactics over and over. I get off on that.
Speaking of Fallout Tactics, it's an unironically much better game than any Bethesda Fallout. The dream would be combine its gameplay, with Fallout 1's tone and its quality writing, and Fallout 2's wealth of content.