Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?


Still Mildly Glowing
Do you think Fallout 76 is just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about because they will make Fallout 5 in the future and it will kick ass. OR do you think Bethesda is trying to follow in Blizzard's footsteps?
Oh yeah, they are. Well, Blizzard/Activision/Bungie, EA, Valve, And Microsoft. This is ZeniMax's stab at a game as a service - their WoW, their CS:GO, Their Anthem / Destiny / Halo: Infinite.

If 76 goes to plan? There will be no Fallout 5. Just an acceptably profitable zombie perpetually idling for decades on end with free but unsatisfying story DLC until it's no longer lucrative to keep the servers on. And if the game does not pick up enough momentum to be profitable in the three months, they'll flip the kill switch on the franchise anyway. On to bigger and better earners like Starfield, no time to mourn or make amends for non-breadwinners. Just a bayonet to the gut.
because they will makeFallout 5 in the future and it will kick ass.

Fallout 5 is as sure as the heat of the fire.

problem is this last part of your sentence. It's more for them to kick us in the nuts.
this pile of crap is going to negatively affect fallout 5, that´s for sure

Doubt it, we are talking about a fandom here with a very selective memory.
Plus Todd and "snake oil" salesman Pete Hines will find a way to spin the negativity and hype Fallout 5 again, perhaps now playing on people's memories of Fallout 3.

The only hope for the franchise is if Zenimax Bethesda goes broke and is forced to sell of its assets and EA and other major corporations are unable to purchase any licenses at that time.
A video game crash would actually be welcome to drive out most of the current gaming population but that one is completely unlikely.
Before we get to Fallout 5, we'll probably see a couple of more disasters, namely Starfield and TES 6. I'd like to be proven wrong, but that's not very likely.
Bethesda is testing the waters of how much they can get away with. Paid mods will be the norm now.
Bethesda is testing the waters of how much they can get away with. Paid mods will be the norm now.

It is kind of sad that in a couple of years the majority of gamers is going to consider that "normal", just how DLCs that restore content cut from the main game were once considered unheard of and just a damn money grab.
DLCs being shitty small extensions was pretty unheard of back in the day. Morrowind did that, but they were pretty unique in that. Back then, expansions were almost as big as the main game.
DLCs being shitty small extensions was pretty unheard of back in the day. Morrowind did that, but they were pretty unique in that. Back then, expansions were almost as big as the main game.

Yes, only a handful of DLC that ever got close to the expansion packs of the 90s and early 2000s which include Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Brood Wars, Mysteries of the Sith, Duke Nukem 3D expansions (more map packs really), Diablo 2 expansion, the Wing Commander 1 and 2 ones, Ultima 7 also had some expansions right?, Mask of the Betrayer, the Civilization expansions, Alien Crossfire for Alpha Centauri, the X Wing and Tie Fighter games, Command and Conquer games, heh even Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil.
Broken World for Dungeon Siege 2. Barbarian Invasion for Rome Total War 1, Immortal Throne for Titan Quest. And these weren't just more content, these things introduced whole new mechanics, like religion and hordes to Barbarian Invasion and recipe crafting in Broken World.
When Fallout 5 comes out, I predict it tries to do a D&D 5e thing, assuming TES doesn't do it first because Starfield fails. Where they try to make everyone happy, and manage to make something somewhat inoffensive, but still infected with lines of corruption that can be traced back to the sewage line tapped by F4 and F76 (or really F3, but by this point I feel like the rash introduced in F3 is full out Syphilitic necrosis in 4 and 76). It will *maybe* be something worth getting for a 40%+ off sale after all the dlcs come out but its not going to be great. Like I said the absolute best case I can see Bethesda pulling off is inoffensive. Even that requires them to learn a lesson in writing for their next two games, and since I doubt they will, I would suffer no illusions of hope. Merely a simmering fury.

The likely negatives aside, Brood wars was freakin' awesome. Although I thought even it was more 'expansion' than DLC, that may just be because I have the disk for it and that it had its own additional campaign stuff.
Eh Brood Wars is an expansion, I mentioned it as such. All the entries I mentioned were expansions, I brought them up to show how different these are remembered compared to DLC.

Yes Bethesda will probably go back to older game mechanics that were found in Fallout 3 (and some in for 4) in order to regain some of the good will they have lost in Fallout 76 (and Fallout 4, not all FO3 fans were fans of that).
But content wise they still won't learn. They will still continue to go back to the elements of Fallout they keep repeating, "atmospheric" story telling instead of genuine story telling, in general average to stupid quests and I would not rule out radiant quests, very perhaps ditch the voiced protagonist as they perhaps realize that this creates a separation between the player and the main character, but in the end Fallout 5 will just be a different form of Fallout 3 and 4 but nothing like Fallout New Vegas, let alone Fallout 1 and 2.
I wouldn't say that Fo5 will kick ass, but so far, their attempts at multiplayers aren't as successfull as their solo game, so it is likely that they will keep making solo games (that look like offline mmo)
I wouldn't say that Fo5 will kick ass, but so far, their attempts at multiplayers aren't as successfull as their solo game, so it is likely that they will keep making solo games (that look like offline mmo)

so it is likely that they will keep making solo games (that ARE like offline mmo, but worse). Fixed it for you.

Let's not kid ourselves, this is what bugthesda does, at least since Morrowind. However, Skyrim is the pure example of this kind of thinking. This game can be completed once and that's about it, you grind, and grind and keep making steel daggers to raise your smithing. You keep getting punched to grind your armour. The enemies scale with you, which makes getting stronger pointless. At least in MMO if you go to kill level 5 wolf as level 80 characters, the wolf will not become super wolf and rip you a new one. Or remember, how you can get legendary status that resets your skills and lets you grind it all over again.

I have spent around 150 hours in Skyrim and haven't played it ever since, except for the mods. This game is so empty, so pointless, so meaningless, I still can't fathom why people consider it an RPG in the first place. Well, it's more RPG than notFallout 4 at least.
Uhm hopefully Fallout 76 is where the Fandom has drawn the line qualitatively speaking. I expect the next Fallout to be at least at 4's level quality wise.
I mean, that's not encouraging either. I couldn't bring myself to buy another Fallout 4 level product. It was a slog that I had to bleed in an attempt to find each moment of enjoyment out of (even on my first playthrough where I could actually claim occasional spirts of shiny novelty) and they were so few and far between that I probably put more time in trying to *find* enjoyment than actually having it. I mined that shit and even then it required it to be modded to the starts to find enough to keep going. Skyrim was just flaccid action gaming claiming to be an RPG, but you could still string together moments of amusement without too much effort - especially if you long ago gave up on TES lore making anything resembling sense. It certainly wasn't good but was at least fast food burger quality. Fallout 4 was a fucking insult. It was the fast food burger that required being dug out from the dumpster and then boiled to try and eat, and still made me sick. Sicker the more you did it. I literally uninstalled it and am debating if I even want to spend the space to reinstall it for potentially *good* things - Cascadia, New Vegas, or Miami - because the fundamental foundation is so rotten I question if even the best of the community could brace it together with the way the creation tools tie their hands.
FO76 is there stopgap Fallout game like NV was between 3 and 4. It's a cash cow. Until Bethesda has a complete change of developers and writers or the Fallout IP is sold to a competent developer the franchise should be considered dead.