Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Movie


First time out of the vault
Hello all, ive been going to this site for a long time, but never joined the forum, until now obviously. I needed large sums of die-hard Fallout Fan Feedback, and what better place to get it than here. So, here goes;

As you can tell by the thread title,I want your feedback on what SHOULD be in a movie bassed on the first Fallout. No casting,no directors, nothing like that, im talking about the story. What kind of character should the lead be? Good Natured? Bruiser? What adventures should they take on? Things of that nature.

Im sick and tired of comics and games being turned into pure shit by hollywood and their ilk. But, Fallout has the chance to be something different, most of the people (voice talent) involved were little known to the masses that clog the streets, which helped alot. Anyways, speak, let loose the floodgates of the fan forum and help me out.
I think the story of the first Fallout would actually be able to translate to the silver screen quite easily.
the story yes, but which parts of the story, what route would the lead take? Standards would dictate that he be a good mix between all of the character types, and be the hero of the wasteland, but where is all the fun in that?
I hope it never makes it to the silver screen. Directors also have a tendency of making derivative works which in the end barely feel like the original. And i certainly don't want to see a director looking to FO:BoS rather than Fallout 1 for background info and suggestions.
agreed, in order for something like Fallout, or ANY movie based off of a game/comic/book, the writer has to LOVE the material, the director has to LOVE the origional material and the script, and so on. If it becomes anything else besides a labour of love, it will fail uterly. What Fallout needs is a good writer/director. And a script not just writen by him, but the entire fan base.

My motives are selfish in a way, as many are these days im an aspiring film-maker, writing is what my real talent lies, but i enjoy the entire process, directing, filming, editng, everything. One of the movies I would kill to see made right is Fallout, because it has a great background which sets up the open ended story for you to flesh out however you want, its a wonderful gaming universe filled with my kind of quirky off beat dark humor filled with 50's nuances. I want to write a script for the movie, I believe and know that I can, but, like i said, I want it to be done right.

Will fans see eye to eye, HELL NO, everyone has their own take, thats the point, you will disagree, fight and flame one another to prove a point, thats how most people are over games and similar topics, but most of the people here seem to actualy post constructivly, and the different points of view and feedback is just what im looking for. I dont have any friends that played Fallout and understood it, so i need your help!!
I think making a movie out of Fallout would be a bad idea.
If you want a movie similar to it, just watch Mad Max and Mad Max 2.
mad max cant really me compared to fallout... it lacks a lot of things that made fallout great (like the 50's pulp fiction style). dont get me wrong, the first 2 mad max movies were very good...

as to you docholyday, i'm afraid this movie will never be made (or should i say relieved). i'm sure Herve would bleed you dry for the rights to the story...
Basing a movie off of the first Fallout game would be a perversion of Fallout in itself. One of Fallout's main characteristics was its freedom of choice, and you would be completely killing that by making a movie based on the same story.

A movie based on the Fallout setting is one thing, a movie based on the story of Fallout 1 is completely different.
at last;

as to Mad Max: like SuAside said, they dont compare, similar, eh, yeah, but they feel completely different. Plus Mad Max didnt have the very subtle references to things of yor that Fallout does.

as to perversion: agreed, thats what i was fighting with for the longest time, if you do create a character and have him go and find the water chip etc, the people that havent been playing the game for years wouldnt care and would probably go along willingly like sheep, but, for those of us who have been, it would be breaking one of the fundamentals of the game. So, how do you feel about a similar story, just set in the universe, that might coincide/reference the main events in the first game?
docholyday said:
agreed, in order for something like Fallout, or ANY movie based off of a game/comic/book, the writer has to LOVE the material, the director has to LOVE the origional material and the script, and so on. If it becomes anything else besides a labour of love, it will fail uterly. What Fallout needs is a good writer/director. And a script not just writen by him, but the entire fan base.

My motives are selfish in a way, as many are these days im an aspiring film-maker, writing is what my real talent lies, but i enjoy the entire process, directing, filming, editng, everything. One of the movies I would kill to see made right is Fallout, because it has a great background which sets up the open ended story for you to flesh out however you want, its a wonderful gaming universe filled with my kind of quirky off beat dark humor filled with 50's nuances. I want to write a script for the movie, I believe and know that I can, but, like i said, I want it to be done right.

Will fans see eye to eye, HELL NO, everyone has their own take, thats the point, you will disagree, fight and flame one another to prove a point, thats how most people are over games and similar topics, but most of the people here seem to actualy post constructivly, and the different points of view and feedback is just what im looking for. I dont have any friends that played Fallout and understood it, so i need your help!!

I would make the game just in a movie.
Snake said:
I would make the game just in a movie.
*moderator voice*Ahem. Don't post useless posts, and explain what you mean when you post small remarks like that. "I would make the game just in a movie" is an extremely vague and quite meaningless statement.
Well, Fallout was obviously inspired by Mad Max 2 (look at the armor of those guys with the oil ferchristsake! It's definitely leather armor!) and Fallout 2 was obviously inspired by Mad Max 3 (how else would they have gotten the stupid idea to make the VD's descendants tribals, of all things?).

I think Fallout would do well as a typical French movie. Don't ask. You wouldn't get it unless you've seen a couple of them (and no I don't mean the kind that ends with some guy cutting off his penis or stuff like that -- that's a bit too artsy).

Making the game a movie wouldn't work. You always need to skew things a bit to put them into a different medium. As long as some of the original developers are responsible for the story and the directing, it might work out well tho.
You couldn't start off the same way as in the game -- nobody would want to watch the hero shoot or kick rats for half an hour and then rest for a couple of minutes (real time) to get back into the vault and do stuff there. That, and the travels would need to be a bit more interesting. Nobody enjoys watching the main actor run through the desert every couple of minutes.
Also, you'd need to cut out some stuff. A movie is too short to cover all cities with all quests. The Den could be dropped, I guess. Adytum would need to be cut down a bit or dropped altogether. Also there's too many kinds of armor for one movie. Maybe he should stick to the leather armor-esque stuff you see in the end sequences of Fallout 1?

Vault 15 would definitely need some cutting down. Maybe reduce Shady Sands to a tiny settlement with no additional action, just as introduction to the wastelands? The Khans and rescuing Tandy might transfer to the silverscreen well tho.

Overall the game is too massive for a two-hour movie. Even for three hours it would be too much. I even doubt cutting it in two ala Kill Bill Vol 1/2 or Matrix 2/3 would make it any better.
No chance to see a true-to-the-story movie ever.
Now your moving the mercury Ashmo!

Agreed, things would have to shortened, thats part of the whole point of the thread, what should stay and what should go. Which parts of the story, which characters, which towns, which adventures would you like to see. The time frame would be between 2 and 2 1/2 hours.

In reference to what you said as to being French, i kind of agree. In fact i had the costume/prop designer from City of Lost Children in mind for alot of the super mutant/ghoul costumes. And in all actuality it would probably need to be made out of the USA, if made in hollywood it would be CGI laden and a dirty whore of its beautiful self, Im looking for more of a B-Movie look/feel, just enough production value to get you in the experience. No real 'razzle dazzle'.

But here we are talking about production, im talking about the story, back to that if we may....
Ashmo said:
I think Fallout would do well as a typical French movie. Don't ask. You wouldn't get it unless you've seen a couple of them (and no I don't mean the kind that ends with some guy cutting off his penis or stuff like that -- that's a bit too artsy).

The City of Lost Children, definitely a good example. Jeunet's other popular piece, Delicatessen, shares some of the feeling, but has a bit more quirky eccentricity to it. He was also the director of Aliens: Resurrection. That movie wasn't as liked by the fans mainly because it did feel like a cheap ploy to continue the shitty ending in Aliens 3, though the characters were much better than many clichés in the genre, especially with Aliens (some were a bit much).

Of course, TCoLC's script was worked on for about 14 years and Delicatessen's was around 8 or so, IIRC.
Well, my feelings towards FO3 apply to this, DONT RUSH IT!! I dont want something next year that sucks! If it takes them 2-3 more years to make a worthy game, then by all means! People dont take the time for anything anymore, so if it takes 14 years to get a script that works, then so be it, I just hope I have the fortune of having something to do with the project, as long as its done right.

A good mix between Jeunet, Sergio Leone, and Scorcesse would be about the right feel for Fallout. Jeunet for his quirky sense of humor mixed with plenty of time to dwell on character development, though the light quirky humor would need to be a good bit darker. Sergio, just feels right, if youve ever seen Once Upon a Time in the West, you understand. Scorcesse, well, he always seems to be trying to move things backwards in hollywood (remake of Cape Fear, most movies set in 50's, etc) i dont think hes really done any CG effects in his movies, even the ill fated Gangs of New York. They just have that dark, reality of the situations the characters are in.

blah blah blah
Sander said:
Basing a movie off of the first Fallout game would be a perversion of Fallout in itself. One of Fallout's main characteristics was its freedom of choice, and you would be completely killing that by making a movie based on the same story.

A movie based on the Fallout setting is one thing, a movie based on the story of Fallout 1 is completely different.

I agree every Player plays the game his own way.
Thats why I think the movie would not be good.

I don't have anything against a movie based on the Fallout setting , that would be great but not a movie based on Fallout 1 story.
Well, the concept of a sequel already kills that, doesn't it?
If you didn't rescue Tandy or even slaughtered Shady Sands (or let the mutants do it), or if you let the BoS go wild, in pretty much every other case, you'd end up with a situation which does not match the one required by Fallout 2.
I doesn't really have to be based on the story of either fallout game. After all the wasteland is a big place, and there are a lot of places left unexplored in the fallout games.

All it takes is a good writer, who knows and loves fallout. I'm sure there must be at least one or two of those out there.
Something worthwile could probably be done with picking up the Vault Dweller's story after he is exiled from the Vault at the end of FO1...
