Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Movie

still nothing? anyone?

one more, probably last nugget:

Robert is knocked into the vats by the crane...who operated the crane?
The crane is automated. Have someone fall into a switch and activate it or something similar.

I can't think of any way you can work the BOS in without going against the FO story. Harold would have mentioned it if a BOS knight had anything to do with the incident. As far as I've understood it, feverish, he crawls out of the facility while the FEV slowly starts transforming his body.

I presume it's at that point in time where he picks up the seed that starts growing in his skull.

On another point, I think you're right to choose this part of the story. It's well documented (compared to many of the other events in the FO universe), doesn't involve the player character, and it's a good story, albeit not one with a happy ending. However, I don't see how this would appeal to people who's never played the game.
I mean, this is pretty much how the story goes:

- Harold, the doc and the others team up.
- They decide to explore the Mariposa Base.
- After many hardships they get to the base.
- After even more hardships Harold and the doc reach the vats
- Doc gets knocked in, Harold gets knocked out.
- Harold gets rescued and lives like a ghoul ever after.

In the game it's a excellent set-up, with the payoff being the doc becoming the Master creature, but without that payoff the story lacks a proper ending. (IMO anyway)
docholyday said:
agreed, in order for something like Fallout, or ANY movie based off of a game/comic/book, the writer has to LOVE the material, the director has to LOVE the origional material and the script, and so on

And to this I reply... Wing Commander.

(Yes, I did read the entire post, it's just that this was the first thing to pop into my head.)
to Torpedo:

Harold wouldnt have known anything about the BOS soldier, because he would have passed out before he made it into the chamber and died away from where he pulled Harold to.

As far as how satisfying, well, this is a fan flic, its designed to be fairly self contained,and explain itself JUST enough so that those who havent played the game arent completely lost. The ending wouldnt be uplifting or anything, its meant to be open ended, because thats the point.
docholyday said:
Harold wouldnt have known anything about the BOS soldier, because he would have passed out before he made it into the chamber and died away from where he pulled Harold to.

I still think it's very, VERY weak. You'd be better off not involving the BOS, IMO.
thats what im looking for opinions, so far, thats one on that topic. Main things i was wanting to know how people felt were:

BOS involvment-already been over.

Types of Defense-already been over. But am leaning towards there being a small group of mutants who live on the upper level and protect it not as a base, but as a home.Some automated defenses.

Crane-automated or not? What if Mark or Francine (the only other members named) found the control room and was trying to help them stuck in the vat room and accidentaly knocked Richard in. OR if there is just a shadowy figure in the window, no closeups, just there.
I say the crane control room should be accessable from the outside of the vat room so durring a battle one of the humans runs in, proptly gets shot up and falls on the crane control panel

as for the involvement of a BOS solder... im currently drafting up plans to make a combat armor costume... ill send whatever i have conserning this project to you if you wish. (this is still in the early planing stages, i actually conceved it 2 nights ago)
thats another idea with someone being killed and falling on it,as for the armor, sure send me pics/sketches, like i said, i will know if i want to by the end of the month when the first draft is finished. And at ANY time he can be removed without impacting the project if he gets too expensive.

anyone else?
Ok, i would like to ask for three volunteers to help me finish up writing this thing. All I ask is that your able to check either your PMs here or your email often during the day,and that you know your Fallout.
i think fallout as a film is wierd idea cause its based on so many other films ...

and more so on a satrical nature.

although, for some reason when i watch HARDWARE, it strikes me as the right sort of feel...

especially having 'stigmata' by ministry featuring in the soundtrack...
Snake said:
docholyday said:
agreed, in order for something like Fallout, or ANY movie based off of a game/comic/book, the writer has to LOVE the material, the director has to LOVE the origional material and the script, and so on. If it becomes anything else besides a labour of love, it will fail uterly. What Fallout needs is a good writer/director. And a script not just writen by him, but the entire fan base.

My motives are selfish in a way, as many are these days im an aspiring film-maker, writing is what my real talent lies, but i enjoy the entire process, directing, filming, editng, everything. One of the movies I would kill to see made right is Fallout, because it has a great background which sets up the open ended story for you to flesh out however you want, its a wonderful gaming universe filled with my kind of quirky off beat dark humor filled with 50's nuances. I want to write a script for the movie, I believe and know that I can, but, like i said, I want it to be done right.

Will fans see eye to eye, HELL NO, everyone has their own take, thats the point, you will disagree, fight and flame one another to prove a point, thats how most people are over games and similar topics, but most of the people here seem to actualy post constructivly, and the different points of view and feedback is just what im looking for. I dont have any friends that played Fallout and understood it, so i need your help!!

I would make the game just in a movie.

I have no idea why I wrote that.
Anywho why not make different versions of the same movie and make it a trilogy. in the first movie he gets Ian and Dogmeat but nukes the endboss instead of normal combat. In the second he gets Tycho, kills Ian and gte sthe dog wich dies in the end cause he went into normal combat with the end boss.
A milion different stories in the same storyline.
been toying around with an idea like that for the main movie, but, right now im focusing on what i can actualy do, just my short about the Grey Expedition. By the end of the month I plan to have the first draft done.
reliving a game in theatrical form is generally a bad idea. first off, if you dont get something just right, you'll have hardcore fans mad, and second, its just not really creative.

now perhaps a good idea would be to make a film about the forming of the Brotherhood. To my knowledge, its only been covered in the fallout bible... so you have a bit of creative licence with that theme
thats a good idea, BUT, like i said, there is no 'Fallout movie', only my 'Fallout Project', and the chosen topic was for many reasons, several of which are budgetary. A movie about the forming of the brotherhood would be rather expensive, requiring far more people, equipment, and time. I have a wife, a 4 month old son, a full time job, and full time college. Im not a magician, there is only so much time and so much money. I like the character Harold, i also like Richard Grey, so, the Grey Expedition seemed like a good idea for a short film, and done right, could be fairly cheap (in comparison to other ideas).

It will be a labour of love from many people, from all parts of the USA, and i think it will turn a few heads, and the die hards shouldnt object to it, except out of principal.
The best non-player story in Fallout is probably the one told by Harold...it has lots of excitement and story in it...

The creation of the Brotherhood would also be interesting...

I just cant imagine producers fitting Fallout into a 2 hour movie...it would only work as either a mini-series or very long 3 and a half hour movie.

The Vault Dweller
going to stop bogging the lovely forums with this topic, emails can be sent to doc@brookswashere.com , i will have files and such on the project in the 'project' section as they develope, that email wont be good till tomorrow, as you can tell im still building the site.
Still looking for one more person to help out with some ideas...
Why don't you start a new thread in the fan-fic area, I'm sure a lot of people here (myself included) would like regular updates on the project.
As far as an evil version of the VD goes... Tom Cruise's character in Collateral fits that kind of idea. He's not some sort or raging maniac but there really is just something not right about him. Broken. Even though he really doesn't care about anything, he has a mission and a goal and he will finish that no matter what.

"Why'd you kill everyone in Shady Sands?"
"The kids running around got on my nerves."

The short movie about Harold and Grey seems like a good idea. Harold was in a vault for his younger years and then became a caravan boss in Hub. Not that you can't use Texas for scenery though. Even though the vault doesn't have to be in California, that doesn't help with the base being there and Hub.

I don't see why a BoS member couldn't have saved Harold. He follows him in, grabs him when he blacks out, and carrys Harold out. You would have to figure out something to explain why the paladin dies though. Maybe a damaged robot decided to try to blow his leg off and he reaches the outside but the bleeding is too bad and he crawls over to some rocks to die alone and records his final words and report. That would explain why Harold was found lying in the desert and why they didn't find the body of the BoS paladin.

This doesn't have to be a guy in power armor if that's what you guys are thinking. The BoS wouldn't ahve been around all that long at this point so not everyone would have had it necessarily. That and a scout isn't expecting to go into full-out combat. - Colt
that was my reasoning, the BOS soldier would have light armor, similar to what the Hub guards wore, and light/medium firepower. Its possible that Francine or Mark would have made it out after the BOS rescued Harold, the soldier saw them at the entrance went back to get them and was killed, leaving Harold by himself. All possibilites, but I think im leaning more towards him just waking up outside...
Don't know if this is the right topic nor if anyone else mentioned this, but I'll try my luck.

About 2 weeks ago, I was watching TV and at night a movie called Fallout started. I thought: "WHAT the FUCK?" The first seconds of the movie some b/w shots from a war were shown on a b/w TV. Again: "WHAT the FUCk?" (yeah, situations like this trouble my vocabulary). However, after that, the movie really started and it had nothing to do with post nuclear stuff. There were some dudes wanting to go in space with an experimental shuttle. Maybe there was something later, dunno, because I went to sleep. The movie was crap.