Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Movie

Movies like that piss me off too. There is a catch now if anyone decides to use the title "Fallout" for their movie. You will need to pay the person/company/corporation that owns the rights to that title and pay them to use that title in your movie. Personally, I wouldn't name the movie Fallout because this may cause an expectation of the movie to follow the game plot, which is not what most people want. Also, I agree it would be a mistake to base the story off of the game story elements. The concept of making Fallout into a type of movie has been in my mind as well for a while now...then I find this thread and I start thinking: "This guy better not get the rights to this film before I do. I'll be pissed" I live in Ohio, far from any wasteland type setting, but there are ways around these problems. I own an XL1s, and it doesn't support 24p (although the newly arrived XL2 does with a higher resolution...just too rich for my blood at the moment). Anyway, good luck in your project, if you want any help with writing or anything else, let me know. Also, if you butcher the movie with bad actors, directing, production, I will be furious... :) Good luck!
I wish you luck, and it's probably late now, but I'm going to throw in my two caps on a suggestion for a Fallout movie (yours, another fan movie, or an "official" movie). I'd really like to see it be animated in '50s pulp comic style, as opposed to live action. After all, animation gives you a certain atmosphere that you just can't get from live action. Plus, it would really suit the Fallout universe much better (and it would contrast even better with the dark humor of the Fallout universe).
There will be no use of the title "Fallout" for obvious legal reasons, Im not a complete idiot, the company that owns the intellectual properties is having money problems and some yahoo tries to make a fan flic with a big Fallout Movie sticker slaped on front, wont take long for the legal bloodsucking money grubbing meathooks to find their way into my neck. So as of yet there still is no title and the degree to which things will be changed to avoid legal problems is still up in the air. Were making slow progress at the moment, mainly because its finals time for my third Cisco class. My site with information on that and other projects will be back up soon.
Fallout movie?

I searched through the topics and cant find any mention of this. Has anyone ever wondered how a fallout movie might play out? How would u think it would be done? Who would play what character?

I ask this because, one of my odd dreams include, me seeing russel crow, as Rhombus the paliadin leader giving a war speech. It was very odd, and i bleive it was because i was just watched gladiator and fell alseep during the movie.
Re: Fallout movie?

Mod Whore said:
I ask this because, one of my odd dreams include, me seeing russel crow, as Rhombus the paliadin leader giving a war speech. It was very odd, and i bleive it was because i was just watched gladiator and fell alseep during the movie.

And one of my worst nightmares is Uwe Boll buying the rights to Fallout: The Movie.
I'd love to see a Fallout movie.

If you want a nice film about almost-pre-post-apocalyptic-world, watch Deep Impact.
perhaps maybe not as an actual movie but kind of a side off flash movie you could just have like real isometric views of the game and the main character but being controlled by the guy playing the game so you can see if there we're in fact no restrictions it would show like what that player would rather say in that occasion like instead of saying 'yes I'l go kill that mole rat for you' or 'no I don't have the time' you could say 'how about you give me all you're jewelry and money, and if you don't do it in about 5 seconds I'l blow your head off and feed your children to the molerat'. And then kill them anyway. Even though that's extremely evil I bet most people would rather do that then doing favors or NOT doing favors for people. and you can just have different scenes like when he sees his first super mutant or he has a meeting with keen ra'at or like just the main character talking with ian in the campfire in the wilderness resting. Something that people would appreciate without making something too big and showing how fucked up the fallout world could be to someone in this world had it been real