FALLOUT: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game Restoration Mod

No, it is used in rndmtn.int.
Yes, you are right. I missed the name of file rndmnt.int :oops:
I mean that in this file there is something about finding and resting near water srping. Encounter like with gold deposit.

But it requires critical success to show up. And since engine doesn't seems to generate criticals... Yes, I may have to check all scripts for is_critical condition and do something about it. Thanks.

You mean that this is not working with FO1 engine?
LVar0 := roll_vs_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_OUTDOORSMAN, 20 * has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_survivalist));
if (is_success(LVar0)) then 
	critter_injure(dude_obj, 2); //	blablabla...bla blabla
	if (is_critical(LVar0)) then 
   	Item := create_object_sid(PID_GOLD_NUGGET, 16887, 0, -1);

maybe try something like this (example!!!):
LVar0 := roll_vs_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_OUTDOORSMAN, 20 * has_trait(TRAIT_PERK, dude_obj, PERK_survivalist));
if (is_success(LVar0)) then 
	critter_injure(dude_obj, 2); //	blablabla...bla blabla
	LVar1 := get_pc_stat(STAT_crit_chance)+round(has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_OUTDOORSMAN)/10);  //example
	if LVar1>= random(1,1000) then
   	Item := create_object_sid(PID_GOLD_NUGGET, 16887, 0, -1);  // dude find gold!
If its possible would you add a mod to keep playing after killing the master and blowing up the base. That is to keep playing after the final cinematic and the credits like in fallout 2.

Of course for this to work, someone would need to create a alternative map for the cathedral. Then again, maybe not. The cathedral should already have an alternative map, since the mutant base and the master can be done in any order. So just some consistency tweaks and possibly exec hacking would be needed.
There already is an "alternative" Cathedral map. As well as MB map. Make what you asking is easy. Technically. But it is not consistent with the game storyline. So it seems inappropriate.

I've been thinking about replasing is_critical check with two sequential is_succes (or not(is_success)) checks. Seems more appropriate.

There are more unused lines from rnd*.msg:
{105}{}{You stumble upon some water pools..}
{106}{}{Out of dire thirst, you drink some water.. It doesn't taste so good.}
{107}{}{The water looks highly radioactive and foul.}
{129}{}{A lone radscorpion ambushed you!}
{25500}{}{You spot the ruins of a tiny village.}
{255}{}{You find some items.}
{312}{}{You are suddenly attacked by rats!}
{119}{}{You stumble onto a large pack of radscorpions.}
And some encounters, replaced by new ones (rnddesrt.msg):
#{12600}{}{Radscorpions hunt Mole rats among the ruined city walls.}
#{17200}{}{You have stumbled across a small patch of ruined and deserted buildings.}
They are all of the same nature. It seems, is_critical check is never true. But to be sure I've recently asked Ray to look into the engine and find some evidence to support (or disproof) this theory.
I know that skill checks can generate critical failures at least. Lock Picks can be lost in this way, and you can lose the Junk while trying to repair the Necropolis water pump:

      test2 := op_roll_vs_skill(op_dude_obj(), 13, -5);
      if (op_success(test2)) then
      else if (op_critical(test2)) then
        op_display_msg(op_msg_string(87, 115));
        op_rm_obj_from_inven(op_dude_obj(), op_obj_being_used_with());
        op_critter_damage(op_dude_obj(), 1, 0);
        //normal failure//
What about making possible critical results for everything? This might make some things work as intended.

But it should require engine changes. Anyway, this is not necessary. But it could also make modding easier.
2Per Yes, I remember breaking my lockpicks, but don't remember in what game version it was. That's the reason I decided to look inside the engine before actually change anything.

BTW, I've checked criticall success in game: never happens.
Wasteland Ghost said:
There already is an "alternative" Cathedral map. As well as MB map. Make what you asking is easy. Technically. But it is not consistent with the game storyline. So it seems inappropriate.

could it be made like in fo2, where you are asked if you like to continue playing after solving the main quests?

making it that way, would solve the whole dilemma...
Wasteland Ghost said:
2Per Yes, I remember breaking my lockpicks, but don't remember in what game version it was. That's the reason I decided to look inside the engine before actually change anything.

in my current fo run, i screwed normal and electro lock picks.
played with your last patch+hi res+sfall.
Hmm... So there is critical failure, but not the critical success... Interesting.
making it that way, would solve the whole dilemma...
Not exactly. But may be it will be appropriate, if V13 will be closed for player forever after finishing the main quest. So there will be destroyed MB and Cathedral, inaccessible V13 and all the other towns for player to visit.

-- edit --

I was just able to get critical success in random encounter with 200 skillpoints in outdoorsman and 3 levesl of survivalist perk. I traveled untill V13 died of dehydration, but was able to get it only once. :crazy: 200 + 20*3 bonus and only one critical succes! :shock:

-- edit2 --

Well, I did a little statistical research:
procedure CheckSkill
    variable result;
    variable num_success;
    variable num_failure;
    variable num_csuccess;
    variable num_cfailure;
    variable num_checks;
    num_checks := 1000000;
    while (num_checks) do begin
        result := roll_vs_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_NUM, SKILL_MOD);
        if (is_success(result)) then begin
            num_success := num_success + 1;
            if (is_critical(result)) then
                num_csuccess := num_csuccess + 1;
        else begin
            num_failure := num_failure + 1;
            if (is_critical(result)) then
                num_cfailure := num_cfailure + 1;
        num_checks := num_checks - 1;
    display_msg("Success: " + num_success + ". Critical success: " + num_csuccess + ". Failure: " + num_failure + ". Critical failure: " + num_cfailure);
With SKILL_MOD = 0 and 50 skillpoints in skill I get 50/50 chance of either success or failure and 0 criticals. With 0 skillpoints I get failure only and with 100+ skillpoints I get success only (still no criticals). Adding modifiers doesn't help: with big negative modifier I get only failure and with positive - success only (still with no criticals). Any modifiers do change success/failure ratio, but don't help with the criticals. So... I don't see any criticals at all. DOn't know what to think.
Wasteland Ghost you are the best :clap: !!!, i was looking forward for someone to start a restoration mod for FO1 as i dont have any skill in modding. i hope more people join this project to help you.

And please keep the option to keep playing the game after the end
hmm question: if i just kill the master but leave the military base, will the wasteland invasion stop? (i just killed the master after all cities were invaded with exception of vault 13, of course)

btw, the mod is great! :mrgreen:
When you kill the Master, invasion stops (it was in original files, I decided not to change anything). «Bite the head off the snake...» ;)
Wasteland Ghost said:
making it that way, would solve the whole dilemma...
Not exactly. But may be it will be appropriate, if V13 will be closed for player forever after finishing the main quest. So there will be destroyed MB and Cathedral, inaccessible V13 and all the other towns for player to visit.

That is exactly what i am proposing - but after the cinematic and the credits play offcourse.

There is quite a lot of content already there that is only accessible when one of the main quests is done. For example, did you know that you can get the mutants in necropolis to leave if you blew up the vats (i imagine there might be a equivalent for killing the master). Some npcs also recognize if you did one or other of the main quests. There might be a few glitches, but that is a question of polish.

Something strange also. I blew up the m. b. and only after returned the water chip to V. 13 - its strange that the overseer just asks "is the master dead" after you did your report - possible i guess the report is the explanation - i don't remember what happened if the sequence was water chip - main quests. Forget it, this is possibly nothing.
For example, did you know that you can get the mutants in necropolis to leave if you blew up the vats (i imagine there might be a equivalent for killing the master). Some npcs also recognize if you did one or other of the main quests.
Yes, I know (even fixed a bug, which prevented them from leaving peacefully). But you have to remember: there is no strict sequence in solving the main quests in FO1. And such moments are designed to encourage players to choose different way next time. There are plenty of ways for playing FO1, that's why I love this game so much.
Wasteland Ghost said:
Yes, I know (even fixed a bug, which prevented them from leaving peacefully). But you have to remember: there is no strict sequence in solving the main quests in FO1. And such moments are designed to encourage players to choose different way next time. There are plenty of ways for playing FO1, that's why I love this game so much.

concerning the water chip quest, i dont consider it anymore longer as a true main quest, because its possible to finish the game even if you dont bring the water chip to vault 13. thats how my last run ended, ive just destoyed the military base and the cathedral... and was teleported to v13 to chat with the overseer...
I also expect a flower child perk if i completed the game without killing anyone. Come on its only fair to get some recognition of that challenge.

Actually playing a pacifist character is plenty of fun, if you invest into action points and stealth and avoid mini-gun mutants until you get the armor.
Actually playing a pacifist character is plenty of fun, if you invest into action points and stealth and avoid mini-gun mutants until you get the armor.
I played a pure "social" character while I was testing 1.3.5 patch. And yes, it was a big fun. :)