I am using english Fallout, with one of the later Team X patches (I am not very sure which right now), then RP part 1 and RP part 2. The Team X patch is from a old Fallout 1 uncut patch, I made some time ago. The RP downloads are directly from the Team X site. Savegames is a bit bad now, as all towns are dead. :>
But beside this, everything seems to run fine. A bit too fine.

I'll guess I know now why they have cut out the other invasions from the final game. I said to myself that I have enough time anyway and I wasn't even sure, if I will see the other invasions. But now... oh well, I am not even done with all Hub quests and the Hub is dead now. Adytum must have been dead even long before. Necropolis is dead already anyway. Now I ninja-destroyed the military base, as I've got no other choice. Wasn't even in the glow yet, to get myself a piece of power armor from the Brotherhood.
Thing is, with the destruction of Mariposa, I got my level 10 now.
So... I'll guess, for future updates, it would be good to have the invasions as option in a installer. Or more options: 1. Invasions like now, 2. Invasion yes, but with longer time and 3. No invasions at all.
Especially if you never played the games before, you will miss out a lot content, just because you are a slowtard. Heh.
/Edit: Shit. Even the Brotherhood is dead. Goodbye, power armor.

Man, I feel totally lost now. It's a really different gaming experience.
/Edit²: Ok, ninja-finished the game now. Thanks to the Cathedral, I could get myself a rope and go to the Glow to get me some combat armor. Then I was moving back to the Cathedral to activate the bomb. Good that I love to play scientific characters, so i got 100% science already before level 10. While fighting my way into level one of the vault, Tycho died a brave death. I skipped level two and moved right to level 3. There, sadly, Ian died by enemy gatling fire. I moved one and gunned my way through the last few mutants on the west side. Lockpicked the doors and activated the bomb. Then running away.
Man, that was by far the most depressing end-screen-slide I've ever got. Everything was dead or dying. Hah. The only ones who really survived, have been the Raiders... Every other town was gunned down by the mutants invasion.
Also: How motivating.
That for sure was a great experience once again. But I am also a bit sad, that I needed to hurry that hard in the end, because due to the invasions everywhere, I got nothing left to do and needed to move on.
Anyway... this one teaches me still once again: Fallout 1 is better than Fallout 2. All the details everywhere... You enter some room and get a text message, childres are running around everywhere, floating text from critters is in different colors, the encounters feel much better and interactive, and so on...