Here are some new fixes. For now as a fix-pack. I'll make a new release after some more testing.
Vault 13
* Water thief's animation sequince no longer resets after save/load.
Shady Sands
* Now Aradesh correctly reacts to player's apologies (his dialogue reaction goes up).
* Restored the original developers idea of Aradesh reaction to pickpocketing: now he doesn't attack player, only warns him and lowers his dialogue reaction.
* Tycho no longer "forgets" character's name.
* Now Neal correctly opens Skum Pitt door.
* Now Neal reacts if player tries to mess with the Skum Pitt door.
* Option "Actually, can I ask you some questions?" in Trish dialog removed for characters with IN 5, because all of the next options require IN 6.
* Trish no longer asks player to get out of her room while she is in Skum Pitt.
* Now cops correctly address male and female characters.
* Now you correctly receive 25XP for picking the lock to room with imprisoned ghoul in Watershed.
Military Base
* Now you can provoke Abel to lover the force fields.
* Abel now has correctly working Field Switch in his inventory.
* Mutants no longer attack unprovoked after save/load.
* IN<=5: if you ask Zax "Who programmed you?" dialog will no longer exit unexpectedly.
Random Encounters
* Now Patrick the Celt correctly marks Hub on map.
* Now you can't pick the locks of certain doors for infinite XP.
Fix can be downloaded at the
usual place:
The fix itself.
NPC Mod compatibility fix.
Requires patch v.1.3.4.
Note: you can use your old saved games if they were made before military Base.
PS About 7z archives: Just in case.