Fallout and booze


First time out of the vault
So who's the alcoholic from Bethesda anyway? lol I have never seen the glorification of alcohol before.I'm an alcoholic myself,but damn.Plus the charactors are prejudice,chems and junkies are bad,strong drink is good.Well I'm afraid booze kills you just the same as drugs,just ask my doctor :wink:
Are you seriously that naive? Nobody cares if it's unhealthy. Just ask 80% of the world. In some countries they even drink jet fuel to get drunk. Booze has been made since long before the Egyptians built the pyramids and can be made easily with anything that can ferment, if there were more plants in the wasteland I bet every house would be lined with moonshine. Everyone likes booze, everyone likes money, I'm very surprised alcohol wasn't more prevalent in the wasteland. Entire caravans dedicated to booze.
Especially when you think of a place like New Vegas, or Reno. Taking advantage of the customer whilst giving them a good time is business, after all.
It's been said that beer is the reason agriculture started and that the first towns were built. It looks like booze will still be popular long after out civilization has ended. :drunk:
500Magnum said:
So who's the alcoholic from Bethesda anyway? lol I have never seen the glorification of alcohol before.I'm an alcoholic myself,but damn.Plus the charactors are prejudice,chems and junkies are bad,strong drink is good.Well I'm afraid booze kills you just the same as drugs,just ask my doctor :wink:
Stop posting while drunk.
Formerk said:
Entire caravans dedicated to booze.

even Cass in Mojave Outpost said that her brahmins would be rattling empty bottles on their backs if she was transporting whiskey instead of water. OH, THE THIRST!
Richwizard said:
It's been said that beer is the reason agriculture started and that the first towns were built.

Whoever said that was most probably drunk. Or just stupid.
Well yeah,in real life everybody and their brother is desperately making their way to the liquor store,never miss a day.But we all know damn well children play these games.How much do you guys throw back everyday?Me,at my worst,a fifth or more.My blood pressure is so high everyday is "malignant hypertension".My triglicorides are so high they were unreadable.My pancreatis could fail anytime.I expect alot of smartass comments,so you can suck my fucking dick!
500Magnum said:
I expect alot of smartass comments,so you can suck my fucking dick!
Unprovoked snark is indeed despicable, but you certainly are inviting that kind of behavior with comments such as this...

Quite frankly, I dunno what you thought you'd noticed when you made this topic. "Who's the alcoholic at Bethesda?" Does that mean you think there WASN'T lots of strong spirits being representing and celebrated in the classic games? Or did you assume Bethesda made the originals too? Either way, you'd be mistaken. The booze trade was a HUGE part of several towns in FO2, and alcoholic items were part of the game since FO1 (even if they didn't have handfuls of quests associated with them). And I never had a problem with it.

I started playing the Fallout games when I was around 16, and I didn't start drinking until I was 20 (I know, I know... I'm late to the party- both of them!) and it wasn't because of Fallout. I also never developed a drug problem, either, despite the prevalence and encouragement in the use of chems in the games, and their ready availability. Yeah, the games depict PEOPLE glorifying liquor and PEOPLE praising drugs, but so what? The best, most honest entertainment always does; it doesn't shy away from it, because it's a real topic. The game proper isn't SELLING booze, or trying to convince you to go out and have a drink; you're reading too deep or seeing things that aren't there if you believe it to be the case. If anything, in-game locations like New Reno are portraying the message to NOT drink, because of how bad it is...

So seriously, take it easy with the finger pointing and worry mongering.
500Magnum said:
How much do you guys throw back everyday?Me,at my worst,a fifth or more.My blood pressure is so high everyday is "malignant hypertension".My triglicorides are so high they were unreadable.My pancreatis could fail anytime.I expect alot of smartass comments,so you can suck my fucking dick!
On the subject of alcohol in the Fallout games, does anyone actually regularly consume it in game?

In New Vegas, the only use I found for it was when Cass was my companion, as her perk made it so my DT increases through drinking whiskey. That and some of the alcoholic items give me status boosts, but nothing cooked food wouldn't give me.

Plus it's sort of a detriment to me in Hardcore mode, that and Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla.

The only other good use I can think of for it is for roleplaying purposes. Like playing as a Courier who has to balance his/her drinking problem with the necessities to survive.
*Googles Old World Gourmet*

Ah, it's a perk I can only get through Dead Money. No wonder I haven't heard of it, I have yet to play Dead Money. :oops:
Beer in Fo1 an Fo2 is useless as a consumable. It bestows no benefit, only detriment. But it works as a weapon: give your enemies-to-be some booze, and watch as they can't hit the side of a barn when the gunfight begins.
SealyStar said:
Beer in Fo1 an Fo2 is useless as a consumable. It bestows no benefit, only detriment. But it works as a weapon: give your enemies-to-be some booze, and watch as they can't hit the side of a barn when the gunfight begins.
What a brilliant idea! :crazy:
I didn't think about that!
You can give NPCs all kind of consumables. I think, years ago, someone even tried to kill the master with using lots of super stims on him.
Formerk said:
500Magnum said:
How much do you guys throw back everyday?Me,at my worst,a fifth or more.My blood pressure is so high everyday is "malignant hypertension".My triglicorides are so high they were unreadable.My pancreatis could fail anytime.I expect alot of smartass comments,so you can suck my fucking dick!

Well said old boy. :ok:
Was either of FO3 or FONV modded so that consuming alcohol would also cause the same visual distortion affect of having a concussion? I always liked how Booze COULD be beneficial to you in Bioshock, but consumed too readily would make pulling off accurate aiming a miracle. Also I missed the "mostly just detrimental" alcohol of the originals...