Fallout Archaeology: Ancient Fallout 1 advertisement


And like a cherry on top, here's a nifty lil' thing submitted to NMA by the dashing rogue Barnz of HL2.net fame, an ancient, but amazing Fallout promotional artwork:

Thanks Barnz!
That Vault Dweler looks like Aradesh, and the mutanst look mroe liek goblins than SUpermutants, still a very good image.
A very nice find. It's always a treat to see these kinds of things pop up from the past.

warsaw said:
"it's the end of role-playing as you know it"

"Haha!" indeed...
It's funny how cheesy the AD is.

And then (I assume) someone would play the game, with only that as precedent... :D
Sabirah said:
It's funny how cheesy the AD is.

And then (I assume) someone would play the game, with only that as precedent... :D

It could be worse, imagine if they used something from the 70's?

Now, THAT was an ugly decade. :lol:
brfritos said:
Sabirah said:
It's funny how cheesy the AD is.

And then (I assume) someone would play the game, with only that as precedent... :D

It could be worse, imagine if they used something from the 70's?

Now, THAT was an ugly decade. :lol:

Could be worse, could be the 60s, the decade where the west poorly ripped of India

Now THAT would be bad lol.
Oh god, I can see Bethesda unearthing this ad and using that american flag power armor in Fallout 4 in another inane attempt to be "fallouty."
Heh, communist mutants.

Must be really old, becaues the other stuff is not even a bit similar to this ad.
If you've got the character to adapt and survive in a devastated post nuclear world - play Fallout, the new breed of RPG, available now on PC CD-ROM.
You have to admit, sometimes it fits a title.

Also, note the emphasized words. Back in the days, there were people who were doing their job - coders who could code ladder climbing, marketing directors who knew how to write a short, but effective info for the cover/poster etc.

The artwork reminds me of some rare quirky (yet very appealing) editions of comics from the late 1980's and early 1990's, like Heavy Metal or Stripoteka compilations.

My personal thanks to Barnz.