We are now focusing strictly on 3 big areas + 2 small to be released next year. Which is a good news for you, because being the game far smaller than actually is, BGE might have been already among the players.
Early parts of the game are pure survival, lacking precious inventory items, big fucking guns, and with water system applied. This literally means you can hardly move from area to area without being supplied with water that costs a lot of money/effort and is very often contaminated.
Once it turns to be rather a bit urban as well as retro-futuristic (as you might have seen many times in our gallery), but not in the demo/Chapter One.
It's never to be much fight-oriented and too "world-saving" and heroic, since you deal only with your own family disaster.
It will also contain hi-res patch and one NPC companion of very weird nature.
EN version is developed simultaneously. Since ain't translating it on my own, you can fetch a sight of relief
I also bring one tasting and eye candy - Tragic Brothers, playing Tragic: The Gathering among with one another for most of the time. At least when they don't see a soul to flay in cards.
Tragic Bro's are three ghouls and heavy Tragic addicts that may slam you in an epic way, making of you a gambler addict as well. Or, if you're good enough, you may slam them too, because they can't stop playing.
The one on the left is the worst player of them but still very good. The bad thing is, this one tend to kick your ass when loses and seems to be pretty good in.
The one on the right is a diseased cheater, although he's so good he doesn't have to. Master of cheating know-how, cards stashed everywhere on the body.
The one on the top is the greatest Tragic player in the game and very charismatic person. Claim to be a group leader, but they in fact don't argue about; they're just too busy playing Tragic.
Apart from Tragic, they love to play other adrenaline games, such as Russian roulette. Especially when it's fraudulent.