I actually consider this being a great way to make an individual, highly unique piece of art. Not to be just another geeky Fallout project, but bring in some lore and reach a better "outlines" of area that you've just created. Which is pretty hardass to achieve with X screened maps (which, in addition, often reminds of "second Den" or "Vault City MK II.", because of limited original art in Mapper) tagged together for town art, or stoling photos in the internet that, if lucky, might seem like city map from some ancient newpaper. But, in fact, tells you shit about how the area
might look in 3d. Okay, you still can have a shitloats of new ingame art, but if so, you'd probably have a chance to apply 'em on the art.
I often heard from the
Fallout 1.5: Ressurection camp (that are maximally calm, but IMO will finish their path succesfully and surprisingly well) that it's not about art, or even maps. Bullshit; it both deepens the game experience, when well-made. You'll see. Just because Fallout 3 artistically sucked whilst Fallout 1/2 is old but deep and worthy it's quite silly to say "the less new art, the better" and so.
Also, such guys is surprisingly effortless to grab on, if you find out how their brains works. Nobody, except the author, is loosing too much time and everyone's happy. We most probably reach all needed town arts far before the game content's finished.
P.S. Brother Soifran, you're actually "Bratr Soifran" in Czech - feel free to edit your s'nature.