"Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

Oh noez, teh roof is different. But hey, if you really want to try to get the building ingame, you wouldn't see the roof anyway. :P
Lexx said:
Oh noez, teh roof is different. But hey, if you really want to try to get the building ingame, you wouldn't see the roof anyway. :P
Well, I woudn't be so damn sure if I were you. Ghostus knew engine well, loved pimpin' this obsolete piece of crap, loved dancin' in the edge, ehehe. In 2005, he might have better engine knowledge that Contie Teh Engine Hater has now. :lalala: Above all I guess he wouldn't footle about with the roof when knowing it won't be ever visible.
Isn't the map to small? I mean, you would need to place the building at the very bottom of the map to get the hole thing in it. Other solution would be to split it like the cathedral in Fallout 1 where you can enter and go up the levels and so on.

This new BGE item (thx Zlatovous, by the way) might be profitable for thingies like Killap's Patch and Restoration Project, am I right? If I recall correctly, poor souls from places like LA Boneyard, Modoc, etc. were such a big mushroom-eaters.
This new BGE item (thx Zlatovous, by the way) might be profitable for thingies like Killap's Patch and Restoration Project, am I right? If I recall correctly, poor souls from places like LA Boneyard, Modoc, etc. were such a big mushroom-eaters.
Those empty "mushroom beds" in Ghost Town have always been suspicious to me. :twitch:
Wake up!

Concerning graphic element, the project has been hurt and slowed down by Conts' walk-out (or long, unexpected vacation - anything you say), for why I decided to get in touch with 10 other artists and here are some first issues from the planned series of sketches and further area town art. All related stuff will probably be made public by reason of autor (Fathum) and his unborn portfolio. Finally, this might turn out to be the most closely treated town art of Fallout modding history. :)

Also, the related newspost is about to release, but not before end of the July (Karel's actually somewhere away in the wastes).


Looks pretty cool, again. But keep in mind, fancy graphics (or concept arts) is not all. :>
I actually consider this being a great way to make an individual, highly unique piece of art. Not to be just another geeky Fallout project, but bring in some lore and reach a better "outlines" of area that you've just created. Which is pretty hardass to achieve with X screened maps (which, in addition, often reminds of "second Den" or "Vault City MK II.", because of limited original art in Mapper) tagged together for town art, or stoling photos in the internet that, if lucky, might seem like city map from some ancient newpaper. But, in fact, tells you shit about how the area might look in 3d. Okay, you still can have a shitloats of new ingame art, but if so, you'd probably have a chance to apply 'em on the art.

I often heard from the Fallout 1.5: Ressurection camp (that are maximally calm, but IMO will finish their path succesfully and surprisingly well) that it's not about art, or even maps. Bullshit; it both deepens the game experience, when well-made. You'll see. Just because Fallout 3 artistically sucked whilst Fallout 1/2 is old but deep and worthy it's quite silly to say "the less new art, the better" and so.

Also, such guys is surprisingly effortless to grab on, if you find out how their brains works. Nobody, except the author, is loosing too much time and everyone's happy. We most probably reach all needed town arts far before the game content's finished.

P.S. Brother Soifran, you're actually "Bratr Soifran" in Czech - feel free to edit your s'nature. :D
Edit done.
I prepare a little surprise ( in fact a big one) for the modder's communauty :)
Only Mibb88,josan, X'il an continuum are aware actually.
Cause i'm actually in finalising the hardest part of the thing.
So I don't want to to sell the skin of the bear before have killed it.
(translation of french proverb).
Bu If it works, I think you will put in your project ;)
Like a lot of people like said me Mib88.
I 'd send you something tonight.

Bratr Soifran
Jesterka said:
Just because Fallout 3 artistically sucked whilst Fallout 1/2 is old but deep and worthy it's quite silly to say "the less new art, the better" and so.

Well, I never said that a Fallout mod shall have as less new art as possible. In fact, I love every new piece of art that does fit well into the Fallout setting and art design. It's just that BGE releases a lot art and as far as I remember, mostly only art in the news. Not that I want to complain about it... just sayin'.
Lexx said:
Jesterka said:
Just because Fallout 3 artistically sucked whilst Fallout 1/2 is old but deep and worthy it's quite silly to say "the less new art, the better" and so.

Well, I never said that a Fallout mod shall have as less new art as possible. In fact, I love every new piece of art that does fit well into the Fallout setting and art design. It's just that BGE releases a lot art and as far as I remember, mostly only art in the news. Not that I want to complain about it... just sayin'.
Heeey, this is actually MR's specialty, not ours! :ok:

Anyway, what on earth do you wanna see? :drummer:
Heeey, this is actually MR's specialty, not ours!

Attacking your betters again I see. :D

Like the new artwork. nice concept work.

WOuld be nice to see some maps / quest ideas though. Plus, how far along is the project roughly? Ten percent? 80? Just wonder if I'll have my phd when this is released.
Chris Parks said:
Heeey, this is actually MR's specialty, not ours!

Attacking your betters again I see. :D

Like the new artwork. nice concept work.

WOuld be nice to see some maps / quest ideas though. Plus, how far along is the project roughly? Ten percent? 80? Just wonder if I'll have my phd when this is released.
Bet-what? C'mon, you'll always be second-rate, guys. :wink: Oooh, don't listen to me, I'm under the pills more than 1 month...

Anyway, two more drawings to go; the rest in the on-coming newspost.


As for releasing date, feel free to choose from the following bla-bla-blahs:
a) it's done when it's done
b) when Sheffield FC wins a PL title at the expence of Russian and Arabian oil bitch... erhm, barons
c) definitely earlier than DNF and Guns N' Roses' next album
The first one looks pretty good. If there wouldn't be "gardens" written on it, I would thought of it as a kind of "you'r personal shelter, rent now!"-feeling.

The second one looks good too but I can't imagine how this could be transported into the game.