"Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

I totally like the dog. :) Is there a critter already done for this? :>
No, Lexxie, Sirren's actually working on Gehennas.

He's very, very slowly progressing but very, very good.

Anyway, CHRISTMAS = MODDING TIME! Yey! :dance:
Jesterka said:
No, Lexxie, Sirren's actually working on Gehennas.

You mean the vagina monster? :lol:

Man, maybe I also should bring out a small christmas update... but then again, I shouldn't show so much, because it seems like the people get less interested in it then with the time, heh.
Lexx said:
Jesterka said:
No, Lexxie, Sirren's actually working on Gehennas.

You mean the vagina monster? :lol:

Man, maybe I also should bring out a small christmas update... but then again, I shouldn't show so much, because it seems like the people get less interested in it then with the time, heh.
Just don't let it bother you.

It's highly probable it's only temporal.

You just can't let Fallout disappear. I'd even say good ol' Fallout will be alive in a 50 years, just like Sunset Blvd., Psycho, or Citizen Kane movies are still alive now. How's the right word... a legend?

The only thing that lil' scares me is such an inactivity of the NMA staff. :D
Yeh, but it is a bit demotivating if it seems like nobody cares.
Hmm, I saw almost nothing has changed in Czech Republic after the famous Fallout 3 release...

Anyway, I don't care about other people too much as well and newspost at Vault of Mad Brahmin is regurarly up to me, so... :D
Yes, because we want to see roundup #100 soon. :P

/Edit: I was willing to post at FalloutNow! too a few days ago too. It is important to have more news for Fo1 and 2 or other Fo-like games, than for Fallout 3, heh. :)
All Zruud's ghoul related stuff I currently have saved on my HDD: http://rapidshare.com/files/176979958/all_that_shit.rar.html (no pass, obviously)

Anyway, WTF you Rapidshare assholes?
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Jesterka said:
Anyway, WTF you Rapidshare assholes?
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Create a free Collector's Account (something like this):

You can upload files via Collector's Account (will be automatically added there), kill them or check how many times file has been d/l ;)
Bump! Some impregnable, water-resistant proof that we, teh über BGE mannschaft, are still above ground:

And on the top of it, we're even slightly programming the dialogues etc. now! Few weeks to a credit and we might be even translating the game into English. :D

By the fucking way, when you'll finally join us, Josan12? Lack of animators! :dance:
Also only if it is a review! :P

Btw. I totally hate fucking imageshack. I can see the thumbnails you posted, but nothing more.
Lexx said:
Btw. I totally hate fucking imageshack. I can see the thumbnails you posted, but nothing more.
After clicking on the thumbnails click Show Adv Links. At the left side of the box there's a small icon with direct link to the image.

Anyway, that Byron's and Mac Linder's signs are looking much, much more better than those crappy I made. You should replace them with something similar to the ones from that town art, you Elvis fan! :ugly:
Lexx said:
Also only if it is a review! :P
Hell, yeah. Please more reviews from 3rd world but great countries like Belize, Burkina Faso and Maledives! :mrgreen:

Continuum said:
Anyway, that Byron's and Mac Linder's signs are looking much, much more better than those crappy I made. You should replace them with something similar to the ones from that town art, you Elvis fan! :ugly:
You made some? When? Where on earth are they? :lalala: :D

BTW I'll surely collect all cool shits included at various BGE town arts one fine day.
Jesterka said:
BTW I'll surely collect all cool shits included at various BGE town arts one fine day.

And then you give it to me, because I could use all cool stuff too. :P