Fallout: Between Good & Evil November Update

Lexx said:
Like I wrote above, if you know how stuff works, you can write a dialogue on one day and finish the scripting the next day.

/Edit: To make it clear: I don't say that it's a bad idea to make a new engine or whatever. It's just that it isn't that impossible to make a Fallout 2 mod, as if you would build a cathedral on your own and so on.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying it takes you double the time (and I'm being generous, I would more estimate it around 5 times) it would take you with a dedicated engine.
It just hurt me seeing so much modders enduring this and creating great games. I just can't help to imagine what level of greatness amateurs could reach with the proper tools.

So, as far as giving up my work for free, I decided to go the path of the engine.
Then, instead of spending 4 years working on a Fallout mod, I'll spend way less creating my own game.

Karel said:
Did you ever try to create your own engine? Now you have two problems - developing the game and the engine. Plus a lot of ingame art to recreate and no post-apo 256 colors atmosphere.

I'm working on it right now, but mine will be 3D and use OGRE. For the game I want to create it was the only way to go, since creating original game mechanics require a dedicated engine.
But if you like the 256 colors post-apo atmosphere of fallout, which I understand, FIFE is able to load all of its assets. Its now cancelled goal of porting Fallout experience to a new engine was far from being complete, due to lack of investments.
Yet the engine is in pretty good shape, and PARPG and Zeroprojekt seem to be on their way proving it.
I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying it takes you double the time (and I'm being generous, I would more estimate it around 5 times) it would take you with a dedicated engine.

Not true. When you don't even have any comparable evidence, saying its five times faster with a "new" engine is both meaningless and pointless.

Besides, when you have a team, where everyone is skilled in a field, it doesn't actually take that long to manipulate fallout at all.

If we were to get a new engine, I'd look for benefits in gameplay and ironing out bugs in fallout like all of its limitations. I wouldn't be that bothered about speed of implementing new things.

Its not really worth arguing over. Are we ever going to see a new, fallout- like fallout engine with workable toolset? Probably not. :cry:
I'm making a rough estimation here basing myself on my experience of other engines like Neverwinter Nights and FIFE. Neverwinter Nights would be an example of what fast could mean when implementing things, but it still can be enhanced a lot in terms of productivity.

Well, I guess I'm making the thread deviate to much. Stick to what makes you happy, I'll continue my engine project because I like the idea.
I'm still impressed by the quality of the artworks presented. Definitely make me want to try the mod out.