Fallout Easter Eggs

Merged stuff, after a search showed it's not in this thread already.
Unkillable Cat said:
If the Fallout game itself is to be believed, the Sierra Army Depot really exists. As I don't live anywhere near California, I wouldn't know for certain, but I'm certain that any "genuine American military depot" like the SAD would have better security than a chain-operated camoflaged entrance and a bunch of Mexicans.

Sierra Army Depot does really exist, and look alot different from the one portrayed in Fallout.

Basic info on the base -

The Bases own website -

As it is a crime now to take pictures of National landmarks or military or government facilities their pictures of their base are limited... but trust me its alot bigger than a hole in a mountain :D

As for its location it near Navada, I think there is a map on its main website showing its excact location. Most the location in Fallout I have found are tracable to real locations, or relate to RL locations.
Don't Know if anyone spotted this one, but blantant refrence to Mad Max 2 in fallout tactics in the Junction City mission briefing:

"Cooter, died recently when he triggered an explosive booby trap on a retrieved Interceptor vehicle. "
Someone posted this idea on the House of Lords boards, about putting a guy in front of Madam Lil's shouting stuff like 'We've got halfling pussy, we've got ogre pussy, we've got... and so on' and said it was something that he had seen in "From Dusk Till Dawn" where Cheech Marin is in front of the bar advertising all the different types of pussy you can get at the Titty Twister.

Now, I'm either hallucinating or whatever, but isn't there some guy standing in front of the Cat's Paw in New Reno doing that exact same thing? Advertising all the different types of pussy you can get there? I could've sworn I read something like that in Fallout 2.
Can anyone confirm this?
yes, there's a guy outside the cats paw trying to lure people in by shouting that nonsense. (but i believe he isnt there 24/7, he's got working hours ;) )
Searched but could not find this one:

The Doc's assistant in Vault 15 is called 'Phyllis' what obsviously comes from the STD Syphyllis hehe. 8)

Laughed my ass of realizing that.
This is from Fallout2:
i played this over a year from now but...
...after exterminating raiders that were attacking Vault City i checked their dogtags in their containers and one of then was Angel Eyes,i think the second one was Blondie and the third one had a rather long Spanish/Mexican-like name(XX+Rodriguez+XX)...

then i saw this movie errr....a review of a movie that contained the same three chars (same name) and in movie they were also bandits...

so there u go...another fine egg :D
.ICBM. said:
Searched but could not find this one:

The Doc's assistant in Vault 15 is called 'Phyllis' what obsviously comes from the STD Syphyllis hehe. 8)

Laughed my ass of realizing that.

Actually, if I remember correctly, one of the dialogs with her, the chosen one actually calls her Syphyllis.

i believe the kinds you could get at the Cat's Paw included brahmin, deathclaw and smelly. kinda unappealing...
boxing match in New Reno is full of easter eggs also (bitten ear, boxer names, Stuart Little the fight organizer...)
FalloutDude said:
i dont know if this one has been submitted but in Boneyard apocalypse followers amp in the top left corner theres a shack with mercenaries there is a man in combat armor with a description: "With a name tag that says: Im Christopher and your meat"
And when you kill hin it says avellone was killed
Chris avellone is a designer for the game
coincedence i think not

Actually, he wasn't a designer for Fallout, only for Fallout 2 and Van Buren. He also appears in Fallout Tactics and (sort of) in Fallout 2.



.ICBM. said:
Searched but could not find this one:

The Doc's assistant in Vault 15 is called 'Phyllis' what obsviously comes from the STD Syphyllis hehe. 8)

Laughed my ass of realizing that.

Wasn't there dialogue for this in Fallout 2 when you spoke to her in the medical bay?

Methinks so.
Yes. Phyllis is a real name, the CO calling her "sy-phyllis" is a joke.
Do you remember Algernon from the basement of New Reno Arms? Are there any relations to that Exosquad (1993-1995) animated series? There was Professor Algernon.


Professor Algernon, formerly, at University of Chicago, was the head of the Research & Development Laboratories of the Exofleet. At the beginning of the war, however, he has been captured by Neosapiens and forced to cooperate. Hiding under a disguise of the leading Neosapien scientist, Xenobius', lab assistant, he designed the so called GRAF (GRAvitation Focus) Shield, an ultimate defensive weapon capable of wiping out entire fleets approaching a planet. Later, Algernon has been extracted by the Able Squad and worked for the Exofleet ever since. It was primarily due to his inventions that Terrans often had the upper hand battling Neosapiens.