Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

I have a weird bug: when I right click on stuff in my inventory I only get the binoculars, I don't get the options to drop or use the item.
You (can) get both the hunting rifle and the SMG in Vault 15. And I would argue that the hunting rifle is better than the assault rifle (8-20 dmg vs 8-16 dmg), especially since there shouldn't be more 5mm ammo available until you reach the Hub, IIRC. My main point is, there really isn't a point in the game where you would ever use the AR to any extent. Making it available earlier would change that. But as always, such a change should be optional in the installer.
Hello @Sduibek
recently I went a full playthrough with cowboy style aproach to military base and cathedral I've noticed in miltary base on lvl 4 the Mr.Handy has some extra dialogue when repaired.
I've actually managed it to override it's cleaning protocol and forced it to follow me around as an additional party member.
The problem is Mr.Handy is problematical as a party member because there is no way of conversation with him. When i talk to him he only floats and sooner or later i find myself cornered by Mr.Handy as he is a multihex critter (or so i think)
i could not moove for example when looting lockers with the lieutenant after killing Lou and his companions i was sudenly in a situation where i had a game saved where Mr.Handy corners me by that locker and no other save to load from cruel as it was i was forced to blow poor mrHandy away with my turboplasma because there was no way to tell him to get out of {my/the fucking} way.

My question is..
"is it meant to be that after recruting Mr.Handy to party he only conversates in float without any dialogue window popping up??"

If I'll go for another playthrough one day i may be able to provide a savegame however in current state he was unfortuneatly blown away several overwritten saves back.
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Hmm that's definitely an oversight on my part. I did add the new dialog and party member functionality for him, but what you are describing isn't supposed to happen. Was he helping you out in combat at least?
well he follows me anywhere i go and he even goes with me out from military base map (in the contrary to what was said about him) he can travel with me all across the world map as for the combat helpfullness i definetly remember him putting one burst from his minigun through me to assault Lou and his cronies but after that, beeing the dirty cheater that I am, the rest was taken care by me during single turn, since I can 1shot evrything in the game .. including lou and a deathclaw don't know about the master since i always take the diplomatic path with him (vree holodisk) afer I mutilate all of his worshipers on all three flors of the vault and cathedral.
needles to say Yo've convinced me for another playthrough, so sooner or later I'll have a savegame for You with the bug. also I remember healing him was difficult since he can't be healed with stimpacks nor first aid or doctor skills so the only way to heal him would be to take a nap and wait until he heals over time (wierd as it sounds this does work however). so i hope that when You bring back his dialogue functionality Mr.Handy will have an auto-repair like the cybernetic brainbot from Fo2 sierra army depot had.
that should cover it.. now I'll go for another playthrough so that You may finally have a proper savegame.
Has the club always had the knockback perk? It seems to knock back enemies one square for each 5 points of damage, like the sledgehammer and super sledge, but Per's guide doesn't mention it.
Hey, I installed the latest version of the patch to Fallout because I was having an error loading up relating to input. However, installing the patch seems to have replaced it with another startup error. When running Fallout, I am told that the display mode is not supported, and then another error pops up saying that the game failed to initialize 800x600 display mode. Would appreciate any assistance on this matter.
post your specs or put them on your signature like me if you want some help, make things easier. ;)
Thanks, added to signature (when I tried to put them in the post it said that it was denied and that posts are checked for URLs and banned words, but I don't see why anything in it would be banned)
ok @ Sduibek
got to the point where I hire Mr.Handy to party he does speak in float. got a savegame if You wish to have it tell me how should i send it to you..
character is heavily cheated just to make the playthrough as quick as possible it still took me 3 full days lol.
Yes to both previous posts, savegames are always helpful.

If I did a Let's Play video series of this mod, what would you guys like it to feature?
Yes to both previous posts, savegames are always helpful.

If I did a Let's Play video series of this mod, what would you guys like it to feature?
Well obviously any gameplay changes from an unmodded Fallout 1 must be explored in any let's play of a mod.
And when playing through things that have been changed its generally pleasant to inform people what is different.
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I'm aware that savegame will be helpful however i still have no idea how to pass this savegame over to You :p
So please post what way would You like me to deliver them to You
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