@Theomniadept I have experienced a few of those, but not all of them. I have my own explanations:
B. Simply killing Heather is meant to only be the first part of allowing a good ending for the Followers, the next part is training the faction in some skills in case of war so they can take on the Children of the Cathedral... but too bad the Gun Runners mainly help the Blades who are understandably much nicer in comparison to the Rippers, Nicole's dialogue contains remnants of the latter but the former are cut to avoid too much mention of the inbred gang whom you had to kill the leader of to become a Blade yourself.
D. Did you have companions along with you plus the robes, or were they all wearing such? I think the problem is that the Fallout engine doesn't support checking for the type of armor your fellas have, and thus some turn hostile or hold grudges (like in Fallout 2's Navarro if you try entering with an "escort", they don't want spies puttin' their noses into the governments business)... Anyway, the floaters and centaurs will all disregard you as long as nobody in the lower part of the Cathedral are made enemies with ya.
E. That's weird, I just went ahead and killed the door guard Leon. Not one of the Hightowers reacted, I then wandered on to untrap their footlocker and there was little problem or concern... at least for me.
F. Sneaking indeed doesn't serve a lot of purposes because lots of scripts aren't set up to examine if you are currently sneaking, making it almost useless. Stealing in Fallout is very much like with chances to hit in combat, it's capped at 95% and can only be circumvented with special perks like
Pickpocket. That one nullifies modifiers by the direction the NPC is facing as well as the weight of the item you try to steal or plant on that person.
I. It is a new thing, yes. Why not? If the radscorpions were all killed inside that cave close to Shady Sands, they're all extinct from there and nobody needs to block the entrance... unless any eggs happened to be inside, but the scorpions would starve anyway.
J. Sduibek is thinking about doing that, because on the
Fallout Fixt bug reports on the Vault-Tec Labs Wiki there's a suggestion for it. The proposition is to make the two guys charge you a few caps seeing as it's very hard for them to do repeated work.
M. Hah, yeah. It was hilarious to see him walk all the way towards the upper-right corner and tumbling over, he is too stupid to watch where he is going!... Or, maybe during development there was no toxic waste up there when the Gun Runners Fortress was redesigned?
N. "Sherri" is "Sherry", was that what you meant?
Trish is the name of Saul's lady, or at least former one... The boxing matches don't work for me either, it must have to do with nobody being around to watch over the stakes, Gizmo that is.
O. Yep, I know about that one. I even reported it on that same Wiki I linked up there, man does it seem unrealistic indeed!