Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Hi everyone,
My sincerest apologies for the silence/absence. I feel very badly about it being 3 years since the last Fixt release. :puppy-dog::hide:

I've had a lot going on but the good news is I can assure you Fallout Fixt has not been abandoned and it's not dead.

I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to incorporate it into my daily life, so that even if it's only 10-15 minutes at a time (or whatever amount) I'll be making progress daily that way.

I truly appreciate everyone's contributions whether it be reporting bugs, requesting features, creating your own fixes/patches, asking how I'm doing, etc. -- you all are fantastic and this community is great.

I'll keep you posted once I have something downloadable/installable/testable.

Much love

P.S. Did we ever find out what's going on with Mash?
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Good news. For a 'alpha', I always found the fixt pretty stable, but I mostly played with the fix only option. Don't feel bad.
as someone somwhere on this forum pointed out Mash might no longer be amongst the living. The one that posted, mentioned he/she knew his real name and surname (be it Matt Wells or something else) and couldn't contact Mash so he/she did a search on Mash's data in google. Word says that "Mash" had a lethal car accident where he lived. So You're far better off with asking Crafty to reverse engineer HRP and go from there, than counting on Mash. AFAIK Crafty is handy with asembler as far as i know sfall1 was tooled arount with it hence it is backward compatible with win 98/Exagear with a few minor tweaks.


Did anybody knew that enabling force 2D GPU render in android's developer options boost fallout's framrate significantly in ExagearRPG? ( If having a good GPU [most devices have crap GPU])
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Why can't you edit the amount of simultaneous sound effects like you can on Fallout 2 with the unofficial patch? The line isn't in the ddraw.ini for this one.

;Sets the number of allowed simultaneous sound effects
;Set to 0 to leave the default unchanged (i.e. 4)

EDIT - I've updated sfall to version 1.8 and now the option is there, but I can't set more than 4...
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@Daniel "Dan" Acerbi Rocha
AFAIR sfall1 v 1.8 is able to set up to 127 simultaneus sounds effects but the question is how many sound buffers does your soundcardcard have. If I remember correctly only cards with 128 sound buffers were Sensaura/Aureal3D. cards capable of HRTF (head related transfer function) plus a couple of Chineese clones. Theese were the only ones capable of true 3D sound. It was back in the 90's. Creative and dolby make a shoddy job at creating multi dimensional sound so beyond stereo and sound quality creative sucks up to present day. Hence Creative bought out Aureal dumping their inventions in Creative's HQ basement never to see sunlight agin. A deed many gamers see as unforgivable to creative, and many gamers vowed never to purchease any creative-made sh*t ever agin.

Anyways, Fallout 1, as owners of Original Fallout CD may find out via Sound.exe ms-dos app (for detecting the soundcard under dos)that Fallout is a full Stereo game Hence 4 Sound buffers (SoundBlaster 32 PRO compatible) is enaugh For Fallout to bring out it's finest as it goes for sound quality.
I am getting some npcs stuck in the rocky cliffs in some random encounters... anybody else also having this problem?
Yeah it happens.. although it's not that big of a deal Mainly it's Mysterious stranger that get's stuck on a wall (although he can shoot but can't walk) as for the rest of npc's (Katja,Ian,Tycho,Dogsh*t&MrHandy) they can get stuck on fallen rocks encounter however there's no hostiles there and you can safely walk out of the map wich simply unstucks them if they spawn on any different map.
I've run into a really weird thing. Don't know if it's a bug but it has to be. In the first map of Vault 13, the one with the medic and Vault Door, a wall safe appears floating in the air, not connected to a wall.

View attachment 9924

At first I thought it was a map oversight so I went to fix it with a functioning Fallout 2 map editor that edits Fallout 1 maps and... the safe isn't there. I then entered the map, saved the game, extracted the map from the save, opened the map in the editor and removed the safe. I then put the "fixed" map in the main game folder. I then entered the map again for the first time in a new save and... it's back again. What script is causing this?

I searched but didn't find anyone else with this issue. Any ideas?

Okay, I'm bumping this bug I ran across. Maybe now with Sduibek back he can give a guess as to what script is causing it - maybe I can fix it myself.
Say... I'm playing 1.5 Resurrection and it's pretty good so far. (except random long loading times) But one thing bugs me which bugs me like in any other mod:
so there's these resolutions:
640x480, 800x600 and 1176x664 (16x9) and some other not important, random proportions resolutions...

So, like so many times before, I've looked it up in excel myself... 800x600 is the "original" "original" where the game looks perfect, but could be a little bit bigger, but not TOO MUCH.

Anyway, excel says:

The closest one to 800x600 with 16:9 ratio would be 1088x612.. that would be perfect. So why is this piece of shit unsupported? 1088 / 16 = nice number, 612 / 9 = nice number. and both those numbers are dividable by 4.

So, why the hell isn't that a supported resolution? It shouldn't matter at all. It just scales - it just works - you should be able to enter any number you wish. Just the end product might looked fucked up and if the numbers aren't diviable by 4 (or 8? or 16?), things just aren't sharp. And if it has to be diviable by 8, there's still 1152x648 which is exactly 16:9 and exactly dividable by 8. The supported resolution 1176x664 isn't even exactly 16:9. Even unnoticable, it's still stretched.... So, why? :wall:
So I have some questions:

1 - I've noticed that if you leave Vault 13 and then return to it, you can actually access all the other floors and afterwards your code will open the vault door normally. Is this part of your mod? Should this be possible?
2 - Is this the latest version of sfall? If so does this version fix the bug that causes corpses to block burst bullets?
3 - Did you alter something about the how the mouse works? It feels kinda sluggish now.
4 - Is there any way for me to alter how many sounds are played at once so that I can reload my gun and get the combat ending sound simultaneously? Right now the latter always gets cut off.
@Daniel "Dan" Acerbi Rocha
RE1. It was always possible to pass time in the cave to after midnight to be able to enter v13 in Fo1.

RE2. I don't know what do you mean by "this version of sfall" but v1.8 of Sfall1 made by Crafty is/was latest up until present day, I have no idea if there was a release of something newer.

RE3. I personally always set mouse speed in sfall1 to 150 (wich is 1.5x default [a.k.a. 100 default]) plus mouse slider in the ingame settings to the max.

RE4. I'm able to set the number of sound buffers in sfall1 v1.8 up to 127 wich is the maximum, and the game starts fine. I am not sure however, if the game registers additional sound buffers ( my integrated soundcard has 32 built-in sound buffers).
Thanks for the answers man.

About answer 4: how do you do that since the line on ddraw.ini is not present?

EDIT: Also, do you know if the Fixt fixes the burst fire being stopped by corpses bug?
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Yeah it happens.. although it's not that big of a deal Mainly it's Mysterious stranger that get's stuck on a wall (although he can shoot but can't walk) as for the rest of npc's (Katja,Ian,Tycho,Dogsh*t&MrHandy) they can get stuck on fallen rocks encounter however there's no hostiles there and you can safely walk out of the map wich simply unstucks them if they spawn on any different map.

By npcs I mean raiders, which mean I can't get to them...
Thanks for the answers man.

About answer 4: how do you do that since the line on ddraw.ini is not present?

EDIT: Also, do you know if the Fixt fixes the burst fire being stopped by corpses bug?
about RE to answer #4:

Perhaps U did not use proper ddraw.ini... On the contrary to Fallout2RP You should also update ddraw.ini (However be carefull as some settings need to be mimicked over to the new ddraw.ini from the old one.
The best way to check wich ddraw.ini you have is to look-up the ddraw version in the first line of the .ini it should read ";sfall v1.8 configuration settings" without the quotes.

as for the coprose line of fire fix and burst bullet spread fix I'm afraid they're not implemented. However if you want You may try to ask @Crafty to implement that feature, although I'm not sure when or if at all he would answer you.
Just added some savegames to the bug report page http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Fixt_bug_reports?action=edit&section=11 concerning the military base, which is at least extremely annoying, possibly impossible to finish (second elevator in L3 locked down), in my memory, playing around with force fields was easy in the vanilla version, it's now a nightmare.

I think i remember being able to target the force fields generator (not just the panel) with the repair skill, now, i can't, i have to use the repair tool, still, it gives 50 XP but doesn't deactivate the forcefield, plus, destroying them with plastic just deactivate them, then, they come back online indestructible.

Save https://workupload.com/file/KYRzfYZ (same as in the wiki) - Win 8 x64 GOG version.

I restarted the military base 3 times and i'm not through yet (tried without the radio call, with the 2 different options, the fall and asking for reinforcements ... )
Been translating Fixt into Russian, found some typos/mistakes (some might be intentional):

They call us Fools, but you's just stupid for showing up here.

This disk is in bad shape. It has no proper label but has "overide" scratched onto the side.

See. So, you better find anoter place to go. It isn't safe here.

Okay, I'll take your there. Anything for a hunky costumer, anything! Follow me. [accepts 400 caps]

You see a businessman. You are unsure the nature of his business.
Hi all.
Just returned to my Fallout 1 playthrough, and I have a question.

In the Fallout wiki it's written that the endings for the super mutants are flipped:

Is this still true for Fallout Fixt??
Grateful for any help.

EDIT: Also, is there any difference/consequence in doing these things in a different order, or is it just a difference in an ending slide?
I had a doubt but I just finished the game with Fixt and yes, the cathedral/military base order are still flipped in the mutants ending.
It's basically the same ending anyway. As far as I know, there is no difference in doing the order you prefer, just a few dialogs of secondary npc like Rutger, if you even stop to speak to them at that point.