There is a known issue with assault Paladins in the Military Base. When they spawn outside of any elevator, they block the way out.
I've made a simple solution to that. I've changed the script so that every time when you try to talk to them, they move.
Awesoooooome thank you very much!
Does this mod bring back Agatha? The storyteller in Shady Sands?
It should but there's a bug. Will be fixed in next release.
Another question,
I just completed a complete play through with Fixt installed and I didn't come across any of the special encounters like the spaceship.
What happened?
Did you have high Luck, like at least 9? Even in vanilla game it's extremely rare to encounter them with Luck less than 9. I did not change the chance for special encounters because it's hard-coded.
By any chance does this remove the condition where if you have the bloody mess trait, it'll automatically change the ending to where you kill the overseer?
Because that always made me hesitate on getting the trait as I don't want that ending, and it's pretty stupid if you ask me.
I did not change this functionality, but it's a fair request. I can make this an optional customization.
I am getting some npcs stuck in the rocky cliffs in some random encounters... anybody else also having this problem?
Known bug; planning to fix.
Okay, I'm bumping this bug I ran across. Maybe now with Sduibek back he can give a guess as to what script is causing it - maybe I can fix it myself.
Hey there! Sorry for the silence. If I remember correctly I added this locked because medic always referenced a locker but one did not actually exist. I'll look into it.
Say... I'm playing 1.5 Resurrection and [snip]
tbh since this thread is about Fixt explicitly, I'd start a new thread for this. Hope that helps!
1 - I've noticed that if you leave Vault 13 and then return to it, you can actually access all the other floors and afterwards your code will open the vault door normally. Is this part of your mod? Should this be possible?
2 - Is this the latest version of sfall? If so does this version fix the bug that causes corpses to block burst bullets?
3 - Did you alter something about the how the mouse works? It feels kinda sluggish now.
4 - Is there any way for me to alter how many sounds are played at once so that I can reload my gun and get the combat ending sound simultaneously? Right now the latter always gets cut off.
1. Pretty sure vanilla was the same way re: reaching the other floors. In vanilla game you couldn't open the door via the computer until 24 in-game hours had passed though, in some installs of Fixt this might be changed. I'll look into it.
2. It's not the latest because Fixt install is from mid-2015. Not sure if this version fixes that bug. You can find sfall1 v1.8 at:
3. No. Check settings in f1_res and ddraw
4. ddraw.ini if you use the most recent version (1.8)
@Daniel "Dan" Acerbi Rocha
Just added some savegames to the bug report page concerning the military base and [snip]
Thanks so much for the report / details / savegame
@Bob Morane , i'll get this fixed in the next release!
In the
Fallout wiki it's written that the endings for the super mutants are flipped: - Is this still true for
Fallout Fixt??
EDIT: Also, is there any difference/consequence in doing these things in a different order, or is it just a difference in an ending slide?
1. Not fixed yet; will fix.

2. Just ending slides different.
I swear the mouse movement after you apply the patch feels sluggish (exactly like it does with vsync on on many other games) but only in-game (not on the menus/options/character creation).
If it does, can it be disabled?
Disabling the variable FLICKERING_SCREEN_FIX in f1_res.ini did the trick.
Thanks! I'll look into this and add to troubleshooting guide. Will also considering setting flicker fix to 0 by default. Unfortunately that means some people will get flickering

I don't think defaulting it to either 0 or 1 is the perfect solution for anyone tbh. Windows systems just differ far too widely for a once-fize-fits-all fix.
@Daniel "Dan" Acerbi Rocha
VirusTotal said this had malware???
It does not. That's a false positive; will be fixed in next release.
Just to reiterate from my earlier answer,
DO NOT install these on top of Fixt under any circumstances. It will cause many issues. I'll make sure to make this info clearer in my documentation. And rest assured any portions of these which aren't currently implemented, will be eventually
1. Inventory button kept turning into a black square, and trying to save resulted in a corrupted save file.
2. Followers sometimes disappear, and some of my save files had images where you could see a follower, but they were not there when loading.
3. Dynamite and C4 somtimes cause the game to crash with an uncaught memory exception, likely a NULL pointer dereference.
4. Background music repeat is bugged which causes looping at the wrong offset.
1 should be fixed with ddraw. I've never heard of 2; your Fixt install might be corrupt or have issues, or maybe UAC is interfering if you installed to Program Files. 3 is known bug from vanilla game, resolved in most recent version of ddraw (see post #1 of this thread). 4 is a known bug from vanilla on modern systems. No known fix at this time. <3
@Systolic Motivator
Hi) Is there anywhere manual installation version of this mod for people who wanna play on android?
Not at this time - Fallout Fixt is a fairly complex install with many moving parts. Manual install would be a large undertaking for (to the best of my knowledge) a very small % of players. Which isn't meant to sound rude, just means it's not high priority at this time.
Where do I get Sfall 1.8 that I have seen mentioned, the link on crafty's profile links to a dropbox site with version 1.7, or is this the latest version? Furthermore, I can just copy and paste it into the Fallout Fixt directory and overwrite correct?
I've added it to post #1 of this thread

I think it should be OK to just add to Fixt directory but I haven't tested much because I'm working on next release of Fixt (which will include sfall 1 v1.8 most recent)
Killing Bob, the used car salesman, disables the Tell Me About button for the children & citizens of Shady Sands. Other N.P.C.'s seem to work normally although I didn't test many.
Also, if anyone is interested I extracted The Hero Appearance Mod from Killap's Restoration Project and edited the descriptions to make sense for the first game. Seems to be working rather well.
Bartering with Vinnie initiates the steal the urn quest and locks the player out of the joining the Skulz dialog.
Examing Stapleton crashes the game- could be because I removed her scripts as her changes were not optionally. HUBWATER.INT seems to be causing a crash/freeze when re-entering from the downtown map. It didn't crash the first time. The only way I can get there now is by selecting it on the initial map.
Nice to see you again, Ryan! :waves: I've never heard of killing Bob disabling Tell Me About for anyone. That is very strange; i'll look into it.
Yes please provide your files for Appearance Mod!!!!! awesome awesome I will include in next release.
Vinnie/Urn bug shouldn't be a thing. Will investigate.
Crashes with Stapleton/HubDowntown is probably from you deleting her script. What changes weren't optional that you didn't like?
I have an issue, I am using 0.81 Alpha - Full Version, running Windows 10, 64 bit and I have no savegame file yet because my issue is on the main menu.
Sorry for all the trouble! This sounds like a big pain. i've never heard the same kind of reports though - i suspect something with your system setup is causing issues. If you've already tried various changes to f1_res.ini and ddraw.ini without success, i'd also trying disabling/removing each of them one at a time entirely. One of them might be causing some kind of conflict on your computer.