I thought that using the terminal to adjust the settings was cool. At first.
But then I missed the „uhh, got issues... try again later“ response when trying to open the vault immediately. So it kills some atmosphere. In this case: being alone and unable to return back inside. And in front a cave of hungry rats.
Isn't it possible to create a „settings“ screen like hi-res does (i.e. it adds that „screen“ menu to options) or is that not possible with Fo1? Otherwise that sounds best (i.e. it's in-game (menu), but not in the actual game). Or call up something like help by pressing F1? Or add it to the pip-boy? I mean perhaps pursue some sort of separation of game-play and set-up by finding a way to have it in a menu setting.
Or if all that is a pain perhaps have a new terminal for this purpose rather than replacing a vanilla one? So it's less intrusive. Or at the very least a terminal that is not used for anything but decoration.
Regarding the auto-installer. I absolutely loved it a year ago, when I had little understanding of FO. Today, I rather have manual installers as it gives me more control.
Perhaps it's best to have both. FoRes is offering both options.
I understand the annoyance of having to run installer over and over again. One reason why I like a manual installer, especially when messing and experimenting. But outside of experimenting I'm not that concerned as I go through the settings once, decide on the game I want (all the fixes, everything, with two spoons of sugar and cream) and then never switch back ever again. At least for a while.
I mean is there a huge demand of adjusting the settings frequently? That sounds more like an expert thing.
However, if you give me a manual installer I would install the game three times with all three settings (purist, half & full).