Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

...I'm also going to finish a few more splash screens.

I hope they wont replace the original splash screens...or be added to the 6 original splash screens in F1. The originals worked beautifully, and I'm yet to see anyone make better. Just my 2 cents...love ya baby. >_>
First of all, thanks for all the work you've put into this mod over the years. I understand you're working on making Fixt run through Steam with the next update but I was wondering if there was anyway we could do it manually in the meantime. I replaced falloutwHR.exe and fallout.cng with the Fixt versions but I keep getting, "Master file not found. Please insert Fallout CD" or something like that.
Okay, thank you. When testing my "steam install option" i'll see if I can just replace FalloutHR.exe with my FalloutW.exe renamed. Fingers crossed.
NEW: Msg when dropping explosives at your feet.
NEW: Finally implemented can play after being dipped
NEW: Finally implemented can play after V13 dehydrated or invaded (or both)
Sduibek, I completed the fixt 0.81alpha yesterday (before the restored good endings got updated to 2.0) and I'm eager to know if you fixed the wrong Military Base - Cathedral sequence in the ending (for example, I destroyed the Cathedral first then M.B. though visited M.B. first without entering it and Ron Perlman says: "You managed to destroy the Vats, then you killed the Master before he could realize his twisted plans. With the Master gone, his armies flee to the east in fear of retribution from the remaining normals.").
Also I couldn't find a way to finish the game if I start slaughter in vault13 after completing the game (since overseer just attacks, no way to speak with him), maybe you should add a rock (like the one in the start of RP which allows to check version) with functionality of finishing the game.
And just to be sure, the invasion endings are disabled by default, correct? (i.e. followers get invaded in 90 days, hub in 140 days). I've chosen the 1.1 version default 'only necropolis get invaded' option so I don't expect any city to be invaded if I spend time going to glow, improving my stats with bos operations ect..
I just tested the order of the endings today and it worked fine for me... I did MB then Master and got the appropriate order in slideshow, then did Master then MB and also got the correct order. Are you sure Fixt was installed properly?

Also there's been issues running Fixt through Steam, were you possibly using it on a Steam install?

So how is the progress going? Are we close to release? :)
@Diogo Working on it all day today & tomorrow, really hoping I can finish it by end of tomorrow.

Definitely won't be finished by the end of tonight. You'd think I'd learn by now that this shit always takes way longer than I anticipate.

BUT, when released, in addition to all the stuff already mentioned above, 0.90beta will have over 50 settings customizable in-game and about 20 optional custom playstyle restrictions (which can be chosen in installer and in-game). Some of the 50 points of customization will be new to this release... options I created in the past but forgot to add to the installer.

Should be plenty to keep everyone busy while waiting for the engine conversion. :cool:
Yay! I'm new here and this will be the first time I play fallout 1 & 2. When you release 0.90 should I play immediately or do you usually release a bug fix patch afterwards, so I'll have to wait?
I just tested the order of the endings today and it worked fine for me... I did MB then Master and got the appropriate order in slideshow, then did Master then MB and also got the correct order. Are you sure Fixt was installed properly?

Also there's been issues running Fixt through Steam, were you possibly using it on a Steam install?

I use a regular non-steam cd version.
I installed Fallout v.1.0 from .iso then I applied customizable installation of Fixt (Fixt should cover 1.1 and teamx patches so I didn't bother installing them on top of 1.0). So I guess there's no miss on my side and I did it all properly.
I can try speedrunning new version once it's released and say if the same issue still persists.
Yay! I'm new here and this will be the first time I play fallout 1 & 2. When you release 0.90 should I play immediately or do you usually release a bug fix patch afterwards, so I'll have to wait?
Just depends if I make a mistake that I don't catch until after the release, lol.

But as best I can, I'd like to provide the upcoming version as a patch (for current Fixt installs) as well as an installer.

I can try speedrunning new version once it's released and say if the same issue still persists.
Yes please, that would be very helpful. If you do still have the issue, savegames are always excellent for being able to test and/or duplicate on my end :D
I'm not sure where does that notion that mutants are stupid comes from. On the contrary, Marcus speaks of everything becoming "clearer" after having been dipped.
I'm not sure where does that notion that mutants are stupid comes from.
From first Fallout, look at Vree's autopsy report:
Intellect is decreased by this strain by 30%.
Marcus speaks of everything becoming "clearer" after having been dipped.
Are you sure Marcus is referring to his intellect by this remark? Might be just ideology reference. Supermutants were liberated from complicated human social relationships affected by religion, racism, and such stuff, so perhaps he's referring to this.

This is from hcmarcus.msg file:
{238} {mcs39} {The Master just wanted everyone to see clearly. The Vault Dweller ended that dream.}
{262} {mcs46} {My memories of being a human aren't as clear as they once were, but I remember pettiness, hatred, jealousy... I prefer being a mutant.}
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Well, 7 Int down is 70% at best, and an absolute idiot in most cases. On average, 30% would be some 2 Int down.

You have a point about Marcus. AFAIR, he's saying not all were fit to become mutants. But those who did, they actually benefited from it. So a genius would elevate to Lieutenant/Master level of intelligence. Probably there was some random element, too.

Anyway, it's just theoretical talk, since it's not really a playable option (and even if it was, there wouldn't be lots of people using it).
Oh that's right, I forgot about that... we discussed it earlier in this thread about how since the Vault Dweller would be a prime normal, as well as having absorbed minimal background radiation, that they wouldn't become the typical dumb Super Mutant.

So should we bump INT to 10 then, like happens with STR and END?

I think what was discussed before is something like INT>6 gets an increase from dipping, INT<=5 is decreased from dipping.

Anyway regarding your first message, Super Mutants becoming stupid is widespread and self-explanatory. In addition to what Valcik said, there's a small number of Super Mutants in Fallout 1 that aren't stupid. That's the whole point; The Master and The Lieutenant are trying to track down ideal normals to dip so that they don't have an army of retards.
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