Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

If You want to further tweak Your Fallout 1 gameplay I advise You to also update Crafty's Sfall to 1.8 (wich is the latest one as of present). Sfall stands for "ddraw.dll" and "ddraw.ini" file. Those files enhance gameplay and fix a lot of bugs. Some things are also configurable within ddraw.ini file such as selectable ammo formula + JHP/AP ammo fix. ability to sell used geiger counter, control party members, or get awareness description with target cursor (Fo2 style).
Hey, back with a very MINOR problem, but it still kind of bugs me nonetheless. I know it says in the changelog that the "Master/Cathedral destruction" endings are fixed so the endgame slideshow plays them in the correct order, but I destroyed the Master BEFORE the Cathedral and the endgame slideshow still plays the slide saying that I blew up the Vats before the Master. This is the most unimportant of problems as the slideshow doesn't really have a big effect on the game, but I like to play the games canonically, and the slideshow helps me end the game with some sort of closure.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I still reported it on the Fallout Fixt bug report page, and I just reported it here too just for the fact the there's a higher chance of someone seeing this, lol. I don't know if there's anyway to actually edit the slideshow to play the desired ending, but that would be helpful if there was. Thanks guys!

P.S. If there is a way to just edit the slideshow only or force it to play the slide I want it to, I will gladly do it myself if someone has a way and is willing to teach me. Of course, I'm probably wrong as ANYONE else has more experience with Fixt than me, being a mere user and player. Anyway, if there is a way to edit the slideshow and narration, I'm willing to do it, just so that it eases my conscience.
I'm playing the steam version using the latest download of fallout fixt and can't find the savegame folder. I know where the folder is for steam and if I run the game from the steam client my saves are all there, but if I run the fixt shortcut there are no saves. If I start a new game with fixt I can't find that save anywhere either, I can load it but can't find the folder it's in it to edit it.
Hey, I'm having some issues running the MS-DOS version.

First, I've tested the retail MS-DOS version, which ran good.
Later on, updated to official patch and tested it, and again, it does run properly.

In this case, BOTH tests were performed under DOSBox (0.74) environment.

Then I've undone the official patch and installed Fallout Fixit and tested on Windows. Works fine, but when testing MS-DOS version (also in DOSBox 0.74), here's what happens:

1. The main screen image shows stretched with no apparent reason.
2. When I start a New Game, I appear at the V13 Exit Door and the screen goes white, and something triggers the V13 Mutant Invasion event, which brings the cinematic, screen goes white and shows up the Main Menu (Intro/New Game etc.)

I've tried to CUSTOM the super-mutants possibilities, but... no luck.

Anyone could help me out with this? Thanks.

Edit: tried the fixes only. No luck


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Hm, since the mods often involve engine fixes and modifications, I think they won't work well on DOS. Which is sad, because the DOS versions would be an easy way to get Fallout to run on Linux, even though it's probably not very economical.
I doubt some if any of the mods here were tested on DOS, my advice is: stay on windows only. ;)

Gave up from Fixt for the moment. And I'm playing it under Raspberry Pi 3@DOSBOX.

Hm, since the mods often involve engine fixes and modifications, I think they won't work well on DOS. Which is sad, because the DOS versions would be an easy way to get Fallout to run on Linux, even though it's probably not very economical.

It seems much more like a script bug rather than engine mod, hence engines weren't changed anyway. Hi-res patches use custom ddraw.dll files, which would affect game wrapper overlay. AFAIK, no tinkering were made on executables. Speaking of which, it's way more stable and easy to run Fallout under Wine.

Currently I'm playing TeamX 1.3.5 unofficial patch under MS-DOS and it's working fine. I'll post the Raspberry running with sound and everything.

Thanks anyway guys. Whenever I get enough time, I'll try checking scripts. Maybe it's just a call to 8+3 filename call.

I'm planning to built-in a Raspberry with USB entries etc, something like this:
Gave up from Fixt for the moment. And I'm playing it under Raspberry Pi 3@DOSBOX.

It seems much more like a script bug rather than engine mod, hence engines weren't changed anyway. Hi-res patches use custom ddraw.dll files, which would affect game wrapper overlay. AFAIK, no tinkering were made on executables. Speaking of which, it's way more stable and easy to run Fallout under Wine.

Currently I'm playing TeamX 1.3.5 unofficial patch under MS-DOS and it's working fine. I'll post the Raspberry running with sound and everything.

Thanks anyway guys. Whenever I get enough time, I'll try checking scripts. Maybe it's just a call to 8+3 filename call.

I'm planning to built-in a Raspberry with USB entries etc, something like this:

It's not a script bug. Both Sfall and HRP .dll's wich fixt comeswith don't work with any DOS You need to work within windows API to make Fixt work like it should.
I won't post the same twice on the forum so look in the other thread in the modding section you've asked about thie issue ( i've responded there also).

Just do note that FIXT 0.81a is a bit old now and there is much newer Sfall by Crafty. Last time I've checked his download it was v1.8 but there could be newer versions out. There's lots of improovements and bug fixes, although not all changelog entries were translated to english.
Hey fellow mutant hunters I'm in need of a little help, I'm trying to modify the Vault 13 Water Chip/ Days Left.

What I know so far and what I've tried. Edit the VAULT13.GAM in Fallout Fixt/Data/Data, look for the line Vaultwater change the default from 150 to your desired amount.

I've done this but it seems it's not working for me and most likely I've missed something, if anyone could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it.
AFAIR it was called: Vault Water Days Left =
and in order for the changes to work You do need to start a new game/playthrough...

There are some cool settings in Vault13.gam added by Fixt. ie. creatures like rats and deathclaws now drop meat *if* you make outdorsman roll or raiders don't drop armor after death (in order to make it more of a challange at the beginning) ... just scroll through all of them and read the description.
AFAIR it was called: Vault Water Days Left =
and in order for the changes to work You do need to start a new game/playthrough...

There are some cool settings in Vault13.gam added by Fixt. ie. creatures like rats and deathclaws now drop meat *if* you make outdorsman roll or raiders don't drop armor after death (in order to make it more of a challange at the beginning) ... just scroll through all of them and read the description.

Thanks for the reply, I had a suspicion that it would have only work with a new save but was not sure so thanks for clearing that up for me will definitely help out with a new character, I did however manage to change it on my current character using the F1SE editor which worked perfectly. From what I looked through so far this has some pretty awesome additions, really glad I saw this mod, won't be going vanilla any time soon.
Given enaugh time, knowledge, resources and proper work, anything is possible. However some things like that what you ask for, are harder to accomplish than most others, Hence nobody did it yet.

The proper question should be: what is needed so that You could do it Yourself, or can somebody do it for You :p
Given enaugh time, knowledge, resources and proper work, anything is possible. However some things like that what you ask for, are harder to accomplish than most others, Hence nobody did it yet.

The proper question should be: what is needed so that You could do it Yourself, or can somebody do it for You :p

I would do it, but I haven't any experience with the modding of Fallout 1&2.
This might be crazy conspiracy stuff, but Mash might not be walking amongst the living any more. I know he was moving to Tasmania/Australia a few years back, and I had his email contact and true name - but my email account has been lost with his details. Anyway after doing a Google search someone with his name came back, but that person had been killed in a car crash in Tasmania. I hope this isn't true, and I hope someone knows how to get into contact with him and alleviate my fears.

Damn, just seeing this. I was wondering why he wasn't checking the forum anymore. Real shit if its true.
It's not like he has a super original name.

Also, PC Appearance mod is in latest Crafty's sFall.
It's not like he has a super original name.

Also, PC Appearance mod is in latest Crafty's sFall.

Thank you. But it dosen't works for me. I have download the latest sFall by Crafty and set in the ddraw.ini EnableHeroAppearanceMod to 1. In the charakter creation menu I see the change menu like the latest sfall in Fallout 2, but there are no diffrent PC appearances.