fallout gameplay questions

Ok, so the bars wont show up, firstly, you sure you are in sneak mode, secondly, you sure you gained a level? Either that or the game is doing one of the manythings it does to piss you off, or your save game is corrupt. Try making a new character and sneaking around a bit.
Argonnot said:
Ok, so the bars wont show up, firstly, you sure you are in sneak mode, secondly, you sure you gained a level? Either that or the game is doing one of the manythings it does to piss you off, or your save game is corrupt. Try making a new character and sneaking around a bit.

it made the noise, the bar just didn't pop up...and then it started working again randomly after awhile (i dont remember when exactly it started working, so idk what could've caused it). w/e, as long as it works i'm happy.

by the way, i finally returned to the military base as a much more powerful fighter and loadout (hardened power armor, a maxed out small arms skill used by a powerful .223 pistol, and ~%100 heavy arms skill used by a rocket launcher), quickly cleared out the base, brought my friends to the surface, then blew it all up. it was really weird just blazing through areas where i had to be so careful just a short time ago...
Well in Fo:1 when you get the hardend powered armour, the game becomes much less balenced, as you no longer need to fear miniguns and energy weapons. Its actually a really unbalanced armour. I just avoided it in general after I played Fo:1 the first time through, Sticking with the brotherhood combat armour, or the tesla armour when things go harry. Aslo noteworthy, lazer weapons dont suck major moose balls in Fo:1 like they do in Fo:2... damn lazer res...
Did you sneak into the basment and use the atombomb, or did you go 1 on most of the time 1 with the ugly fuck called the master? You never truely beat the game until you blow that sunovabitch away.
i used the atombomb; i didn't know it made a difference...does he survive the explosion? does it change the ending?

also, the sound keeps cutting out on the end game cutscene...how do i fix this???
No it works the same if you kill him and his spawned muties one on one, but its nice to see his mutated fucking flesh assed body blow and splatter allover the fucking place in his uber awsome death animation.
Argonnot said:
No it works the same if you kill him and his spawned muties one on one, but its nice to see his mutated fucking flesh assed body blow and splatter allover the fucking place in his uber awsome death animation.

ok, i'll try to take him one on one, but i really need to know how to fix this sound problem! i can't watch the cutscenes, because the guy will start talking, and all of a sudden the sound will just stop!

i've been able to listen to all of the cutscenes except the last one showing the desert that starts "your involvement with the various places and people in the wasteland is well documented...." that one always cuts out (the other ones were too, but if i kept restarting and then skipped up to each scene they would sometimes work; this isn't working with the last one)
all the commentater says is "your involvement with the various places and people in the wasteland is well documented, but the one thing historians agree on is, what happend to you" then it goes to you walking away with the "Mabye" song playing
Argonnot said:
all the commentater says is "your involvement with the various places and people in the wasteland is well documented, but the one thing historians agree on is, what happend to you" then it goes to you walking away with the "Mabye" song playing

yeah i think i got it to work more or less...w/e
ok this is annoying, i killed all of the ultramutants on the same floor as the master before i went to fight him, and then once i shoot at him, ultramutant seargents start spawning in behind me; i could probably kill the master pretty easily if i didn't have to worry about the ultramutants; do they just spawn infinitely? how am i supposed to kill them and the master at the same time?
Yes, they spawn every other turn until he dies, I think.

If you have problems with that, you can use a little cheat: Save the game at the beginning of a turn and then reload, the mutants wil magically disappear

1. Don't stand in front of the corridor orthey'll shoot at you straight away.
2. Use a second save slot.
You dont need to get too close to the master, with the lazer rifle you can stay out of his range and pick off each of the ultra mutants at the same time and still kill him. Also the ulta mutants aren't so hard If you use a gattling lazer on them when they get too close.

*War story* I once got a 999 damage critical hit to the masters cpu in the first round of combat, but for some reason he didn't die until it was his turn.
I never managed to do that, but I did mangae to convince him that the BOS would kick his ass if he kicked mine, but he atacked me seconds after ending speech mode :)
Meh, 6 shots per turn with the turbo plasma rifle was usualy enough for me to shut his ugly mutant face up. I just liked target shots on his ????? and seeing the odd comments that appeared.
I personally prefer the flamer against the master, it's surprisingly effective.
Rev. Layle said:
With a high enough IN, Speech and Science, you can *convince* the Master to destroy himself also :)

I believe you actually have to talk to Vree about this, too.
Silencer said:
Rev. Layle said:
With a high enough IN, Speech and Science, you can *convince* the Master to destroy himself also :)

I believe you actually have to talk to Vree about this, too.
I believe you are correct.. I did not remember the exact requirement, I know it can be done and have done it.

I havent played FO1 in over a year, and, in fact, while I can find my FO2 disc, I don't know where I placed my FO1 disc (and I do have a hankerin' to play it again).