fallout gameplay questions

i used silencer's method and i was easily able to kill the master, it was weird, but once i got into the room and out of the line of sight of the corridor, the mutants stopped spawning...

i left a lot of stuff undone (never found those missing caravans...i figured their "disappearance" was very coincidental with the growth of the super-mutant army, but i never got any proof), but i'm eager to start Fallout 2!

what do you guys think? should i finish all the quests in fallout 1 first, or just jump into fallout 2?
.pablo. said:
i used silencer's method and i was easily able to kill the master, it was weird, but once i got into the room and out of the line of sight of the corridor, the mutants stopped spawning...

i left a lot of stuff undone (never found those missing caravans...i figured their "disappearance" was very coincidental with the growth of the super-mutant army, but i never got any proof), but i'm eager to start Fallout 2!

what do you guys think? should i finish all the quests in fallout 1 first, or just jump into fallout 2?

Well...I would probably continue with Fallout 1 if I were you and finish all the quests. Depending on what you left undone, you could drastically alter the end game stills you see.

It is just me though...I usually like to get everything out of a game I can before I move on.
You could replay just for the heck of it, it isn't a long game compared to Fallout 2.

And it will equip you better for the sequel, too.
does putting more skill points into a weapon skill make you do more damage, or does it just increase your chance to hit? i've maxed out small and large weaponry, and now i'm trying to decide whether to put points into unarmed combat or energy weapons...

Nope, it doesn't increase damage, but with more skill you can make more successful targeted shots, contributing to a greater number of critical hits. I'm not sure, but I think that critical hit chance is greater with high skill levels.

At any rate, it isn't neccessary to raise it to anything above 150% (although I maxed it out just for the fun of it)

If you've got both small and large weaponry mastered, I think you're covered; You could now turn to the path of stealth and max out Sneaking; You could boost Speech to see if there are any diplomatic quests you missed out on; remember this game is not only about maxing out your combat stats.

I won't go into details about the binary choice; I think Energy Weapons is more useful, but if you've got a Powe Fist, you might boost Unarmed and show those muties who's boss ;)
Many... and almost too many to count in FO2. In fact many quests in FO2 (as well as FO1) can be solved in violent or non-violent ways.

Speech and a high IN is easily the most powerful way to get XP in the FO games (moreso FO2, however).
In Fo:1 and Fo:2 7 IN and 120% speech will get you by almost every speach check. The only weapon skill you should maxs is big guns, since all big guns are burst fire weapons, the more skill points in it, the more rounds manage to hit a target. Tis true, try using a minigun point blank with 80% percent big guns, you'll do between 10-30 damage to the critter in front of you (assuming its a super mutant, usinging it on a BOS paladin is just stupid, on anything else its overkill) and shower the people behind him the res of the ammunition. Around 190-230% is the maximum I would put in big guns. This is also the reason the bozar does so much damage in Fo:2, since almost all the rounds hit the target at any range when you have about 120-130% in big guns (Cause of its +40% chance to hit modifier)
Isn't there some exploit FO if you do a burst on an enemy far away, the enemeis closer and in the range of fire tend to take more damage? At least I seem to notice this and take advantage of it frequently.
yah, i think its because the cone of fire appears after the target or something like that. It only works in Fo:1 I believe. As well In fo1 the flamer kicked richious ass.