Fallout: Lanius crowdfunding campaign starts

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Fallout: Lanius crowdfunding campaign has launched on Indiegogo, looking to raise $10,000 for the fanfilm project.<blockquote>“FALLOUT: LANIUS” FUNDING CAMPAIGN BEGINS
Fantastic Rewards Offered In Support of the Film

Perth, Western Australia- (September 5, 2012) Australian Filmmaker Wade K. Savage is happy to announce that the Crowd Funding Campaign for “FALLOUT: LANIUS” has begun.

Having announced the film in April, Savage and the team have run a successful online marketing campaign. Having picked up numerous stories across international video game websites, the team has revealed they are seeking $10,000 in production funding via IndieGoGo.com.

The team is offering a wide range of perks for supporters of the film. Lower tier perks include HD Downloads and signed theatrical posters whilst higher up the ladder supporters can receive a limited edition pendant prop from the film.

Top tier perks include numbered and signed images of the titular character Legate Lanius by original voice actor Mitch Lewis. The top perk, pledged at $1000.00, will be a one of a kind prop sword used during the production of the film.

The team has also released a funding video, outlining their vision for the film. In the video, Savage explains “We don’t just want to make a not for profit fan film, we want to make a small piece of cinema in the Fallout Universe – and we need your help to do it”.

“FALLOUT: LANIUS” is a blood soaked high concept action epic, which will explore the origin story of the primary antagonist "Legate Lanius" from the 2010 video game "Fallout: New Vegas".</blockquote>Completely unrelated, but this "Fallout proposal" at PAX with an assist from Bethesda was cool, check it out.
Need a few days but will help out in funding this, it's turning out to be great.. The proposal video is really awesome, the detail of how they unlocked the box is just...awesome.

P.s.: Left a message for you on Facebook Brother None
Bethesda helps Fallout fan propose to wife in a Fallouty way


Two Fallout fans get married....
While its always nice when two people truly want to commit to each other I find this a bit... absurd... creepy... what's the word?

Anyway I can understand something like this in the Star Trek or Star Wars fandom, but Fallout now too?

What I also wonder is, where are all of these fans on the internet?
They're Fallout 3 fans. From Kotaku, these two? Or Destructoid? Something like it.

It's nice. Sweet. Nice of Bethesda to give the assist.

I also already put it up in newsposts, Verd :P So, merged.

Briosafreak said:
P.s.: Left a message for you on Facebook Brother None

What message? I didn't see. Unless it was on Bob Hoskins, in which case :(
Oh god, now I just don't know what to think. I wish this proposal had never taken place to begin with.

[spoiler:882bcf240b]It was lovely. Clearly a lot of planning went into it and she seemed very happy about it. Congrats to the couple![/spoiler:882bcf240b]

youtube desc said:
We had been saving up bottle caps since November 2011 with the intention of using them at PAX Prime 2012 to attempt and purchase something from the Bethesda booth (the creators of Fallout 3).

Sounds like they are fans of Fallout 3. They could of course be fans of the other Fallout titles as well.
egalor said:
cdoublejj said:
I'd be all for it if it was something from Fallout 1 or 2.

Yeah, I will watch the movie only if it is turn-based.
I'm not sure if the writing in 3 or nv is as good. they turned Harold and bob in to a giant depressed tree.
These people are fucking creepy.

I mean, I love Fallout and the missus too, still none of us would get such an idea in a thousand years.

Yeah, I mean, the guy that does something like that to proposition, based on one of his and his fiancee's passion is the creep, not the guy who spends the day on this forum grumping on whether the couple is a fan of the original titles or of the new 3d ones.

Yup, makes a lot of sense! :roll:
Was that a real bobby pin? Do you know how simple it is to lock pick a cheap ass lock that small is? Well...it's easy... Man, I was hoping when they opened it, it was a proximity mine.
Hey Guys, I'll just paste what I put in the prior Film Announcement Thread:

Hey Guys,

Well, our crowd funding campaign has begun and we really need your support. I know as hardcore Fallout Fans you've been through a lot, but we need your help with this.

Even if you can't pledge, just getting the word out would be fantastic. We've got some really talented people involved with this, and we're not just making another Fan Film. We are going to make a brilliant film first, and an amazing Fan film second.

Brian Fargo tweeted our campaign, and MCA himself threw us some money- which means people really believe in us. This isn't some kind of career thing for me, it's a chance to make something amazing for all Fallout Fans.

For more on the campaign, hit the link:

Many thanks,

WorstUsernameEver said:
Yeah, I mean, the guy that does something like that to proposition, based on one of his and his fiancee's passion is the creep, not the guy who spends the day on this forum grumping on whether the couple is a fan of the original titles or of the new 3d ones.

Yup, makes a lot of sense! :roll:

You must mistake me for someone else, I never askes wether they are FO1/FO3 or whatever fans, all would be equally creepy. Then again, I dont understand cosplay or larping either so I am biased.

As long as they love each other..... :lol:
fedaykin said:
Does the film project have official permission from Beth? Otherwise I see a quick cease and desist coming up.

We contacted Beth's legal department really early with all the details of what we were expecting to do with out project. That, and we've used the same project structure as NukaBreak. As in, the project is not for profit and has a single broadcast via Youtube with no monetization of that broadcast.

That, and we announced our film in April (where it picked up stories on heaps of websites). If they had a problem with it, we'd know by now. They are not the types to muck around with this kind of stuff.