Ok, I'm new here so I'll try not to step on to many toes.... well that and I'll put on my hard hat. Why you might ask? Simple, I have played Oblivion, I have played Fallout 1&2 and I liked them all. (Ducks behind water cooler)
So why am I mentioning this and risking impalment in front of some god forsaken farm? Risking that some flamethrowing mutant will fry my faithfull dog? Risking that someone will slip a dose of Jet into my food?(And yes this part of my rant IS to prove that I'm not a nube to fallout)
Well I think that, of all the developers out there to get this title Bethesda is probably one of the best to get it.
Now wait, put away your pipe rifles and molotov cocktails for a moment and here me out.
When Bethesda gets behind a project, I mean really gets behind a project, they deliver what they say they will deliver. You can argue that Oblivion isn't your cup of tea... and on some level I will agree with you. I don't care for the game leveling up with you, it wasn't cool in FF8 and its not cool here eaither, and the mini-games were foolish to say the least, but the game delivered on what they promised. A LARGE world (if not as large as Morrowind) with real time combat and rather simple gameplay that anyone can pick up and play. They made no bones that this game would appeal to a large swath of players from the get go. That being said I can think of no game out there, GTA or otherwise, that comes as close to Fallout in terms of what it wanted to do. Create a world in which the player is completely free to chose his own path and do what he will.
Was Oblivion watered down? Yes. Was Obivion a far cry from Fallouts gritty and ..... real feeling world? Yes. But it was exactly what they said it would be, don't forget that, and it(and more so its predicessor Morrowind) was the closest thing to Fallout to come out in years.... if not since Fallout 2.
So yes, I have concerns. If the penny pincers get there fingers in to deep things could go south. The vilonce, language, and overall feel could be cheapened and dulled down. The ability to do true evil (hitting those theiving kids in the groin with a sledgehammer) removed and replaced with simple "good&evil" choices. All of these could happen and more.
But I also have hope my freinds, lots of hope. Hope that Bethesda realizes that Fallout is about the grittyness, not about the line between good and evil but the grey ribbon in between, the difficulty of realizing that that @#$%@% bandit just snipped your eye from 30 yards away with a critical that leaves you blind and unconcious on some god forsaken streatch of desert only for him to run out of ammo and run at you to have his groin ripped out by your DOG.
Oh yes my freind, I have hope. For in Bethesda is a company that so far does what it says with its big budget titles, and the word of Fallout is still big my freind, still big.