Fallout listed as most significant game of 1997.

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Dionysus said:
Fallout doesn't really belong on that list, at least not in a year that included Diablo,

Diablo barely made it into the year, given that it was released on January 2., and I think it still had a "(c) 1996 Blizzard Ent. 1996" in the titles.

So, doesn't count. Heaps more influential, though.
Brother None said:
I think Half Life is overrated in general, but Ep 1 for sure is just a piece of shit. At least Ep 2 added a lot, Ep 1 was just pointless.

Mass Effect is boring tripe.

Half-Life, IMO, is far from overrated. The original Half Life flipped the FPS genre on its head in terms of storytelling. Before Half Life, there weren't really any FPS's that had storytelling and storytelling devices that delivered on the level of Half-Life.

Half Life 2 (and the episodes) have kept building on that pedigree, with each adding in new technologies and gameplay mechanics which simply rock.

As for Mass Effect, I tend to agree... I found the combat so terrible I stopped playing (although, I am fond of the JRPG turn based menu system).
He put on the US release dates for every game so there are some problems. Final Fantasy was released in Japan in '87 so it should really be attributed to that year.

1977: Atari 2600 - Not a video game
1986: The Legend of Zelda - An incredibly popular game, no doubt, but I think that Dragon Quest might be more deserving in terms of influence.
1987: Street Fighter - Was this really the most influential game of 1987? Street Fighter II was the influential one and I'd say that Final Fantasy beats it out.
1991: Civilization - Not sure that it beats out Street Fighter II for influence. Street Fighter II pretty much established the Fighting genre.
1997: Fallout - Fallout really hasn't been very influential, the spot probably belongs to either Diablo or Final Fantasy VII (for how big it was).
1999: Quake III Arena - I'd say that EverQuest and Counter-Strike probably beat it out for influence.
2000: Deus Ex - Diablo II has been far more influential, without a doubt.
2002: Morrowind - Again, not all that influential. I'm sure that there's something more influential from 2002 and Oblivion almost certainly made a bigger splash in the gaming community.
2005: God of War - The only influence I can think of that it had was on incorporating quicktime events into regular gameplay, but it really never caught on too much. I'd say that Devil May Cry (2001) has been more influential for the genre. Not sure what would take it's place though.
2006: Half-Life 2: Episode 1 - On here purely because HL2 came out the same year as WoW. Not sure what should take it's place but HL2 Episode 1 was not the influential one, HL2 was.
2007: Mass Effect - Haven't seen it's influence yet but it was a big title.

I'd say that it's probably too early to call at least 2008 and 2009, and probably 2007 as well.
rcorporon said:
Half Life 2 (and the episodes) have kept building on that pedigree, with each adding in new technologies and gameplay mechanics which simply rock.
I am not sure the hype that was build around HL2 was huge and compared to the first game I was very dissapointed. One example the choice of weapons which for a shooter was very limited. Nothing compared to HL1 or its game Opposing Force which was pretty good.

I am also not really that convinced by the source engine since again a lot of the promised things have been rather pretty hyped. I ve seen no one of the mods that I loved for HL1 (CS, DoD, Firearms etc.) really push anything forward with the source engine, some maps are even smaller and look worse compared to the original mods.

The issues they had with the thief who strange enough stole their source code showed as well in what a bad shape their programming was as well.

Compared with HL1 HL2 is just mediocre.
Crni Vuk said:
I am also not really that convinced by the source engine since again a lot of the promised things have been rather pretty hyped. I ve seen no one of the mods that I loved for HL1 (CS, DoD, Firearms etc.) really push anything forward with the source engine, some maps are even smaller and look worse compared to the original mods.

Agreed... I've played many HL1 mods a lot (NS, CS, and TFC especially) and yet I haven't really found any way in which the source engine has actually improved anything. Regarding the single-player, the new physics and gravity gun just seemed gimmicky, but maybe I missed out as I had only played about half the game. Either way, I wasn't really impressed. It was okay, I guess. I would agree that HL1 was a pretty huge step for first person shooters, but I am doubtful that HL2 was.
lol..., just a major lol. Seriously, it's rather difficult to gauge "influence" of a given piece on a media platform. Is it more influential when people parody it/rip it off? Or is it more influential when it enter the pop culture social awareness? What would be more significant? Does it have to be a best seller/popular? Is it culturally significant or just significant to the industry/business? What about arcades?

Btw, I agree with some comments.

No Dragon Quest? :roll:

Personal gripe:

No ROTK? No PS 1/2? No D? No Okami? No SMT/Pesona? No CT?

The list can go on, but I should stop now before I get p*ssed off.
Brother None said:
- Combat is terrible. Combat design has never been a strength of BW (or any RPG designer, really), but shitty third-person shooting action just won't do. Compound it with mediocre AI and uninteresting tactical options and you get a snorefest worst than DA:O's endless filler combat. The clunky AI (on PC) is just the final drop in the bucket.
Hmm I thought the combat in ME was the best bit, turn the difficulty up and the auto aiming down and it's some what enjoyable. And it has more tactical options than some dedicated TPS games that I've played. Really the game is such a failure as an rpg that playing it as a (average) third person shooter was the only way to get through it.
fireb0rn said:
Crni Vuk said:
I am also not really that convinced by the source engine since again a lot of the promised things have been rather pretty hyped. I ve seen no one of the mods that I loved for HL1 (CS, DoD, Firearms etc.) really push anything forward with the source engine, some maps are even smaller and look worse compared to the original mods.

Agreed... I've played many HL1 mods a lot (NS, CS, and TFC especially) and yet I haven't really found any way in which the source engine has actually improved anything. Regarding the single-player, the new physics and gravity gun just seemed gimmicky, but maybe I missed out as I had only played about half the game. Either way, I wasn't really impressed. It was okay, I guess. I would agree that HL1 was a pretty huge step for first person shooters, but I am doubtful that HL2 was.
Indeed and when you compare those modifications that Valve got its hands on you can notice a clear degeneration compared to the HL1 mods. DoD and DoD:S have huge differences. While you had in DoD a lot of diversity in the maps, choices and weapons they removed a lot of it in DoD:S and just made the game "faster" (and DoD was already fast ... now its like quacke with ironsights ...).

Valve promised that they would not release DoD:S before it had not at least the same quality like DoD for HL1. But well where are the british forces then? What happend with many of the weapons, where is the MG34? Why are some of the textures looking even WORSE compared to a few mods that have been done for UT2k3 and HL1 even.

Similar with CS and CS:S. And the player numbers show that many people have not seen a reason to change from the old mods to the new "full price" games.
Crni Vuk said:
Indeed and when you compare those modifications that Valve got its hands on you can notice a clear degeneration compared to the HL1 mods. DoD and DoD:S have huge differences. While you had in DoD a lot of diversity in the maps, choices and weapons they removed a lot of it in DoD:S and just made the game "faster" (and DoD was already fast ... now its like quacke with ironsights ...).

Yeah, I feel the exact same way about TFC and TF2. I don't particularly care about the graphics changes, but the removal of grenades, slower paced games, addition of unlockable weapons, invincibility/healing, critical hits and the switch to more dustbowl style maps ruined the game for me in just about every way possible.
rcorporon said:
Brother None said:
I think Half Life is overrated in general, but Ep 1 for sure is just a piece of shit. At least Ep 2 added a lot, Ep 1 was just pointless.

Mass Effect is boring tripe.

Half-Life, IMO, is far from overrated. The original Half Life flipped the FPS genre on its head in terms of storytelling. Before Half Life, there weren't really any FPS's that had storytelling and storytelling devices that delivered on the level of Half-Life.

Half Life 2 (and the episodes) have kept building on that pedigree, with each adding in new technologies and gameplay mechanics which simply rock.

As for Mass Effect, I tend to agree... I found the combat so terrible I stopped playing (although, I am fond of the JRPG turn based menu system).
I think they are improving the combat and sidequests in ME2. Shooting guys in the bodyparts actually does something besides hurt them. They won't spill the details on the sidequests though.

And if any series is overrated, it's GTA. I have no idea why it keeps winning awards when it's way mediocre.
fireb0rn said:
Yeah, I feel the exact same way about TFC and TF2. I don't particularly care about the graphics changes, but the removal of grenades, slower paced games, addition of unlockable weapons, invincibility/healing, critical hits and the switch to more dustbowl style maps ruined the game for me in just about every way possible.

You sir, are crazy! TF2 is spectacular.

If vanilla TF2 isn't to your liking, find servers that disable crits, unlocked weapons, etc.
maybe TF2 is a awesome game I never played it, but even a blind person can see that TF2 has as much in common with TF1 like Fallout 3 with Fallout 1.

At lesat a fallout fan should be able to understand some of the thoughts :P
Crni Vuk said:
maybe TF2 is a awesome game I never played it, but even a blind person can see that TF2 has as much in common with TF1 like Fallout 3 with Fallout 1.
I disagree, I'd compare that more to Resident Evil and Doom (with the whole completely changing genres thing). Resident Evil 4 and 5 are action horror games and not scary at all, unlike their predecessors. Doom 3 was ok imo (nowhere near as good as the originals though), but it changed Doom from action FPS to action horror. It's all a mixture of bullshit when it comes to games being 'modernized'.
rcorporon said:
You sir, are crazy! TF2 is spectacular.

If vanilla TF2 isn't to your liking, find servers that disable crits, unlocked weapons, etc.

It would probably be fine if I were a more casual gamer, but it took the series in a direction that I didn't really like. It has really no hope (even completely modded) of being a fun competitive game for me. The game was meant to cater almost solely to causals, and in doing so they chose to ignore the competitive players, so sadly there's not much hope for me having fun with TF2.
Competitive playing ruins everything. Halo before the dumbass MLG was just another popular FPS. Now I can't even stand it.
Major League Gaming.

Basically, you get a bunch of people together in a room and have them play video games against each other using a very specific set of rules until there's only one person left willing to tolerate the absolute lack of fun involved.
fireb0rn said:
It would probably be fine if I were a more casual gamer, but it took the series in a direction that I didn't really like. It has really no hope (even completely modded) of being a fun competitive game for me. The game was meant to cater almost solely to causals, and in doing so they chose to ignore the competitive players, so sadly there's not much hope for me having fun with TF2.

If you don't find TF2 competitive, we must be playing different games.

General, that's the best definition of MLG I've ever read. Well met sir.
This list is fairly more accurate than dozens of those ranking lists posted on gaming sites (you know those where Fallout 3 is #1, no matter the subject). I was positively surprised on the 1991-1998 games. I might have changed Wing Commander because I have no opinion on it and replace Warcraft 2 with C&C, otherwise it seems pretty solid, but then again there are also lots of candidates for those years so it's easy to build up any kind significant games listing.

This also portrays the downward spiral there's been since 2001 - when good games officially died. Of course exceptions proves the rule etc. there are good games released today, but not at monthly (or even yearly) basis as it used to be ten years ago. Those listed might be significant or influential games yeah, but don't care.