Ugly Kid
Still Mildly Glowing

I can't come up with any good counter-arguments, that might just be because i don't get most of the references, regardless I can accept that I lost the debate but my view still hasn't changed. Maybe I'll come around eventually as I grow as a writer because I look at the stuff I came up with/believed in even a few months ago and cringe.I would say that popularity [with fans of the originals in this case] is no test for authenticity of product. There could be a Mad Max vehicular-combat game with a Fallout label slapped on it, that uses 50's muscle cars... and be fun for all, and still not qualify as a Fallout game.
*Strangely enough there are games that are not Fallout IP, yet are closer to Fallout titles than Bethesda's work.
When I mentioned 'they', I include Obsidian, for they were certainly on the Bethesda leash when they developed New Vegas.
But to your point about international Fallout titles... I would agree that in theory a title could be made around a US military base on foreign soil, during wartime... but Fallout's timeline has the end of the world happen in two hours, and in keeping with the ~~humor, that the rest of the Earth is assumed a lifeless burn mark, with very little of even America left habitable.... and with no future, no serious chance of ever recovering; discounting anything from Bethesda of course.
I think (ignoring the dead world) that Obsidian, with additional past Interplay Fallout devs could (with the license) make a decent (Europe/Asia based) Fallout game akin to WL2/3 done in the style of Joseph Heller's Catch~22. But we will never get one out of Bethesda, or from any studio they can control.
The IP situation is [figuratively] like as if Tom Waits were tied to a publisher that demanded from him only bubble-gum top 40 dance hits.... nothing like what his original fans would want, and nothing they would be able to stomach.
Also what are the games closer to original fallout than Bethesda, is wasteland 2 or 3 included because I'm just getting into those.