Fallout: London will not include the Queen

Cucked. Why are the British so pathetic? Americans would put a ghoilifed American president in their game in a heartbeat. But no for some reason they worship some random old rich cunt.
This is truly a great loss for us all. Not like someone could mod her back in or anything in five seconds.
Because there was a joke that the Queen would just live more and posssibly forever. Fallout London would then make her as ghoul is just continuation of that. Now they got tragedy with ever changing PM in charge. It's just damn sentimentality all over again.
That first voice female does the BS adds for ' OMAZE '. " This house worth 6 million could be yours " She says, looking orgasmic as if some unseen face is licking her out.
That first voice female does the BS adds for ' OMAZE '. " This house worth 6 million could be yours " She says, looking orgasmic as if some unseen face is licking her out.

You need to offer your voice work for this project mate. It would be amazing!
Is this a big deal or something? It just sounds like they removed her because she's dead, and Fallout takes place in the future. You can't ghoulify a corpse, afaik.
No it is not a big deal at all. Anybody who cares about Fallout 4 mods is problematic. :)
Charlie the turd, sorry third would make a far more comical addition. I doubt they would have the balls to do that. The devs I mean.