Fallout: London


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Now that this project has been around for a while it's time to create a Fallout: London thread. What do we think of this mod that aims to showcase how the world of Fallout looks like outside of America? We've already had some discussion on it here.

Fallout: London said:
Fallout: London is an ambitious, trail-blazing DLC-sized mod for Fallout 4, Bethesda Game Studios’ 2015 post-apocalyptic RPG. Fallout: London stands apart from its contemporaries and offers an entirely new experience: setting a Fallout game outside of the United States. True to its moniker, Fallout: London takes place IN London. From stuffy parliamentary aristocrats to a resurrection of the Knights of the Round Table to an uncompromising cult of revolutionaries (and more!), Fallout: London embodies the history and aesthetics of London and puts an unmistakably nuclear spin on the beloved city.

What is Fallout: London about?
Fallout: London is an ambitious DLC-sized mod that brings the player into the nuclear apocalypse all the way to the doorsteps of Parliament. The mod encapsulates the gritty, adventurous nature of the Fallout games with a new world, factions, storylines, NPCs, weapons, creatures, & much more! This all comes together in a package tied with an uniquely British bow.

How many series staples will be present in Fallout: London?
That’s a complex question. FEV has not reached London in any way, shape, or form. That means no Super Mutants, no Centaurs, no Deathclaws, and likely a lower amount of Psykers than ever before.

Vault-Tec is entirely an American company, thus it will have no presence in London. We will have a version of a vault, but it will be entirely different from that of Vault-Tec, except that it is a shelter, beneath the ground. So don’t expect Better Living, Underground. In a similar vein, there will likely be a British Counterpart of Vault Boy, in terms of a popular mascot that will make frequent appearances.

What factions exist in Fallout: London?
Fallout: London harbors a variety of interesting new factions which can be viewed individually by clicking on the Factions tab located: Here

Will Fallout: London be on console?
We do not plan to bring Fallout: London to any platform other than PC at this time. Specific standalone items may be released separately. The community has the permission to convert said standalone items to other platforms.

Will Fallout: London have a voiced protagonist?
After conducting many internal polls and discussions, as well as external research,
Fallout: London has decided to go forward without a voiced protagonist.
This is due to a multitude of reasons; however, the first and foremost is the lack of content available to us for having a voiced protagonist be in London.
The existing voice files are few and far between to be useful. Given that custom lines made from pre-existing lines began to muddle the tone, it proved to be too limiting for our character.
We feel, as a group, that our character can be taken along a much more in-depth route by using a non-voiced protagonist. We are completely open to the idea of someone voicing the character later as an add-on mod, but it is not our current concern.

Where does Fallout: London fit in the timeline?
Fallout: London begins in the year 2237, which fits in between the events of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. This would place Fallout: London a total of 50 years before the events of Fallout 4.

What is the size of Fallout: London?
Fallout: London is comprised of a condensed version of London that focuses around the main boroughs.
The world map is about the size of the vanilla Fallout 4 Commonwealth and will let players experience everything from the heart of Westminster all the way to the rolling hills on the outskirts of Bromley.

Will existing factions be present in Fallout: London?
Since Fallout: London takes place outside of the continental United States, there are no plans to bring back the pre-existing factions. Our main focus is bringing new and exciting factions to London.

When is Fallout: London expected to be released?
Fallout: London is in ongoing development that persists due to the sacrifice of the volunteer teams’ free time.
This means that an official release date is difficult to pinpoint. The team has set internal deadlines, but a formal release date has not yet been set.

What is needed to run Fallout: London?
Fallout London requires Fallout 4 and all of the DLC. There are no plans to release a ‘lite’ version as it would require major reworking of our mod.

How will guns in the UK affect combat in Fallout: London?
There will indeed be fewer guns in Fallout: London. However, it is not due to real world gun laws. Due to the point of divergence being close to World War II,
it is entirely likely that many of the gun restrictions in today’s London simply never happened in the Fallout universe.
Fallout: London, on the other hand, intends for there to be segments of the game that encourage, or even require, the use of melee weapons.
There will be a fair amount of scrapped-together weapons as well, much like the pipe pistols in Fallout.

Will Fallout: London require a new game save?
Yes, a new save is necessary.
Fallout: London will take place in a new world with a new protagonist and is completely separate from the events of Fallout 4.
In addition, Fallout: London will make critical changes to the base game’s mechanics.

The Gentry are the current rulers of London and the descendants of the pre-war aristocracy and British government. They rule the city from Westminster within the walls and have grand designs of recreating the United Kingdom once more, but as of now they have a somewhat loose grasp upon the city of London and little else. Their rule is strict and to be considered official one must possess a royal charter and pay tithes of tribute in exchange for nominal defence and aid. They have the trappings of democracy but are in truth a Feudal Aristocratic Hegemony.

The Tommies were formed as a militia that wanted to act as the protectors of London. Whilst good intentions started their actions, by the time the game starts their leadership is blissfully unaware (or perhaps don’t care) that they have become the tools of the Gentry. The Tommies defend London for the Gentry with little thanks in return. The Tommies don’t know it but they may well hold the key to the future of London in their hands, but first they must decide what that future should be. In-game, they act as the defense force along the walls and territories, with the appearance of that of a Retro-futurized Great War soldier.

The 5th Column is headed by Eve Varney. They wish to tear down the establishment of London and rebuild a new empire from the ashes, growing in popularity with some in the lower orders of London’s boroughs. They preach the need to burn down the world and rebuild it in the image of their leader Eve, sneering at the influence of the Gentry. Only with Eve as their leader and with the memory of their founder in mind can Britain be reborn. This populist movement is strong and only growing stronger, their ideas becoming increasingly popular in the lower orders of London.

Historically, Camelot was a place where all had a seat at the Round Table and all were equal as Britons. The Camelot Movement is an underground organization fighting to free London from Gentry rule and institute a new representative republic as the government. Though they are in hiding currently, they are still agitating for the rights of Britons. Once they sought to bring peaceful reform to London but after the Gentry enacted violent crackdowns they went underground and now seek revolution and to cast down the Gentry. They fight for a day where all are enfranchised in London and all have a seat at the Round Table. Camelot are inspired as much inspired by commandos of WWII as they are by King Arthur and his knights. They seek to learn from the past to build a brighter future while not being bogged down by its baggage.

Isle of Dogs Syndicate act as a criminal organisation, and are in control of the borough of Millwall. They serve as merchants and run one of the larger scavenger operations in the city from their headquarters at One Canada Water. They can trace themselves to a pre-war gang. They are very wealthy, with a professional criminal vibe, and are in direct conflict with the Vagabonds after murdering their leader. The Vagabonds chafe under Gentry rule as Westminster regularly takes a cut of their profits. They see no other option currently, but they would certainly be open to a change in management.

The Vagabonds are the direct enemies of the Isle of Dogs Syndicate and by the year of 2237 are fueled by one thing, Revenge. They will destroy the Isle of Dogs syndicate if it’s the last thing they do. They are led by a man named Sebastian Gaunt, a rude, acerbic and abrasive man – Whilst ultimately Gaunt has a good heart and wants the best for his gang, his sharp attitude causes a lot of people to feel that although his crusade is a noble and ‘good’ choice, they may want to betray him just to shut him up. In the past the Vagabonds wanted to be what the Isle of Dogs Syndicate is now but with less violent intimidation and a more equitable distribution of power, however these ideals have been somewhat buried by the all encompassing desire for revenge. They draw from Peaky Blinders and other similar British gangsters of the era.

Angel is an elusive beast of a group, spoken of only in whispers. Some claim they are the descendents of a pre-war deep science ministry within the British government. Others say they have agents and eyes everywhere, watching and monitoring the lives of all Londoners. And still others say they’re just a myth created to scare the gullible. Those who believe it exist say that it is headed by the even more elusive Mr. Smythe. Little is known about them by the general public, but to those who know they say that Mr. Smythe and his agents secretly run London. No one can say for sure though and those who can, aren’t telling. And that’s just how Mr. Smythe likes it.
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I could buy Fallout 4 a 90% off I think but I'm really hesitant at boosting Bethesda's sales. One condition would be that Fallout 4: New Vegas must be released and it must be better than the original.

So there’s a ton of Fallout 4 total conversion mods in the works out there, some that you guys might know and some that you might not, some that are remaking older games, some that are completely original. Fallout London is a total conversion mod for Fallout 4 that as the title suggests takes place in London, Britain.

Being that it’s set outside the US, the developers of the mod state that a lot of familiar things such as RobCo, Vault-Tec, West-Tek/FEV which includes the BOS, Enclave, various American critters we are used to and Super Mutants won’t be in the mod. Essentially out of all the mods for Fallout games released or coming out, this seems like the one with the most freedom for the creators.

I’ve had my eye on this project out of curiosity for a while now and whether or not you like Fallout 4, it’s cool to see projects like these and it’s development. Apparently their lead writer was actually taken to the game industry, so I dunno, I’ll keep tracking it personally.

It’s also rare to see a mod such as this make it to an actual gameplay trailer, so I find it interesting. What do you guys think of this video’s content?
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It's a superlative TC by all appearance in the demo; very impressive! :ok:

*But IMO it should not have used the Fallout title. Lack of iconography aside, Fallout should never be set outside of the US; or at the very most stretched, could be set abroad, around a US military base [Imagine Panama, or Italy —Catch~22—style]. The IP is buried to the lip in quasi-50's Americana; all of the wonderful British touches and asides are absolutely great... but are out of place in a Fallout title.
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The thing with large projects like these is that you should never expect them to be released. At least 80% of all of the large modding projects for Bethesda's games end up being abandoned or released broken, rushed and/or unfinished (without anyone fixing them).

Well, all of that just to say that unless I have a release date for any large project that is not still years in the future, then I won't be invested in it or expect it to be finished. If it's released, then it's great though.
But IMO it should not have used the Fallout title. Lack of iconography aside, Fallout should never be set outside of the US; or at the very most stretched, could be set abroad, around a US military base [Imagine Panama, or Italy —Catch~22—style]. The IP is buried to the lip in quasi-50's Americana; all of the wonderful British touches and asides are absolutely great... but are out of place in a Fallout title.
I agree and disagree with this.

I completely unequivocally 100% agree with this when it comes to official made titles, I would never want a Fallout outside America.

For a fan-made mod however, I’m fine with it. Because I don’t ever expect or want to ever receive an official Fallout game outside the US, I think it’s cool that fans are doing it themselves I’m sure all fans outside America around the world have wondered what Fallout’s universe would be like in their country. I like seeing the creativity and uniqueness that comes with having to not use such familiar iconography. As you said so yourself, I think they did a fantastic job of total conversion.

I do think it’s strange to see the Fallout title on something so new, but for a fan project I’m not against it.
The thing with large projects like these is that you should never expect them to be released. At least 80% of all of the large modding projects for Bethesda's games end up being abandoned or released broken, rushed and/or unfinished (without anyone fixing them).

Well, all of that just to say that unless I have a release date for any large project that is not still years in the future, then I won't be invested in it or expect it to be finished. If it's released, then it's great though.
This is sadly entirely true, and I truthfully can’t say I have 100% faith in any mod project like this, even the ones that are near completion or have a good grip on development. I still like seeing their development though, even if it’s a game I dislike like FO4, I like to see the community at least try and attempt such an undertaking, even if there’s a ton of ideas in the mod I disagree with like the Fallout Miami mod.
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I think they did a great job with originality. I’m interested in this project enough to keep my eye open for it
I've always liked the idea of a Fallout in the UK, and the city seems more populous than Boston (the trailer mentions there is still a government). The factions seem well though out and it was funny seeing creatures like a Radshrew - I wonder what else there might be, a Radbadger perhaps lol
I didn't have time to talk about the new trailer in my previous post. So here it is.

I'll post several MINOR things that I saw in that trailer that I didn't like:
  • I will have to agree with Gizmo on the whole Fallout in the title. I didn't see anything in that trailer that made me think that was happening in the same universe as the Fallout games. I think having Fallout in the title might actually diminish the project quality than if the team just made their own separate universe.
  • I never liked the whole "mysterious clone, genetic engineered, experimented on, etc. main character" for Fallout. It doesn't feel like Fallout, to me, if we're forced to play a character like that. I never liked it in other mods either, like "Fallout 1.5 Ressurection" or "Fallout New California" (the New Vegas mod).
  • I don't like the Radshrew name. I never liked the laziness of Bethesda in adding "Rad" at the start of tons of their creatures' names. The classic games (FO1, FO2 & FOT) only have the Radscorpion, while all their other creatures had more original and/or creative names.
  • I don't like the use of Brahmin for (what I assume) the mutated cows in London. I don't see how people in post-apocalyptic England would name their mutated cows exactly the same as people in the post-apocalyptic USA. It makes some sense in the USA since the real-world USA has an actual Brahmin cattle breed.
  • Not adding proper skills. I would have liked it more if they used proper skills. Especially since they added Traits to be like the classic games and because there's a proper Skill framework mod available for modders to use.
  • Most Traits seem quite boring and not worth it (most are just simple increases and decreases of SPECIAL, carry weight and other values). The Sleepwalker one is creative and seems fun at first, but I can see it becoming pretty annoying quite fast when playing. This makes it obvious that the Gifted trait is the definite winner here. +1 on all SPECIAL for a small penalty on experience gains. Unless the mod has limited exp, this trait is the one to get. The Traits problem is more accentuated since the mod that allows having Traits in FO4 already has a bigger selection by default (and it also has a bigger exp loss on its Gifted trait, 20% instead of 15%).
  • Special mention for the shrew having a gold watch on its remains. Posh Shrew that one. :lmao:
I noticed the avoidance of checking/looting containers or bodies. I assume it's because they didn't work on the levelled lists for containers and other loot sources yet.

Now, that list doesn't mean I hate what I saw, it actually made me want to try it out. Which is more than FO4 or 76 ever did for me.
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  • I don't like the use of Brahmin for (what I assume) the mutated cows in London. I don't see how people in post-apocalyptic England would name their mutated cows exactly the same as people in the post-apocalyptic USA. It makes some sense in the USA since the real-world USA has an actual Brahmin cattle breed.

Yeah that seemed odd to me too, in the UK most people just call them Cows (for the most common dairy type though some farms breed other types).
Here's what Atomic Postman had to say on the topic in the news thread when the mod was first announced:

Atomic Postman said:
I'm going to be rather negative here and say that London and Britain as a whole (as a half Brit) is a godawful setting for Fallout for a myriad of reasons. I'm not a fan of non-US Fallout for personal taste reasons but England particularly vexes me as a choice.

Narratively it's the bottom of the barrel in terms of non-US countries for a Fallout story. If you're doing non-US Fallout, you do China. Even then, I'd sooner see non-mainland USA such as Alaska or Hawaii.

Thematically it's also a really poor fit. Fallout is built off the back of Cold War zeitgeist, something which I don't think the UK makes a great case for in terms of setting. Again, China is an obvious pick here: Fallout's dystopian retrofuture from the perspective of the communist bloc rather than the USA's irrelevant little kid brother (during the Cold War). Similarly, the Mad Max desert Wasteland tone for the post-war obviously really falls in England too.

Do I think you could make a cool post-apoc game in England with retro themes? Absolutely. Do I think you could make a cool Fallout game in England? Fucking no I do not. There's literally nothing that makes Fallout in that setting. It just seems like a misguided mod project IMO
I don't like the use of Brahmin for (what I assume) the mutated cows in London. I don't see how people in post-apocalyptic England would name their mutated cows exactly the same as people in the post-apocalyptic USA. It makes some sense in the USA since the real-world USA has an actual Brahmin cattle breed.
It makes more sense in Britain to me than America, as I doubt anyone would remember what breed of cow was what in the post-war when it’s a mutated two-headed cow with no color but fleshy skin.
Yeah that seemed odd to me too, in the UK most people just call them Cows (for the most common dairy type though some farms breed other types).
I completely agree with this, but I will say, considering Britain’s extremely high population of Indians, it makes way more sense for them to be called Brahmin in London than does in America anywhere outside of Shady Sands, especially on the East Coast where there is still to this day absolutely no reason for them to be called Brahmin.
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Of course. I would never be so disrespectful of another's work as to acquire it against their will; not being entitled to it by right of sale, or freely given by them.
IE. Do unto other's [product] as you would have them do unto yours.

*But in FO4's case, I would not accept it even for free; on principle alone. What they've done to the franchise is dastardly, and irreparable.
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