Bawls Lover
First time out of the vault

I've been playing the mod in survival mode so far, I took Sleepwalker as a trait (Whenever you sleep your teleported to a random spot on the map), And am a Melee Build. So the difficulty has been raised from the get go.
The mod has been very stable for me so far, only a couple of crashes, primarily in loading screens, But I've installed Buffout 4, which is reccomended by the mod creators.
I inevitably installed a quicksave in survival mod because Bethesda's attrocious damage balancing in the gamemode, and there isn't anything to rebalance this mod yet, It has a lot of new weapons and enemies.
I say this because I've yet to explore a lot of the mods Main story.
The Worldmap is a spectacle and its fucking massive, probably the size of... far harbors map? with the density of fallout 4's boston all the way throughout, it feels massive, the actual pip boy map is very accurate and having to zoom into my pip boy map in order to get a good idea of the streets I'm going to traverse is great (I've struggled with this when playing other conversion mods in the 3d games), the primarily urban map that this mod has is one of its great strengths. So far, no settlements, I've heard you can get a couple and some player homes that can be customized using the workshop are in the mod, but I have yet to come across any, I've kept a lot of my gear within an armor workbench at the Vagabonds bar, "The Swan and Mitre". all workshop inventories you come across are safe spots to dump your stuff in the early game, since you don't have a player home, and theres plenty of tiny homes you can find in the streets with a workbench or stove, and a bed that can suffice as a good spot to stay around at.
When exploring, just like PaxVenire said, You'll find spoofs on many real life things, Vaulzon, etc, read the thread. It can be a bit annoying with how on the nose it is (Vaulzon, seriously? Give me Bawls if Vaulzon is a thing)
also this
there's a GOG shirt in the intro dungeon.
But (so far) they've been minor junk items, more so used for worldbuilding which I don't mind, it gives London a uniquess compared to other fallout settings, and theres other less on the nose brands. Irn Brew becomes Ion Brew, And theres some more uniqueness like in the Victoria cigarettes' brand, I'm unsure if that is also a reference to a real life brand (I'm not british)
Their replacement for the Pip-Boy, The Atta Boy is a reverse engineered pipboy made by whatever faction uses that freemasons insignia all over it
I've encountered Wild horses, packs of foxes, Radshrews, a lot of unique fauna has been included in the mod.
The voice acting can be a bit choppy at times, people were clearly hired online and did the acting in their rooms, mic quality changes between voice actor, but the dialogue itself hasn't been cringe inducing (yet, hopefully not) and I can get past non-studio quality voice acting for a mod.
The quests have been somewhat repetitive, the Vagabonds intro questline was annoying because you had to ask somebody to help you with thing, then they'd send you on a small journey, then you'd progress the questline more only to be met with having to meet another gang member and do a minor quest for them
But I've also had some interesting ones, I found a "Cutethulu" doll which ties into a questline, the more I collect of them "the more comfortable I feel", and so far its just been a misc quest in the pip boy, I also walked into a factory in the middle of a worker protest, the boss shuts it down and then hires me to assassinate the person who organized it during his "unauthorized lunch break" (-_-), like an idiot the boss goes with you, to which I then betrayed him for a better offer from the worker and unlimited dog food
Main quest so far sends you in search of a doctor to fix your body after a train crash in the beggining of the game, so your not looking for a family member again
Overall I've been enjoying the mod, its story takes itself seriously, and allows for a lot of skill checks, definetly deviated from the (Yes, No but Yes, Question, Yes but mean) dialogue that fallout 4 has. The world map is amazing, rivals fallout 76 for it's looks, but there's still a couple of floating objects, there's a whole channel they have in their discord to report it. The mod (atleast for me) has been very bug and crash free, stable as hell. Quests have been a bit repetitive so far, but the exploration needed in order to progress has been fun. The devs seem dedicated to fixing as much of the bugs as they can. I can't say much else because I already sound like a massive bawlsucker, but try it for yourself
The mod has been very stable for me so far, only a couple of crashes, primarily in loading screens, But I've installed Buffout 4, which is reccomended by the mod creators.
I inevitably installed a quicksave in survival mod because Bethesda's attrocious damage balancing in the gamemode, and there isn't anything to rebalance this mod yet, It has a lot of new weapons and enemies.
I say this because I've yet to explore a lot of the mods Main story.
The Worldmap is a spectacle and its fucking massive, probably the size of... far harbors map? with the density of fallout 4's boston all the way throughout, it feels massive, the actual pip boy map is very accurate and having to zoom into my pip boy map in order to get a good idea of the streets I'm going to traverse is great (I've struggled with this when playing other conversion mods in the 3d games), the primarily urban map that this mod has is one of its great strengths. So far, no settlements, I've heard you can get a couple and some player homes that can be customized using the workshop are in the mod, but I have yet to come across any, I've kept a lot of my gear within an armor workbench at the Vagabonds bar, "The Swan and Mitre". all workshop inventories you come across are safe spots to dump your stuff in the early game, since you don't have a player home, and theres plenty of tiny homes you can find in the streets with a workbench or stove, and a bed that can suffice as a good spot to stay around at.
When exploring, just like PaxVenire said, You'll find spoofs on many real life things, Vaulzon, etc, read the thread. It can be a bit annoying with how on the nose it is (Vaulzon, seriously? Give me Bawls if Vaulzon is a thing)
also this
there's a GOG shirt in the intro dungeon.
But (so far) they've been minor junk items, more so used for worldbuilding which I don't mind, it gives London a uniquess compared to other fallout settings, and theres other less on the nose brands. Irn Brew becomes Ion Brew, And theres some more uniqueness like in the Victoria cigarettes' brand, I'm unsure if that is also a reference to a real life brand (I'm not british)
Their replacement for the Pip-Boy, The Atta Boy is a reverse engineered pipboy made by whatever faction uses that freemasons insignia all over it
I've encountered Wild horses, packs of foxes, Radshrews, a lot of unique fauna has been included in the mod.
The voice acting can be a bit choppy at times, people were clearly hired online and did the acting in their rooms, mic quality changes between voice actor, but the dialogue itself hasn't been cringe inducing (yet, hopefully not) and I can get past non-studio quality voice acting for a mod.
The quests have been somewhat repetitive, the Vagabonds intro questline was annoying because you had to ask somebody to help you with thing, then they'd send you on a small journey, then you'd progress the questline more only to be met with having to meet another gang member and do a minor quest for them
But I've also had some interesting ones, I found a "Cutethulu" doll which ties into a questline, the more I collect of them "the more comfortable I feel", and so far its just been a misc quest in the pip boy, I also walked into a factory in the middle of a worker protest, the boss shuts it down and then hires me to assassinate the person who organized it during his "unauthorized lunch break" (-_-), like an idiot the boss goes with you, to which I then betrayed him for a better offer from the worker and unlimited dog food
Main quest so far sends you in search of a doctor to fix your body after a train crash in the beggining of the game, so your not looking for a family member again
Overall I've been enjoying the mod, its story takes itself seriously, and allows for a lot of skill checks, definetly deviated from the (Yes, No but Yes, Question, Yes but mean) dialogue that fallout 4 has. The world map is amazing, rivals fallout 76 for it's looks, but there's still a couple of floating objects, there's a whole channel they have in their discord to report it. The mod (atleast for me) has been very bug and crash free, stable as hell. Quests have been a bit repetitive so far, but the exploration needed in order to progress has been fun. The devs seem dedicated to fixing as much of the bugs as they can. I can't say much else because I already sound like a massive bawlsucker, but try it for yourself