Fallout meets Hip Hop, Straight outta Vault


Still Mildly Glowing
Fallout for Life, Homie!


alternate link: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/3798/finalpipboygangstashitfalloutforlifehj2.jpg

jeah i put some time and work in another master piece of my photoshop and creativity-skillz.

Any Comments?
st0lve said:
Are you serious with your "art-work"?

are you serious with your "comment"? by the way i hate your avatar, this laughing s**thead.

next time i will add a extra warning: This is a ironic Picture, and should not be taken serious. :roll:

Those people today.
Morpoggel said:
I like the Fallout console on the right...

ya you like that, uh?!... interesting.

Silencer said:
Again, unfunny.

Do you think its funny to work on this shit, just to hear its unfunny? :evil:

my turnbased combat is activated, better step some steps aside.
i think i am going on vacation or keep on working on my adventure, which you probably will never see.
Schuljunge said:
Do you think its funny to work on this shit, just to hear its unfunny? :evil:

Meh. So don't work on it and put it on public viewspace for comments, if you're afraid they might be derisive :roll: Shit, the kids these days... ;)
Eh, I like it. Somewhat poorly photoshopped, but funny nonetheless.
it is, because he is black, right? :P

well you can call me the "Uwe Boll of Photoshop". I don´t have any plans to stop publishing my work, in this or next week you should get some new picture from my famous skillz. :) i take requests for low-budgets production pictures, if any of you is interested...

my next plan: Maybe some Powerarmorsoldier, (Che PiPe Version 2?).
Schuljunge said:
my next plan: Maybe some Powerarmorsoldier, (Che PiPe Version 2?).

Ok, I'd honestly like it if you didn't post those here, though, or confine all your artwork to a single thread of Schuljunge art. We don't really need to have quality work that people work really hard on to be piled upon by a bunch of one-minute shoddy photochopping.
I think Schuljunge is just trying to entertain himself via everyones reaction...kinda like someone else we all know.

The Vault Dweller
well i would like to say that its funny but the "work" is very poor :? ... but as i did... i belive people can make things better if they accept critics and put them in practice... so keep on it. :wink:
don't fell bad... but your work sucks (as my firsts drawings) :oops:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I think Schuljunge is just trying to entertain himself via everyones reaction...kinda like someone else we all know.
And who the fuck would that be, eh?

Anyway, Schuljunge's artistic explorations might suck 'technically', they're still funny.