Fallout mod for Hearts of Iron2.

As for the font:


You can make BMPs from that easily.

I already made some posts on your forum, unto what you posted, my main reservation is towards the the emblem for the Robot factions. Remember you should be cosidering fiftiesesque sci-fi tube driven, cumbersome mechanoids, not the flashy bots from Matrix. Please disregard Fallout Tactics in that aspect.

Keep up the work. Will you think of a name for the mod other than "Fallout Mod"?

Brotherhood of Iron? Hearts of Steel? ;)
Thanks for the font links - I'll talk with the guys is it possible to place it in the game.

I've seen you there - nice to find competent support.

About the robots we have almoust decided to place the 1950's like robots and maybe the last models will look like those from FT (depends on the pool results).

AFAIK we did't think about new name. The one that we are using right now is "work version", and I found your proposition very nice.
Brotherhood of Iron, blah. Hearts of Steel, blah Not to mention too close to my FOT campaign, Hand of Steel. Too BOScentric.

How about Fallout: Wastelands of Iron, or Fallout: Hearts of the Wastes?
Two more proposals and I'll have to make a pool in that issue.
So I'm waiting for another ones.

Is there any way to get animated characters from Fallouts. I've found some .gifs in the NMA's album (BoS soldier, ghoul and scout bot). Are there any others?
Depends on what you need, how many directions does HOI use? All the graphics can be converted to gif, see here, but the tactics graphics have more directions than the rpgs.

Search the forum, there's a couple of topics around about converting to gif etc.
The graphic in HoI2 is in .bmp files.
Thanks for the link - when I'll find "sprites modder" then we will try to convert it.
Good to know that it's possible to get out that animation from Fallouts.
offtopic: Silencer you know that you have a "real" silencer in the post beneath yours right :)

Wild_qwerty Nice game btw! used to have Silencer as nick allso, then it got sille and now sille/keyser :)

Nice mod btw ;)
Somebody reckognize this fonts:


Thanks to Scytth!
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
How about Fallout: Wastelands of Iron, or Fallout: Hearts of the Wastes?

The former, but switch is all around.

Fallout: Iron of the Wastes ;)
Just come by to show you new interface proposal, please tell us what do you think.



Sorry for big size screens but I'm just linking them.
I've installed Fallout Tactics with hope to find "sprite files" that I would be able to send our graphic modder. The only files that I've found are huge files named like:

Is there anyway to extract form there only interesting files?
Rename them to ZIP, then simple extract what you want. Browse Fallout Tactics Modding forum for more info.
I'd halve those, but... Meh, can do.

Only ALL mutants are sterile. See Vree's autopsy holodisk

recessive genes which are commonly found in humans have been manipulated in such a way as to bring about the best possible combination. While the process by which this happens is uncertain, it does have some severe side effects. Chief among them is sterility. The test subject would have been unable to reproduce with any creature, whether clean or mutated

Have you decided on a new name yet?
We haven't decided yet.
Rest of the dev decided to wait till something more than early Alpha version will be done.
Sorry for double posting.

I just wanted to say that the work are going forward.
We are still loking for stryline writters.
If you have an ideas for plots, intrigues or any events that make take place in startegic Fallout let us know.

In around six weeks a website dedicated to the project should be opened.