Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Wait, I need some more help now a few hours ago I lost all my stuff after fighting with some guy in the bar at BlackRock, I tried stealing from him but it wasn't in his inventory. I'm now at the vault bunker in New Reno and it says I need a crumpled piece of paper I get at the start of the game, is there anyway to fix this???

EDIT: I found my stuff in Blackrock (my fault) but doesn't have the piece of paper in it
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Forcefield in Hawthorne isn't disabled by the computer, you need to use Repair or Science on the forcefield emitter or destroy it with Explosives.

If it's not in the backpack your stuff is placed into during the duel, then I'd check in Vault City whether you've taken it from the warehouse or the merchants/ storage safes.
You've also mentioned working for Big Louis, so maybe it's in his locker, when he checks your stuff.
You can hack the door without it, but you can't use the radio to progress the main objective.
Forcefield in Hawthorne isn't disabled by the computer, you need to use Repair or Science on the forcefield emitter or destroy it with Explosives.

If it's not in the backpack your stuff is placed into during the duel, then I'd check in Vault City whether you've taken it from the warehouse or the merchants/ storage safes.
You've also mentioned working for Big Louis, so maybe it's in his locker, when he checks your stuff.
You can hack the door without it, but you can't use the radio to progress the main objective.
Hey there people! Keyborudo Gekeko here.

Recently I decided to make the Nevada a little better by removing my voice from it. So, driven by an astonishing amount of autism, I revamped most of the narration with a neural network trained on fallout 2 endings. I am pretty happy with the results.

The endings are now in the translation repo. Wait for a patch, or for Pyran to read my PMs. Which I haven't written yet.
I have no idea where I should put the SPEECH folder in the Nevada folder ( I presume that the speech folder is the folder that adds the narration) I tried to put the folder into the SOUND folder but no dice, I would greatly appreciate assistance. Thank you so much in advance
I have no idea where I should put the SPEECH folder in the Nevada folder ( I presume that the speech folder is the folder that adds the narration) I tried to put the folder into the SOUND folder but no dice, I would greatly appreciate assistance. Thank you so much in advance

Until Pyran makes the patch, the best way is to make a folder named "patch002.dat" in the nevada folder, then put everything from repo into it.
So endings would be in somewhere like "Fallout 2\Nevada Mod (Extended)\patch002.dat\SOUND\SPEECH\NARRATOR\"

Also, there's no Ron Perlman intro - I sent audio track straight to Pyran, instead of making an actual vidya. Endings only. Sorry about that.
Hello, recently I've been playing Fallout Nevada for a while until I've been stopped by a side quest for Big Louis that I've resorted to scouring the internet for a bit for an answer to no avail and had to make an account for NMA to get an answer.

I'm in the section of his quest line where he wants the traitor, Maxon, killed. I've then met the character and wished to settle the issue peacefully and wanted to trade shotguns. At the time I didn't have one so I messed around with other quests until I got one. On my return to New Reno, I saw he wasn't at his usual location so I went back to Big Louis about the quest and saw a dialogue prompt that he was fleeing for Vegas. I checked around Vegas and couldn't find him there.

Maybe I'm just blind and that's my problem, but does anyone where he might have gone? Thanks
It's probably a time-limit issue. Some other quests have that. Do you have a save from before you spoke with him?

Here's what the walkthrough says:

The third quest is to deal with Maxon (a caravan guy) at New Reno. A gatekeeper (little boy near the caravans) will tell you who he is for $50 or by threatening him (or you just ignore the kid). Then you need to interview the caravan people (he is the bald guy) - when you have Perception of 5, you'll find out he is Maxon. The next choice is to kill him or help him escape. But he'll only believe you want to help him with a Speech check (25) (or Charisma 5?). For this we are also going to need a shotgun to make a trade for his. It is a unique shotgun, good at this level, instead of two (2) cartridges it uses five (5). You need this shotgun of his to bring it back to Big Louis so he thinks Maxon is dead.
Until Pyran makes the patch, the best way is to make a folder named "patch002.dat" in the nevada folder, then put everything from repo into it.
So endings would be in somewhere like "Fallout 2\Nevada Mod (Extended)\patch002.dat\SOUND\SPEECH\NARRATOR\"

Also, there's no Ron Perlman intro - I sent audio track straight to Pyran, instead of making an actual vidya. Endings only. Sorry about that.

I made this video to help with that :)
It's probably a time-limit issue. Some other quests have that. Do you have a save from before you spoke with him?

Here's what the walkthrough says:

To answer the responses so far, yes I have a save at the time of the quest but that will be my last option for now. Also, I wouldn't really trust the walkthrough too well because of how unspecific it is at times.

I'm Vegas right now and I've been checking underground and some of the casinos but to no avail did I find the bald man.
Coming with a walkthrough translation (spoilers ahead!)

"He will be in the Monte Casino. His location varies: in the morning and afternoon he is in his room on the second floor, in the evening he can be found in the bar on the first floor."
I checked up on all the locations to make sure the story's straight, and now after talking to Big Louis again it sounds like he's still in New Reno and is about to take a trip to Vegas. Neither in Reno or Vegas I've seen him at all, so at this point I don't know where to go.
I made lots of mistakes on my first playthrough of Nevada. For 1, I wanted to help the tribals. So sneaking upstairs Louis came at me so I did him lol. Then I killed the whole gang. Later in the game when I came across a Trumpet, the penny dropped that Big Louis was Mr Armstrong, so a major character. I plodded on and finished Nevada.
So what I mean is, if you have gone wrong slightly (Or the game has) don't get too fixated on 1 quest.
This is my first time playing Nevada so I don't know if it's a bug or not, but I can't find Balder (Maxson) anywhere. For context, I have the quest from Big Louie to kill Balder (Maxon), I found him, convinced him I was going to help him, except I didn't have a shotgun or rifle to trade for his with and I didn't have enough money to get one. So I left and did other shit, but when I got back he was nowhere to be found. Literally nowhere. I checked every building in reno, every NPC still refers to him as if he didn't move, I even traveled to Vegas and searched everywhere there for him but to no avail. Is this a bug, or is this quest on a time limit? And is there a way to fix this, either through game files or gameplay? Pics below
I recently been made aware from Warlockracy's review of Nevada of previous versions of the game having mods ( I.E crazy edition, etc) and I'm sorry if this question is annoying and has been asked before but do these mods work with the current edition of the English translation version and if so how many mods are there for Nevada and where can I find them. Thank you so much in advance
P.S Here is the review, it is a quite a indepth and good review, great channel
This is my first time playing Nevada so I don't know if it's a bug or not, but I can't find Balder (Maxson) anywhere.
Well according to Keyboard Gecko previously "He will be in the Monte Casino. His location varies: in the morning and afternoon he is in his room on the second floor, in the evening he can be found in the bar on the first floor."
I hope this helps, if you still cannot find him maybe consider either reloading a previous save or to just focus you attentions elsewhere and experience the rest of the game. I am sorry that I cannot help further, good luck.