I will send you some files to translate, right now.Hey guys, whom should I contact if I want to help? I'm a translator by trade, albeit an inexperienced one.
Dear burn I will ask you not to try orginize things by yourself, everything here was held through careful managment.@gorlomi I'll let you know once the system is set up, already working on it.
Look guys. I have a translation system in place. I'm using it for my own mods. I set it up because I loathe doing manually what machines should be doing (like "managing" who gets to translate what, maintaining a glossary, tracking history of changes, sanity checks, encoding/charset issues, progress reports, separating translation from proofreading and other stupid stuff).Dear burn I will ask you not to try orginize things by yourself, everything here was held through careful managment.
Dont misunderstand people the project is still going, we just need fresh force thats all otherwise the project wont get edited, and thats the last thing we want.
Anyone that wish to help please contact me, i will send the files asap and give you recomendations on how to get started, thank you for you time gentelmen.
Thank you for your offer, truly.Look guys. I have a translation system in place. I'm using it for my own mods. I set it up because I loathe doing manually what machines should be doing (like "managing" who gets to translate what, maintaining a glossary, tracking history of changes, sanity checks, encoding/charset issues, progress reports, separating translation from proofreading and other stupid stuff).
It was also used to complete Dangerous Quest translation, which has been in limbo for some time. You can see the result in my signature.
I was approached by @dozen and asked if I could host F:Nevada translation in that system. I can. Obviously, I will only do that if there are people who will use it. So if you want to use the system, let me know. If you don't, that's your business. I'm not forcing anyone.
It is on the public platform already that is right here, we dont have managment issues what we need is translators and editors, everything must be done manualy (we already had issues in the begginig with Github it proved to be managment disaster in this case, also it is worth mentioning that there was an effort to translate this game in the past by other people on the system just like burn has, it was a failure and most files were lost and corrupted, so i dont trust a mashine doing human work)Now I'm not sure I understand what's going on anymore.
Dionis, please, tell me that you're not agaisnt the project being placed on the public platform.
Nope, it isn't. The intermediate results are being published, but that's about it. In case something happens to you (we are all humans, with RL problems) everyone will be left with those exact files, losing all the progress since the moment of your last release. Just check out when was the previous time you'd posted translated files, it was in January, I thinkIt is on the public platform already that is right here
You're using computer to do "human work", you know.it was a failure and most files were lost and corrupted, so i dont trust a mashine doing human work)
I beg your pardon, but I'm not a psychic, I can't see what you're doing and what you aren't, the last time you refered the status of the project you were using the words "dead" and "on hold", so stop that petty bickering please, would you? Thanks.Also youre mistaken, Im not arguing with you because I dont have to nor I have the time, right now im translating you just take the time from the translation.
That's not what you said, what was the second time? Because the first one could have been dealt with if those pals, that got their files corrupted, were savvy enough to organize a public backup system, like githubIve stated the facts i dont care about Github or any other system because they failed twice in the past.
Sounds like both "go to hell" and "do whatever you want". Which was it? I have to repeat my question in a more formal way then (please take it very seriously): are other people allowed to use your files in a public translation service (with all credits provided, of course), or you forbid such actions altogether?if you want truly a mashines work go play Google translation youre most than welcome to try it.
You can take it however you like or however suits you, i suggest you take seriously what you say and what you do when you compare my or other people work with mashine work.Sounds like both "go to hell" and "do whatever you want". Which was it? I have to repeat my question then in a more formal way then (please take it very seriously): are other people allowed to use your files in a public translation service (with all credits provided, of course), or you forbid such actions altogether?
And the work I've put into the translation is, apparently, not my business too. Since you've already decided that there are you and there is me. And we are standing on the opposite sides. Yeah. Not offended. At alland as you said petty bickering well thats not petty and you see and its not bickering its just not your responsibility or any of your business, especially considering we always worked on the project with great respect to this game and delivered, no one gave you the right to question us, or at least you could ask me personally where are the files stored if you were so concerned.
Really? Very mature of you.Second time was when we tried the same thing read before replying.
And what was that for? I have never compared your work with a "machine".i suggest you take seriously what you say and what you do when you compare my or other people work with mashine work.
And if I won't start separately, will you still use mine? Since, you know, I'm not a part of "you" anymore.But if you want to ask for an ok then no I would not like you to use my files, and I wont use yours if you start separately.
Defend? From what??You see speaking formal and defending your work and other people's work is something a project manager does in civil manner.
A game. I don't have a game to test it on. And time, of course, too. To download, install, configure, and walk through it to the right points. That's what I remember saying to you. A pity, that you remember something different. Translators should translate. I suggested you to post public versions in here, thus the people interested could volunteer to test for bugs. Remeber what you'd answered?Because remember you don't have time to test it, and I did while working on my own share of files.
That's a lie.because obviously you forgot I helped you to complete your share of files but you failed to mention and try to use it against me personall
I was about to, after the infrastructure would have been ready and the files properly transfered, but first and foremost I was expecting to recieve an approval from the project leader. But you don't realy care, do you?What about the others that put several hounded of hours more than you, what about them did you ask them before moving the project outside this forum?
Wonderful!No you're not one of us and you'll never will be, I will ask you to leave this thread and not post anything here because it is mine and I didn't created it for petty insults like little girls or lazy.
Oh! I think, I got the reason why that shitstorm has erupted. You just wanted your share of acknowledgment, deservedly or not, that bad that you wouldn't allow anyone to touch the project without making a drama out of it. And doesn't matter what they were really trying to do.And as for your work or I should say our work, then you shouldn't claim it as your work and only then you could speak about lies.
Nice excuse. Good luck convincing yourself with this, bhaha. I won't formally forbid using my translation, nether do I care what you'd do to it anymore, but it was nice to see how much of thought flexibility you had to demonstrate at that one. Just a little penalty for calling me low while being the lowest in this thread.Prove? To who? To you? You got to be kidding me. When speaking of being low again I thought you were not so low to not let me use your files. But I will translate it myself, thank you for your "contribution", or other people will if they want, peeking or not will be their decision but I promise you I personally won't peek I will delete it entirely.
It's nothing worth talking about, forget about it man.Guys, calm down. This is most probably due to lack of understanding one another because of communicating in other language, so just calm down guys.