Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

alright thanks for the answers guys, could anyone recommend me a build? i'm pretty terrible when it comes to creating a character
alright thanks for the answers guys, could anyone recommend me a build? i'm pretty terrible when it comes to creating a character
Nevada is very diverse built game... But I would recommend investing in charisma, intelligence and strength for special, and speech, science and repair for skills, lockpick is very important too and also a doctor so choose between those.
Nevada is very diverse built game... But I would recommend investing in charisma, intelligence and strength for special, and speech, science and repair for skills, lockpick is very important too and also a doctor so choose between those.

Why charisma? Mod has no follower NPCs. Are there many charisma checks to make it worth investing in?
Why charisma? Mod has no follower NPCs. Are there many charisma checks to make it worth investing in?
True no followers, but charisma is the most important special, it's a very dialog heavy game, and there are many things to benefit from it, especially those who wish to play as a female character.
Nevada is little different from other mods and the original in terms of skills and stats, it uses everything even Luck. I always find myself lacking certain build qualities when I play through the game, and it's the same for all different builds. Also I felt that the game is very balanced, I remember I was surprised that just a team of fan modders could make such adjustments.
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Where can I find the missing brahmin? I've been looking all over blackrock and nobody knows anything
Dionis, you tricked me! inside the .09 translation zip is the .08 translation. Also have the items and their descriptions not been translated yet or have I installed the translations wrong? (1.02) btw you and the team have done incredible work. Thank you for spearheading this.

oh and if you know how to sabotage the ranch in new Reno I would be most grateful. I have killed the slaves *and* poisoned the well but to no avail. :mrgreen:
Dionis, you tricked me! inside the .09 translation zip is the .08 translation. Also have the items and their descriptions not been translated yet or have I installed the translations wrong? (1.02) btw you and the team have done incredible work. Thank you for spearheading this.

oh and if you know how to sabotage the ranch in new Reno I would be most grateful. I have killed the slaves *and* poisoned the well but to no avail. :mrgreen:
Well I may have made a mistake in files. But check if you have 1.02 HD not the 1.02 (15).
I will look on the file I have posted and reupload it if I did.
If I remember correctly you can also blow up a barrel in the barn, (I never sabotaged the ranch so I don't know exactly)
I did a fresh install with the link in your profile and now I can read item text! no more using google translate's camera filter for me!
i'm tring to do the vegas qwestline but a lot of it is still in russian you said you only have 1 file left will there be an updated version soon?