Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Finish him.png
By the way , is there a bible nevada or some sort of walkthrough/guide like per's ultimate guide for fo1 and fo2 ?

Also,epic lulz with the pictures posted above.
By the way , is there a bible nevada or some sort of walkthrough/guide like per's ultimate guide for fo1 and fo2 ?

Also,epic lulz with the pictures posted above.
There is sorta incomplete guide in Russian, but I think we will have to do the guide by ourselves, I mean the community )
Can you play as an evil cunt in this mod?
Based on some reception that the mod is fuckton better than Fallout 1.5: Resurrection, and you can play as an evil cunt in that mod, then I'd assume that you can play as an evil cunt in this mod, Jotaro-san.