Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Here is the translation with Black Rock https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebjbquli6h375el/FN Translation v0.04.7z?dl=0 i hope you enjoy! PM me if there is any problem!
Today i did a very stupid thing and i have lost my file count, there is some files i have translated partially and some that i have completed, it does not affect you in any way but it will make my life hell now trying to recount them, this progect just getting more and more difficult to organize.
There is 323 dialog files in total(some of them incomplete) 525 to go, oh man i made a mess out of it!!!
Keep up your good work Dionis, just don't overwork yourself as others mentioned. I'm not really sure I'm going to play this mod yet, but your attitude and hard work is hyping me up!
Keep up your good work Dionis, just don't overwork yourself as others mentioned. I'm not really sure I'm going to play this mod yet, but your attitude and hard work is hyping me up!
It's actually was my intention, to hype people up, for me it's another classic Fallout game, it is masterfully crafted, so I took the translation because I couldn't stand that the rest of the world can't play it, my goal here is totally to spread the word about the game and have more people joining me, first priority is to make a rough translation, and only then we can all start really improve the quality of my translation, I don't work that hard, but I have to keep constant progress, otherwise it will become 2 year project when it can be 4 to 5 months.
Ok people I've recounted the files8-), luckly only 23 files are unfinished some are missing couple of lines while some other have only a few lines translated, I'll deal with them first and only then continue, so I don't make such a mess again. Also while i will be working on this i will polish NPP poseidon and release version update, i know it's almost translated but has some items that are still in russian, just to keep you all happy.
I'm curently working on those incomplete files it won't take too long for me to finish them, Snikers has 100 dialog files fixed and professionaly polished all its left is to check them in the game for bugs and errors, also Johny-17 half finished the map files translation i hope he agrees to do the rest of it, and Owing is tapping the New Reno, so we're at full speed ladies and gentelman
I'm curently working on those incomplete files it won't take too long for me to finish them, Snikers has 100 dialog files fixed and professionaly polished all its left is to check them in the game for bugs and errors, also Johny-17 half finished the map files translation i hope he agrees to do the rest of it, and Owing is tapping the New Reno, so we're at full speed ladies and gentelman
Glad to hear you got some help. You made this all happen Dioness. Keep up the great work guys!
8 unfinished files done, 15 to go
And we have one huge file translated 324 total 524 to go, i can proudly anounce that 1/3 of the game is finished.
All unfinished files have been dealt with8-), plus there is 2 more files done today, 326 totall, 522 to go
Also here is the NPP complete
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ri7c8knqboeogyo/FN Translation v0.05.7z?dl=0 7zip format
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdpn0lcd6guf70o/FN Translation v0.05.zip?dl=0 Zip format
Tomorow I'll start Lovelock translation, and my God it has some of the biggest files in the game, one in particular is the BIGEST, I double checked.
Owing translating New Reno.
Johny-17 agreed to help further and he's translating the map.
Snikers is fixing the Vault City dialog.
And we are waiting for a response from TC1, he helped a lot in the VC and he's much more decent translator than me, we hope he finds time to help us.
Sorry guys, I just got a second job, so my time on the translation is very limited, but i try to work each day, the file I mentioned is very big, and I'm curently working on it.
Snikers made a lot of progress, he almost finished the VC and he is now working on Gerlach
Lovelock translation is coming in a few days, also Owing has done some files in Reno and Johny-17 has finished the map translation, by the time I have the next update Ii hope Snikers will finish Gerlach text
Hey people, just wanted to tell you that Snikers has done Gerlach text correction he is doing Black Rock now, Johny-17 has finished the map translation (he doesent even know russian, imagine the work the guy has done), Owing has done several huge boss files in Reno(sorry i dont do files update no more its just that my work takes too much of my time) and also i have something special to anounce, it seems our humble translation have been noticed by a very talented Youtuber he is very passionate classic Fallout fan that will relese a video very soon about Fallout of Nevada and will help spreading the word about it, his chanel is called
Please feel free to visit his channel, watch videos, leave a like and subscribe
Do you have that translated interface?, If you do please send it to me I will include it it the next Lovelock update
Thank you .Pixote., even though the interface is not complete it serves as a nice eye candy for the begining, I have to find a programm that works on FRM files though, also I cant be sure how acurate this google translation is, since its was translated by a system, thank you anyway the translation is coming I have a day off today and i have worked for 10 hours already (Lovelock has a lot of surprises for a tribal camp), I'm just trying to get it done faster so I can join Owing on Reno translation.