Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

If you provide the right translation, I'm sure people here can help with updating/changing the artwork accordingly.
Thank you .Pixote., even though the interface is not complete it serves as a nice eye candy for the begining, I have to find a programm that works on FRM files though, also I cant be sure how acurate this google translation is, since its was translated by a system, thank you anyway the translation is coming I have a day off today and i have worked for 10 hours already (Lovelock has a lot of surprises for a tribal camp), I'm just trying to get it done faster so I can join Owing on Reno translation.
I just checked the interface files from the archive @.Pixote. provided and it seems very complete. The only two interface "menus" I could find needing work are not ingame but in the start menu (they are in the the options menus), it's these two:

Ingame all the other menus I could see were translated (Pipboy, maps, character sheet [ingame and making a new character], picking a premade character, inventory window, barter, targeted attacks, etc).
I dwell with amateur graphic stuff for fun so I could probably be able to make those graphics in english if someone provided a translation of what all of those words in my screenshots mean. I never did anything Fallout or fallout 2 graphic related before but I think I could learn it easily (to be honest I am already reading a few things at the moment).

I came by before to offer my help with correcting or helping correct the english text, but by then there was already announced that professional help was already available and that was much better than what I could offer (my first language is not English).

By the way thanks you so much for your hard work @Dionis and at everyone else who volunteered and joined after and is working or have worked on this. You guys are awesome.

EDIT: Ok using a bit of Google Fu and common sense I managed to translate the small options menu from the first picture. By my research (and based on what the buttons do) it translates to "Game Settings" for the top option and "Display Settings" for the lower option. Now I will try to find the original image files from the Fallout of Nevada files and see if I can copy them and edit the copies into English and stuff. If I manage to do that then I am confident I can do the rest :ok:.
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Risewild thank you for offering help, youre just in time, we can work on this together ( but im warning you everyone starts with great passion but this whole process is getting very frustrating and tiresome after a while and it takes many hours of your free time if not all of it, so be warned please) Just PM me and send me whatever text you need translated i will get it done so you can do your magic(i did searched for FRM files editor too and i have found the right programm it seems very very complicated) I am looking forward for news from you.
Also people there is only 8 files left for Lovelock, ofcourse there is still quest translation, item translation and other stuff but we are almost done on this settlement
I am an idiot :aiee:. After spending more than one hour opening image files one by one I realized that those untranslated menus are from the High Res mod and the text is not in a FRM file. So it is easy to just revert them into english... >_> What an idiot.
So I don't know if there is any more interface files that need working on so I am not sure what help I can give.
That video play didn't have the translated interface artwork, that was finished years ago.

Hey Pixote, please tell me do you know who made google translatio? Also i've seen you have worked on this progect in the past, do you know if there was any attempts at translationg this game before, also i saw many other famous moders in the credits like Killap that i see around this forum very often, havent you guys been proposed translating this game with the devs before?
I did a Google translation, that's why it read very badly...human translation is the only way to get a proper reading. I recommend for those who translate, just take your time and keep it enjoyable, burnout is a real problem with modding.
I did a Google translation, that's why it read very badly...human translation is the only way to get a proper reading. I recommend for those who translate, just take your time and keep it enjoyable, burnout is a real problem with modding.
Do you know anything about your translation compability with v1.02 ? I have noticed some things just dont work with new version i dont know why(i just need graphical stuff, the dialog i will translate myself anyway)
Ok all dialog in Lovelock is finaly done, 349 files have been done total, 499 left to go
I still need to translate quest descriptions and item descriptions, but it wont take too much time, i should have it ready by tomorow and after that i will drop the link for next update download
Do you know anything about your translation compability with v1.02 ? I have noticed some things just dont work with new version i dont know why(i just need graphical stuff, the dialog i will translate myself anyway)

Just toss the old translation in the bin, I only passed that over because it came bundled with the artwork...
Do you know anything about your translation compability with v1.02 ? I have noticed some things just dont work with new version i dont know why(i just need graphical stuff, the dialog i will translate myself anyway)
After I got the 1.02 running (thanks again @Dionis ) I noticed that the english interface in @.Pixote. file was reverting some of the new Fallout of Nevada's custom graphics like the inventory screen (in Fallout of Nevada the inventory screen is black but the files revert it to the vanilla Fallout 2 style for example).
But I started checking the mod's files and found that the mod contains english versions of the interface already :dance:.
Here is what you can do to get most of the interface in english.
  1. First lets use the file @.Pixote. so nicely shared
  2. Then copy the intrface folder into your Fallout of Nevada art folder (it should look like this after you copied it: *Fallout of Nevada directory*\data\art\intrface)
  3. Now if you go into the mod's files you will find a folder named interface and that is the folder containing all the english files. It is located in: *Fallout of Nevada directory*\master.dat\art\interface
  4. Now all you have to do is copy all the files in that interface folder into the intrface one that is in your mod's \data\art\ folder (the one you made in step 2) overwriting all the files it asks to
  5. Now the game should have most things in english and with the custom black interface graphics too
To translate the High-Resolution settings menus from the start screen all you have to do is replace the ScrnSet.msg file (found in: *Fallout of Nevada directory*\f2_res.dat\text\english\game) with the original from the High-Resolution patch (it should come with your Fallout 2 game if it is from GOG.com).

If you don't have the High-Resolution patch already, you can get it from this thread. Just make sure you download the patch for Fallout 2 and not for Fallout 1 ;-). After you downloaded the file from that thread and extracted it, you will want the ScrnSet.msg file that is found in the Extras folder (do not use the one in the Hi-res text translations\Russian because logically that one is also in russian :lol:).

That should cover most of the Fallout of Nevada's interface. The only things I found that are not translated are the Pipboy Auto Map "switch" "Hi" and "Lo" and the "categories" from the "inventory sorter" function that the mod contains:

I have been looking at the image files but I don't seem to be able to find those options in them. I am starting to suspect that they might also not be images (.FRM) but maybe are text files (.msg), just like in the High-Resolution patch menu's case. :scratch:

Anyway, I hope this post helps someone. :postviper:
I just wanted to say that you're awesome, you know? You Dionis and all the good guys who are working with you on the translation.
I shared the news about your Fallout:Nevada translation on wykop (that's polish reddit) and got 39 pluses. Nice.
When Fallout 1.5 came out it made it to the front page very quickly and got over 500 pluses.
I'm sure that F:Nevada will be a huge success too, but probably it will be even bigger.

Keep up the good work and good luck! Fans love you.
Risewild thank you my friend, there is also some cities names on the map interface that need translating
Sagez thank you for spreading the word around, im happy that polish community is so exited about this
Just give some time gentelmen, im getting the next update ready(just came from work)
Ok update done plus two more files today 351 total, 497 to go

Here is the game itself i see many people have trouble finding it https://yadi.sk/d/KD355BMjmfcx5 you only need to install Fallout of Nevada 1.02 exe

Here is our latest translation https://www.dropbox.com/s/9n7fl44hcw0voqj/FN Translation v0.06.zip?dl=0 instructions are in readme file

I wont make a guide for this town because i dont want to spoil anything anymore, from now on you're on your own

If there is any problem let me know please, i hope you enjoy!

Tomorow I'll get my set up ready for New Reno and will join Owing on that beast ( I think it has most of the game files but i might be wrong so the time for next update is going to be very long)
Risewild thank you my friend, there is also some cities names on the map interface that need translating
Sagez thank you for spreading the word around, im happy that polish community is so exited about this
Just give some time gentelmen, im getting the next update ready(just came from work)
I will see what I can do about the map names. I will need to find them ingame to have an idea but my saves got corrupted (this computer is broken and I have the feeling the HDD is getting bad too) so I will have to start the game again.
You did a great job, I'm glad to be a part of this awesome team that created this game, even if my work represents very small and humble portion in all this, thank you!