Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

dont know, Nevada dont need original game to run, so maybe this is different ...

i donwloaded russian torrent with Nevada 3.0 CE (file has 900 MB), dont use any other version of game

my dir with Nevada looks so:

and this is dir with original F2 and megamod :
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Did I omit something or is it impossible to translate the Crazy Edition with the translation files that are available atm?

I don't know anything about the Crazy Edition. I have no reason to think that the translation files we've provided won't be compatible, but there will surely be some dialogue files in the CE that we don't have. In addition, if the CE added any lines to dialogue files, then there's a good chance our file will break when a script calls for a line that doesn't exist in our version.
Hi, I tried following your instructions by doing steps described below:
1. Extracted Nevada f2_res.dat and MASTER.DAT using at Explorer 1.43 by Dims
2. Extracted all the translation files, replacing all appropriate files in the master.dat and f2_res.dat folders
3. Replaced NCEldHgB.msg in texts in master.dat
4. Removed the original f2_res.dat and MASTER.DAT files and put folders prepared earlier
4. Launched the game without problem however...

After doing all this the menu, UI and dialog text remained in Russian (even though I found that at least some of them where translated in the master.dat folder). The only thing that may be in English are the subtitles in the intro but they are displayed as boxes - I haven't found settings concerning the character set used.

Did I omit something or is it impossible to translate the Crazy Edition with the translation files that are available atm?

Since I was first to test Dionis translation on Nevada CE (So proud of myself:))I could tell you step by step how to install it.(Parto figured it out on his own it's that easy) I think Dionis would be pissed though because as far as I understood him correctly He wanted to polish translation to near perfection and then release it.
Since Dionis and his team did fantastic job and their translation works flawlessly on Nevada CE which is much better version of the game maybe Pyran should consider doing installers for both versions.

I know I am asking for too much but please try to understand me. Black Designer and his team created Nevada that is pretty much a mix of Fallout 2 and New Vegas. NO ONE WILL MAKE GAME AS GOOD AS THIS MOD.
We need to play the shit out of this mod otherwise our lives won't be complete. I think Parto and me will get along and we will try to help people to install the translation on Nevada CE. I am just waiting for Dionis to say YES.
sure can help, if needed, but there could be problems ...

e.g. F2 megamod runs on SFALL 3.7b
Last Hope runs on SFALL 3.7.3
Nevada runs on SFALL ?
and finally Nevada CE runs on SFALL2 v.1.8

so please dont install any mod on other, i have 3 different mods in my PC and it runs without problem, if they are separated

on the other side, english texts (version that i have) only replace text files so there isnt any difference for Nevada and Nevada CE, if you replace in the right directory:

1. for Nevada 1.02 its in ...FalloutOfNevada\master.dat\text

2. for Nevada CE its in ...Fallout Nevada (Crazy Edition)\DATA\text
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so Pyrran made some changes in original Nevada and you can download updated 1.02+ version here:

and finally my contribution to fallout anniversary:

Megamod party:

Nevada CE party:

Nevada possible titles:
Why you didn't steal the car? This is Fallout!
If you can kill it, steal it, destroy it then just do it!

Sergeant Graves just disappeared after I left the Vault. How much charisma your char have?
this time i played good woman character with 10 CHA and yes he left party if you finish game, but if you tell the guy that you dont have the device, he throws you out of vault with whole party ... so you can play :D

and if you play good char, you can discover some things in the story, that are unique, no they dont change anything, but its just interesting ...

e.g. Sheriff in SL told you about his deal with Soul Reaper, you can reprogram disc from robot for Tuco, that it looks like rider attack ...

P.S. robot and sergant dont follow on the worldmap, just in VC ... so this party was just for the picture :D
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@Parto thanks for the tip :
1. for Nevada 1.02 its in ...FalloutOfNevada\master.dat\text
2. for Nevada CE its in ...Fallout Nevada (Crazy Edition)\DATA\text​

That was exactly what I was doing wrong (I had the translation files from a zip file "Translation V0.1.zip" , not the installer and they had a different file structure, everything went to the data and appearance folders, no need to export original .dat files).
Everything seems translated, still have squares instead of letters in the intro subtitles, but I read the transcript from the file :)
@Parto thanks for the tip :
1. for Nevada 1.02 its in ...FalloutOfNevada\master.dat\text
2. for Nevada CE its in ...Fallout Nevada (Crazy Edition)\DATA\text​

That was exactly what I was doing wrong (I had the translation files from a zip file "Translation V0.1.zip" , not the installer and they had a different file structure, everything went to the data and appearance folders, no need to export original .dat files).
Everything seems translated, still have squares instead of letters in the intro subtitles, but I read the transcript from the file :)
this time i played good woman character with 10 CHA and yes he left party if you finish game, but if you tell the guy that you dont have the device, he throws you out of vault with whole party ... so you can play :D

and if you play good char, you can discover some things in the story, that are unique, no they dont change anything, but its just interesting ...

e.g. Sheriff in SL told you about his deal with Soul Reaper, you can reprogram disc from robot for Tuco, that it looks like rider attack ...

P.S. robot and sergant dont follow on the worldmap, just in VC ... so this party was just for the picture :D

That is weird cause Robot followed me on to Reno alright, maybe it's that I killed those guards.
if i could identify variable for sergeant, then its possible that he follows too, this could be interesting and much more difficult to play, i mean keep them all alive whole game :D

so Foxx today release Crazy Edition final version 3.3

download is here:


I have used proto editor to look for some weapons that I missed in my playthrough and it seems that I have missed half of them. There should be Scorpion Armor too, but when I killed Legendary Scorpion there were no parts to craft it. Also AP ammo doesn't do jack shit. I find it impossible to kill Legendary Scorpions with fast shot trait.
Inability to hit them in the limbs so they run away makes it hard as fuck.
Also i couldn't kill Earth dragons in Uranium City. They have 300hp there is 3 of them and they hit hard and crits all the time while hiding in ground and regenerating. Psycho doesn't help as it's nerfed.

It is a suprise for me that there's something that i just can not kill. Fresh experience.
fast shot is good, but you should use energy veapons or big ones, those critters i killed with super sledge and melee character on my first play, second play i used energy pistols and one hander trait,
if you wish different damage for AP, then you must edit cfg and pick upgraded table for it (not 0), this is in ddraw.ini file:

Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;0 - Fallout 2 default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;2 - Glovz's Damage Fix with Damage Multiplier tweak
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod (require modified pro-files/use AmmoFile with a configured ini-file)

;Allows you to edit the ammo data for DamageFormula, point at an ini file containing the replacement ammo data
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english translation is the same as for Nevada 1.02, just replace files in the Nevada CE dir with those from instalator, if you dont have it, try contact someone from translating team, cause final version of translation isnt released ... and for Nevada CE isnt this 100% compatible, you will have some things in russian and some dialogue options, names and descriptions missing ...
i dont understand what should be better in this final version, for me its the worst Nevada i played, cause half of addons from 3.2 are missing, the game dont use any setup (ini file), some functions of the game are disabled and cant be used at all ... so :scratch: maybe impossible difficulty for freaks ? :D
Two questions:

1: metal detector doesn't work at all, got 100% outdoorsman, and still can;t find nothing, even with FAQ
2: Main plot: Train is repaired but i have no destiny to drive ;D
i dont understand what should be better in this final version, for me its the worst Nevada i played, cause half of addons from 3.2 are missing, the game dont use any setup (ini file), some functions of the game are disabled and cant be used at all ... so :scratch: maybe impossible difficulty for freaks ? :D

Sounds like something for me. Don't have the time to play though.
Two questions:

1: metal detector doesn't work at all, got 100% outdoorsman, and still can;t find nothing, even with FAQ
2: Main plot: Train is repaired but i have no destiny to drive ;D

which version ?
1. metal detector need upgrade, without it you must really know where its, try use it under sign Las Vegas, if you cant find gold poker chip, then something is wrong
2. destination for train you obtain after attack at VC, so first you must meet Jay at Hawthorne, obtain Mysterious Device, then go back to VC and only then you go to train through Battle Moutain, where you need to stop and use comp...
When I use Sfall 3.8.4 (just the DLL with the same ddraw.ini) the game occasionally slows down a bit. Any ideas why that happens?
original game use this one and ddraw graphics, CE use Sfall 2 and directx graphics ...
hard to say whats you problem, try lower bit colors and resolution, if it helps