It Wandered In From the Wastes

1. there are 3 things to do and you must do it in the same day so best have stealtboy or high enough skills for it ...
- steal case from safe
- plot poisoned beer on guests
- use tommy gun in casino - not need to kill anyone just shoot at someone and sneak into stairs down, use balaclava
2. you need metal detector, i think machette is somewhere near houses on east side of new reno station map, then with flamethrower fuel and rotgut you could clean it on repair table - more XP if you then bring it to him
- steal case from safe
- plot poisoned beer on guests
- use tommy gun in casino - not need to kill anyone just shoot at someone and sneak into stairs down, use balaclava
2. you need metal detector, i think machette is somewhere near houses on east side of new reno station map, then with flamethrower fuel and rotgut you could clean it on repair table - more XP if you then bring it to him
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